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Jamie Noble released from WWE

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Guest Brian

He'll be a regular in All Japan and come over to work a little TNA or ROH. I'll tune into TNA to see Noble go at it.

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Guest Suicide King

Doesn't the WWE usually say that they "released" or "didn't renew the contract" when they fire people? Seems to me it was more likely that Jamie asked to be released since they "parted ways."


Still sucks the big one though.

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WWE Logic:


Okay, they retrain him in a ground-based WWE style...he does is very well and gets over big for a while; then then job him out, job him out, job him out. He does everything asked of him, gets jobbed and punked out by an ugly, untalented bimbo, shoved down to dark matches and Velocity..and gets released...


Kidman uses a style they're not exactly fond of. He botches his finisher constantly--the only good thing about him--injuring himself and other. He can't talk, he acts like a whiny bitch backstage, has never, ever gotten over in WWE...and he still is employed and is getting a push.

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Guest tnamark

the difference is that Kidman is married to Torrie Wilson and Noble is not..... WWE will probably never let Kidman go as long as he is with Torrie because she is one of the biggest money makers for the company with her merchandise/diva videos and they wouldn't want to see her upset.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

I am going to go out on a limb here and basically say that Torrie doesn't sell shit as far as merchandise goes.


1. She doesn't have t-shirts, dolls, or really too much of any merchandise for sale.


2. The divas stuff would sell if she was there or not.

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Doesn't the WWE usually say that they "released" or "didn't renew the contract" when they fire people? Seems to me it was more likely that Jamie asked to be released since they "parted ways."


Still sucks the big one though.

It also said 'parted ways' for Terri, Jackie, and Sable though.

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I am going to go out on a limb here and basically say that Torrie doesn't sell shit as far as merchandise goes.


1.  She doesn't have t-shirts, dolls, or really too much of any merchandise for sale.


2.  The divas stuff would sell if she was there or not.

She's such a big moneymaker they have her on TV once a month or so, because if they make her a recurring character, she tanks the ratings. Long-term ratings reports have confirmed this.


She's on Smackdown....


The only thing she has over 5,000 other blond models is that she's already been promoted and is fairly well known. Aside from that, she's expendable. They'd just have to promote another woman in her place. Since they still promote "established" women anyway, the net cost wouldn't really vary all that much. So if was a troublemaker, they'd not hesitate to cut her, just like other women in the past.


They released Marc Mero when those two were still married, I believe. Ditto with Goldust--although perhaps that "breakup" was a semi-shoot. It was before I had the net so I'm not sure.


So, for now my main theory is that he's Taker's X-Pac or something.

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Too bad for Noble, he was one of a rare breed, a cruiser with an actual character.


Sometimes, I wonder why the IWC puts up with the WWE's shit. Don't we hold all the power? Don't we pay their bills by giving them money? And how do they repay us? They insult us. If not the wrestlers than by stupid angles. So, let's just stop putting up with it. Just have the whole IWC do a mass sit-in with no watching WWE. No Raw, no Smackdown, no B or C shows, no House shows and no PPVs.


But meh, don't mind me, I tend to ramble on about stuff.

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And how do they repay us?

By firing superstars that they didn't even use anyways...which should stop the complaining of 'They're using him wrong/not at all'.


I mean, while the IWC makes up a bigger part of the Wrestling community once was, ,I still believe that if what you said did occur, the WWE would still be alive and well for a LONG time..they have enough casual fans that still watch almost every week, and there are still many marks contrary to what some believe.

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The "casual fans" aren't really watching WWE. No matter how bad WWE has gotten, there's been a persistant core audience that hasn't quite been driven away. Casual fans aren't that loyal. When they get bored with WWE they leave.


WWE has their core market now and a little bit more. That's all. Smarks are, for the most part, in the core audience, because very few of us completely give up on the product.


WWE isn't in danger of going out of business. Yet, they haven't actually made many new fans to amount to anything either.

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:lol: Yea right, guess you haven't seen all the posts about how 'I'm never watching WWE again!' Or damn...I'm glad I stopped watching WWE like 9 months ago (even if they really haven't).


