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Lord of The Curry

South Park inspired me to post this question

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So I'm watching the episode tonight about the Tooth Fairy and the kids finding out about her not being real.


So, when did the fantasy barrier get blown the fuck up for you? I found out about Santa when I was aboot 8, quite a shock at the time. Assumptions about said Fairy and The Easter Bunny soon followed.

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Guest T®ITEC

Uh, I can't imagine that I was older than 7 or 8, myself. Probably younger. All the fantasties came down at about the same time, though.

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Guest Nanks

Found out when I was 7 but played along for a couple more years to keep getting money for teeth and easter egg hunts, etc.

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Santa, when i was around 7 i guess, when i started school pretty much. You always heard the older kids talk about it.


I too played along for a couple more years until they told me so i could help fooling my brother. The circle waaaaas compleeeeeeteeeeee......


Easter Bunny and any other crap i never really paid attention to.

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I can't remember how old I was, but some kid at school was saying how the Tooth Fairy wasn't real. After a little soul searching, it dawned on me that that meant that the Easter Bunny and Santa probably weren't real, either.

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When I was about 13, my mom said, "You know there's no Santa, right?" just sort of in passing, as we were loading the car up to go to my grandmother's.


"Yup," I said, having just sort of assumed about seven years earlier.


Little did I know that my older brother, who's somewhat developmentally delayed, had to be sat down and have it explained to him around the same age, and was in denial for a few years after. He still talks bitterly about having been told "The Truth."

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Tooth Fairy: This one time I lost a tooth, then LOST the tooth, but still got money

Santa: As I got older, more of the presents started being from my parents and less from Santa. Plus, I started actually thinking about it.

Easter Bunny: Never really gave him enough thought to believe in him

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The realization about Santa came about when I was 7 or 8. The presents from Santa were wrapped in similar paper and tags as all the others, so that's when it dawned on me.


Around the same time I figured the Tooth Fairy and Easter Bunny weren't real either, but I kept playing along for years after because, hey, it meant free money, candy, etc.

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

I always kinda suspected; while most Gentile kids are anxious about a fat fuck sliding down a chimney, i was ready to call the cops & have his ass arrested if it were true. Fell asleep, didn't open ANY of the presents until New Year's as a protest. But I think it all went to hell the Christmas after i just turned 8. i got a book ("Wrestling's Greatest Grudge Matches" or something) that had a reciept with my mom's name on it.

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Realized Santa, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny weren't real when I was 7. I just looked at my mom and said "Santa's not real" and went back to playing Street Fighter II.

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I think I was about 4 when my grandpa dawned the Santa suit to give me my presents. The thing is, a week or two earlier, my mom brought me to the mall to visit the Santa there to ask for all the stuff I wanted. At that point I had to conclude that either Santa was capable of changing his looks, voice and ethnicity or the whole Santa thing was a fraud.

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I found out via a Calvin and Hobbes strip that had the father dropping a big present on his foot and his mother telling him not to wake Calvin up. I was 9 at the time, and wept for three days.

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I was around 8...I'm really not sure, to be honest.


I don't even remember ever being told...though the fact that I found my Christmas gift under my parent's bed kinda tipped me off.


I do recall being sternly warned not to tell my younger sister, though.

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I can't recall any specific time that i found out/was told about Santa, the Easter Bunny or anything like that, so it clearly didn't have enough of an effect on me to bother remembering. As long as i kept getting the presents and monetary benefits i doubt i really gave a shit.

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Guest Nanks
I figured out the Easter Buny, Santa, and Jesus were all fake in one day. Never let your kids watch TV alone and let them think about what they are watching.

What were you watching when you were that young that made you decide Jesus was fake??? It's one thing to decide he was just a person, not a Deity, but totally fake is a big jump.

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I don't remember how old I was, but I found out about Santa when I found Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan Wrestling Buddies in my basement. I am pretty sure I never believed in the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy.

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Easter Bunny: The year Genesis was released. Lesson: never go downstairs to tell your parents goodnight on a holiday eve.


The rest i have no clue on, but probably about that same time.



EDIT: Hogan & Warrior Wrestling Buddies?! Rawk.

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I didn't find out about santa until i was 14 and in my country(Dominican Republic) we don't have the tooth fairy or easter bunny.

That's because you're not a fucking badass like the L-A-Z.

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I was NEVER told about that directly. I found out on my own. I always saw the cliche' Santa Claus coming down chimneys. Well, I live in a damn apartment. Where the hell is Santa's fat ass gonna come down from, my fire escape? So, I immediately told myself, Santa ain't real. My parents noticed that, and eventually, I went with them Xmas shopping.


My sister, on the other hand, found out later.

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