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Guest Loss

Taboo Tuesday

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Guest Loss

1. Do you think it will be worked? Will the challenger be the guy that gets the most votes or will it be a worked vote? If the buyrate is low, how will they blame it on the challenger if the audience actually voted him into that spot?


Veddy interesting.


2. Who do you think will realistically get the most votes? Benoit? Michaels? Jericho? Eugene? Orton? I'm pretty sure it would be one of the first three, but I don't know which of the first three.


Any predictions?

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Guest The Last Free Voice

This PPV will most likely bomb, i think. Will there be enough people home on a tuesday night to buy? I mean, don't most of you adult people have lives?


... Wait, who am I asking here...


Anyway, odds are if it's not worked, HBK will get the shot, because he's ungodly popular for some reason.

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Guest Loss

Hmm, I'd say Michaels is most likely to get the shot if it *is* worked actually. It seems like Benoit or Jericho would be more likely to get that match, and if it's worked, Benoit, and if it's not worked, Jericho. It could certainly swing in HBK's direction though.


I'm thinking we're getting Shawn v Christian on the undercard on that show though, but we'll see.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

I don't follow WWE too closely anymore, so my call was just based on the teenage fanbase at my high school... which may actually be a decent little cross section... They like HBK, Undertaker, your typical mark stuff... Maybe I should see who THEY'D vote for...


Bah, why bother. It's gonna end up with Orton getting the shot anyway.

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It'll probably end up being the fan-insulting thing WCW did in July 2000:


Asking fans to vote on WCW.Com on who should fight Booker T for the WCW Title, Sting wins the poll, but on his way to the ring, Goldberg destroys him and takes the shot.

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Guest Loss

Perhaps. If they use an honest-to-God voting system, Orton will NOT get the title shot. That I can pretty much guarantee. I'm actually hoping for Paul Heyman to do his typical Heyman thing he did in 2001, where he booked RAW one night and e-mailed the WWE feedback address the next day under about 500 different e-mail addresses raving about the show.

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Guest The Last Free Voice
Perhaps. If they use an honest-to-God voting system, Orton will NOT get the title shot. That I can pretty much guarantee. I'm actually hoping for Paul Heyman to do his typical Heyman thing he did in 2001, where he booked RAW one night and e-mailed the WWE feedback address the next day under about 500 different e-mail addresses raving about the show.

... He did that? wow. But you don't think Orton will get the shot? If not I guess they will do the whole No more shots-Win Royal Rumble- WrestleMania thing...

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Guest Loss

I'm expecting Bischoff to refuse to give Orton a title shot, Orton win the Rumble and face HHH at Mania. Of course, things could change if they give up on him between now and then.


And yes, others picked up on the fact that Heyman was doing that and other writers started doing the same thing on their ideas as well. That was the game in 2001 -- to suggest a segment and then e-mail feedback under various names and talk about how great it was.

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The real question: Why should we care who gets the shot?


Honestly, if it isn't worked, then I really don't think there's ANY chance that the WWE is gonna put the belt on someone who the fans just voted for out of the blue.

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Guest Loss



The question being asked:


Who do you think will get the shot? Basically, what I am asking you tell me is who you think is the most over babyface on RAW? Is it Michaels, Benoit or Jericho?

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Again, just from conversations with the "general fanbase" it's Micheals. Jericho is close, but HBK is uber over. I don't know WHY he is... but he is.

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Whoever 'the fans' decide on as the challenger for the Raw title, do you think that he'll lose clean, given that that will further push the idea that fans shouldn't get behind someone because he's not good enough to win the big one ? Or do you think whoever gets the shot will be protected, in order to not totally destroy the fans faith ?

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Guest The Last Free Voice

I got that, I thought he meant even if they didn't count Orton wouldn't get the shot... I think... Now I'm confused...

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Guest Anglesault
The fans will probably get a list of 4 candidates and WWE will do everything in their power to make 1 get all of the votes, probably Orton.

