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Napoleon Dynamite

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I'm going to venture to guess that the one-liners will make ND better with multiple viewings. Overall, I liked it, but I feel for the people that didn't. There were parts that were straight boring. That's bad. Those scenes where someone says something and then stares... fans defend silent stares as "dry humor", but they weren't funny. No plot isn't humorous, it's poor writing. If it's intentional, it's lazy writing. The movie was like an 11 track CD with 6 good songs, and you literally could skip the boring shit without missing the "plot".


Also, Rushmore SUCKED. The word "handjob" isn't THAT funny.


Finally, that article was an insult to Seinfeld, and it's writers. A show about nothing? Absolutely. Plot-less? No way. Remotely comparable to Napoleon Dynamite? Not a chance in hell.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I'm watching this movie and it reminds me of people from here.

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Guest wildpegasus

The movie was great overall.



It's an interesting movie to talk about. It's got its boring parts (necessary somewhat) but overall it's a movie where the more you think about it the more you like it. Several moments stand out from it and have you chuckling long after the movie is all over. So for that I give it high marks. Yeah, and Deb is adoringly hot.




The whole dance scene is one of the funniest things I've ever seen and more than make up for any boring parts.


"I like your sleeves" was my favourite quote of the movie.

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Guest Fishyswa

The best thing about this movie was how bland it was, no flare, no flash, and yet I was into it the whole way through. I didn't find anything boring, it all seemed to have purpose.


I want to say people don't get it, but there's really no it to get, you just appreciate what it is or you don't, I did.

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Again, it comes down to whether you know these people in real life. My Napoleon Dynamite was named Tony Gamboa. Which I think is just as funny a name as Napoleon Dynamite.

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I liked it pretty well, more than whatever Wes Anderson stuff I've seen. There was a lot of really out of nowhere humor in it, some of which cracked me up (Nap doing the bike jump and crashing) and some of it just baffled me (the farmer shooting the cow in front of the school kids).


I swear some of this movie reminded me of Beavis and Butthead. There was a deleted scene with Nap and Pedro dicking around in the store, where they hide the suit Nap wanted, then go to a 7-11 type store and try to buy lotto tickets. I was thinking "Man this is straight out of a Beavis and Butthead episode."

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Its better to watch it stoned than not.


The funniest thing was Napoleon jumping over the fence and how he lands...and the tots.

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"Napoleon Dynamite" was absolutely horrible.


Bar none, the worst movie I have ever watched in my 18 years on this earth.

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"Napoleon Dynamite" was absolutely horrible.


Bar none, the worst movie I have ever watched in my 18 years on this earth.

You guys are retarded.

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There was some really funny shit though, I liked Napoleon constantly talking about his lack of skills and all that. I've actually heard conversations like that, haha.

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Guest Angora Jellyfish

It was incredibly accurate portraying adolescent and/or nerd mannerisms, so I call it "good impressionist syndrome." i.e. A person who can do a good Tony Montana impersonation always gets laughs at the company xmas party. Napoleon Dynamite gets the same type of laughs when people see the dead-on and no doubt familiar aspects of early youth (Napoleon's compulsive lying, wooing a girl through stalking her home with a cake, saying silly shit like "Bred for it's magic" or whatever).


So, because we all "remember those days,"or "know someone like that" it's funny? No it's not, so stop fucking laughing.

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Guest Fishyswa

^Hahahaha, I love how some people actually seem angry that they didn't enjoy it.

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I like being told to stop fucking laughing when I watch a movie that I like because some people are that fucking close-minded.


*goes to watch Napolean Dynamite*

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I really didn't know anyone like Napoleon Dynamite in HS. He tries to be a bit too hip for a total dork. I do remember some Beavis and Butthead types, but I think it was mostly people emulating B & B freshman year.

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There were parts that were straight boring. That's bad. Those scenes where someone says something and then stares... fans defend silent stares as "dry humor", but they weren't funny. No plot isn't humorous, it's poor writing. If it's intentional, it's lazy writing.


Finally, that article was an insult to Seinfeld, and it's writers. A show about nothing? Absolutely. Plot-less? No way. Remotely comparable to Napoleon Dynamite? Not a chance in hell.


You're not the first person I've hear complain there was no plot. Except that there was.


The plot was that Napoleon was trying to get a girlfriend, and Pedro was trying to become president.


I don't see how so many people can continually miss that.

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You're not the first person I've hear complain there was no plot.  Except that there was.


The plot was that Napoleon was trying to get a girlfriend, and Pedro was trying to become president.


I don't see how so many people can continually miss that.


Because just when you think you've figured out what the plot is, they spend like 20 minutes without ever mentioning it?


Overall, I thought it had its moments but that it wasn't very good overall. And honestly, the only reason I even tried watching is because everybody at work swore I reminded them of Kip.


And the're right, but that doesn't make it a good movie.

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Because just when you think you've figured out what the plot is, they spend like 20 minutes without ever mentioning it?


You know what you call it when people in the movie mention the plot? Exposition.


A movie shouldn't have to keep mentioning the plot. Plots should happen, not be talked about.

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I can't understand why you wouldn't like this film. The simplicity of the plot see sawing between Pedro/Napoleon and his uncle/brother was good. I think I enjoyed it because it was a mirror of we foreigners' views of you American types.

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Upon watching the movie again,

the dance sequence near the end with Napoleon is one of the greatest ever recorded in cinematic history. Come on, he even does it while wearing fucking MOONBOOTS!



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