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The OAO Raw IS Diva SearcHHH thread

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Guest fanofcoils

Orton feuds with HHH, that is it, why should I care? HHH hasn't even beat him up to perhaps make us feel sympathetic towards Orton.

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Orton feuds with HHH, that is it, why should I care? HHH hasn't even beat him up to perhaps make us feel sympathetic towards Orton.

..Evidently you didn't read the Unforgiven results did you?


And the repeated drilling from JR that Orton 'was cheated'.

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Guest fanofcoils

I still don't get why we should care about a bad guy if he gets kicked out of a bad guy group and wants revenge, and how does that turn him into a good guy?

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Something I just thought of that I would have found funny...


If insted of Orton coming out of the cake...Chyna came out and attacked HHH.



You think you can tell us what to do


You think you can tell us what to wear


You think you're ready


Well you better get ready to bow to the masters



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Guest fanofcoils

Orton is a bad guy (bad guy who got kicked out of bad guy group = still bad guy) who got cheated. That doesn't make him a good guy. They need to do something else.

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Something I just thought of that I would have found funny...


If insted of Orton coming out of the cake...Chyna came out and attacked HHH.



You think you can tell us what to do


You think you can tell us what to wear


You think you're ready


Well you better get ready to bow to the masters



Oh great, you're giving them ideas...

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Guest Quik

Benoit and Regal wanna hook up? OMG~! Benoit is like totally going steady with Woman! If he does that, then he's just a man-whore!

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Guest TheLastBoyscout
Uh, when the fuck did Robert change to...Robair?

It's spelled the same way. It's a bastardized French pronounciation.

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Orton is a bad guy (bad guy who got kicked out of bad guy group = still bad guy) who got cheated. That doesn't make him a good guy. They need to do something else.

Who knows? When the Dudley Boyz 'kicked Spike out of the group' he became a good guy, same thing happens here.


I suppose it's WWE logic. And the fact is, it works...all those people that were cheering ORton..were cheering him because he's a bad guy who got kicked out of a bad guy group, but they see that as a good guy. So whatever.

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