Orton on top is ALOT like Angle's face run on top. I have a feeling that they're not going to pull the plug as quickly as they did on Angle in 2001. It will be more like the awful 03 run.

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Like I said earlier...they should let the fans vote. It doesn't mean they have to WIN. It would further make HHH look like a punk for coming out the next week and saying "Look who you voted for...I beat him too!"


edit: I vote Batista!

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Perhaps. If they use an honest-to-God voting system, Orton will NOT get the title shot. That I can pretty much guarantee. I'm actually hoping for Paul Heyman to do his typical Heyman thing he did in 2001, where he booked RAW one night and e-mailed the WWE feedback address the next day under about 500 different e-mail addresses raving about the show.

... He did that? wow. But you don't think Orton will get the shot? If not I guess they will do the whole No more shots-Win Royal Rumble- WrestleMania thing...

I just have to add this:


If Michaels gets the shot, and we get Shawn/Hunter part 99, I'mn boycotting the product.


Prediction: Benoit gets the shot, and Triple H *finally* gets his job(s) back. They do Orton/Triple H for WM XXI, while giving us Michaels/Angle or Michaels/Rock as one of the two semi-main events, the WWE Title match being the other one.)


(at least Vince better do that, because if I don't get to see both of those matches while all 3 guys can still go I'm going to be ANGRY.)

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It'll probably end up being the fan-insulting thing WCW did in July 2000:


Asking fans to vote on WCW.Com on who should fight Booker T for the WCW Title, Sting wins the poll, but on his way to the ring, Goldberg destroys him and takes the shot.

I remember that. That was fucking AWESOME.


Minus the whole killing Sting in the aislel.

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I think it would be great if Chris Jericho, or some other mid-carder who isn't getting pushed all that well, were to win the poll and send a serious message to WWE about how their shows are being written. If they are smart, they will have a wide range of superstars in the poll and they will pay close attention to who gets how many votes. For example, if very few people vote for Orton, they might finally get the message that they need to rethink their plans.

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Personally, I'd love to see William Regal get the nod. Then they can play off the previous altercations between him and HHH which never really had any closure.


In WWE land though, it will come down to HBK, Jericho and Benoit. Benoit might get the shot just so he can job to HHH on PPV, but i think they will go with HBK. Jericho will be in an IC title match on the undercard (against Edge most likely).

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1. Do you think it will be worked?


Of course. Vince works Attendance figures under the basis of "it's a part of wrestling, so it's a work." They work the WWE.com figures. They're working the DIVA contest. They worked the RAW X Awards.


Will the challenger be the guy that gets the most votes or will it be a worked vote?


I think it will be like the Sable RAW X situation - if someone gets an unsuspected amount of votes (and wins the thing), they'll be elevated within a few weeks, but the one the WWE wants in the place will still be getting the shot at the current time.


If the buyrate is low, how will they blame it on the challenger if the audience actually voted him into that spot?


If the Buyrate is low, first they will blame it on the Tuesday Night Timeslot and say "hey, it was a nice shot, let's go back to our Sunday Night Model." Then they will blame it on the internet not being a strong-enough fan base, thus making the internet worthless and they will go back to mocking everyone and anyone who likes to talk about wrestling online. THEN they will blame whatever television show that was on that night. THEN they will blame the presidential elections. Then they might blame who they put in that spot.


Veddy interesting.




2. Who do you think will realistically get the most votes? Benoit? No Michaels? No, second best bet Jericho? Best Bet Eugene? No Orton No? I'm pretty sure it would be one of the first three, but I don't know which of the first three.


I'd say it would be Jericho because Jericho vs. Hunter 2000 was during the peak of that run and has made the most lasting impression on fans' minds than anything else that has happened in the past 4 years, at least in terms of HHH. Jericho and HHH haven't feuded in 2 years. Jericho is probably the most over face on the RAW side - the poor wrestling fans Rock - and has been on the sidelines way too long. I'd be a nice, smart, elevation to get Jericho back in the title scene. However, as always with HHH, it won't mean a damn thing in a few months.


Any predictions?


Nothing will change.

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