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The OAO Raw IS Diva SearcHHH thread

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Guest Quik

Isn't WWE trying to cut costs? I mean, c'mon... how much paper can you waste over a 9th title reign?

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I didn't see the PPV last night- did HHH win relatively cleanly, or was it routine?

Evo came out, Orton fought them off, Orton takes stiff chairshot to the head, pedigree on the chair, it's over.

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Guest Quik

And when the ratings dops, they'll balem it on Jericho winning the IC belt.


Orton count down. 3-2-1...

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What's the odds Orton's inside?

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And when the ratings dops, they'll balem it on Jericho winning the IC belt.


Orton count down. 3-2-1...

You do know it's kind of hard for ratings to drop...when youre' still constantly watching. :P

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Guest Quik



A cake with pyro?


Someone should draw a smiley face on HHH's ass.

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