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The OAO Raw IS Diva SearcHHH thread

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Guest DeathBecomesYou
Yeah, Jerry Lawler can go fuck himself.


Seriously, what the fuck was with his commentary during the women's match? He shouldn't be commentating womens matches, ever. I don't care what they do, but he hurts every womens match, so shut him up.

Agreed, somebody get Dave Prazak to do the commentary.

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Yeah, Jerry Lawler can go fuck himself.


Seriously, what the fuck was with his commentary during the women's match? He shouldn't be commentating womens matches, ever. I don't care what they do, but he hurts every womens match, so shut him up.

I think two-thirds of the women being awful workers hurts the matches a little bit more.

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Guest fanofcoils
Holy crap..what is up with you and your Orton hating? (Yea, I know I keep replying to your post but whatever ) But seriously...I don't really have a problem with it...but..no one mentions Orton for like a few pages...and then all of a sudden you seem to come up with a random 'I hate Orton' one liner, just worded differently each time.


I've been Orton hating this whole thread.

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HBK is a face, Jericho is a face, so they won't argue much. Tomko/Christian vs HBK/Jericho? Don't care, just another good match that means nothing.

Just like another constantly complaining internet poster that means nothing

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It would be great if Kane just came out, and destroyed the Highlight Reel set

"Tonight Highlight Reel, you will face....Kane!"

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Guest fanofcoils
constantly complaining internet poster that means nothing


Nothing wrong with constantly complaining. Good matches that mean nothing, well you could watch them and get into them and have your fun, but they are still nothing special. Wow Tomko and Christian just came out, how shocking!

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Christian- "I've just come from the back with Eric Bischoff, and he told me tonight, you 2 will face....KANE!!!"

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Guest DeathBecomesYou
Yeah, Jerry Lawler can go fuck himself.


Seriously, what the fuck was with his commentary during the women's match? He shouldn't be commentating womens matches, ever. I don't care what they do, but he hurts every womens match, so shut him up.

I think two-thirds of the women being awful workers hurts the matches a little bit more.

Sad but true, when Nidia and Stacy are regular "wrestlers", they must really be scraping the barrell. Even Alexis Laree would be a welcome addition right now.

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Guest fanofcoils

Christian is just like Orton. Christian is likable in his character right now (just like Orton was as a heel), but not enough to be successful as a face, just like Orton.

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