I'm sure you don't believe that 3.5-3.6 every week comes only (mainly) from the IWC?

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:lol: Yea right, guess you haven't seen all the posts about how 'I'm never watching WWE again!' Or damn...I'm glad I stopped watching WWE like 9 months ago (even if they really haven't).


I'm sure you don't believe that 3.5-3.6 every week comes only (mainly) from the IWC?

As we all know, most of those posts are all lies.


No, I don't believe the 3.whatever is the IWC. I believe the IWC is *in* that 3.whatever. I don't consider loyal marks who will watch Raw no matter what to be "casuals." They're hardcores, whether mark or smark.


The "casuals" are the ones who cheered on Stone Cold in 1999, but when wrestling became uncool again, they moved onto some other programs. The casuals aren't loyal at all, and as boring, predictable, and repetitive as WWE has been, the casuals wouldn't be sticking by WWE in any large numbers. The WWE is constantly looking for something "new" (i.e. the same old crap they think will work) to draw in the casuals. They take it for granted that the hardcores will always be there, so they don't care about pissing them off. It seems they're right.


My point is, if the hardcores got fed up with the constant state of WWE and left in droves, then we'd be seeing some big changes. For now, we're going to see folks misused, talentless goofs pushed, and really fucktarded angles. Until the "core audience" says "enough with this shit" then WWE will stay the same and the shows will be booked to please the McMahons.


I'm not crowing about "never watching WWE again," but I rarely watch Smackdown and have only a passing interest in Raw. However, I don't know if I'd stop watching entirely.


I guess if TSM disappeared and I didn't have a OAO Raw Thread to make fun of Raw in and read the comments of others, I may not watch Raw anymore. *shrug*

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PWTorch (for whatever it's worth) is saying that the split wasn't amicable and Jamie Noble was indeed fired.


Trying to be a fan of this company is such a challenge anymore.

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It also said 'parted ways' for Terri, Jackie, and Sable though.


Terri and Sable asked for their release.


I don't recall Jackie's blurb having the "parted ways" comment.

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Seriously guys, let's see what Keller (through Heyman) or Meltzer say about the reasons to his release. Obviously, the WWE abides by the stipulations of each contract, so they must have a justifiable reason for releasing a wrestler within the duration of his contract.


Case in point: the last example of this...Chavo Classic.

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Guest Ronnie755

I just listened to the Torch audio update and they had a little more info on this. Details are still a little bit sketchy, but it apparantly had something to do with him making an insurance claim on a WWE related matter even though it had nothing to do with WWE.

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The WWE's loss will be everyone else's gain. Noble will surely find plenty of work, be it in TNA, the Indy's, Japan or whereever, we'll get to see Noble work in matches other than the WWE's neutered 3 Minute specials, and the WWE has one less pesky cruiser to take up valuable 'Fat Hoss' space on thew roster. Everybody wins.

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The WWE's loss will be everyone else's gain. Noble will surely find plenty of work, be it in TNA, the Indy's, Japan or wheverever, we'll get to see Noble work in matches other than the WWE's neutered 3 Minute specials, and the WWE has one less pesky cruiser to take up valuable 'Fat Hoss' space on thew roster. Everybody wins.

That's right, and now hopefully we can get The Godwinn's back on TV!

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Guest Shoes Head
I just listened to the Torch audio update and they had a little more info on this. Details are still a little bit sketchy, but it apparantly had something to do with him making an insurance claim on a WWE related matter even though it had nothing to do with WWE.

Any fortune 500 company would have fired an employee for this...pretty reasonable punishment for "just a cruiser."

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I didn't mean to kill them. I mean the whole IWC group together and not watch WWE stuff for a little while so when their ratings drop a bit, they'll say to themselves "Wow, maybe those internet nerds ARE important." And maybe try to cater to us at least every now and then. Maybe they might listen to us, maybe they'll keep ignoring us. Who knows. Either way, we have nothing to lose by not watching WWE programming. Losing a large chunk of your whole fanbase should throw up some red flags, even if all of us together only make maybe 10-20% of all their fans. But like I said, I ramble a lot, so take what I say for what you will. It'd be a nice little experiment though.


*On topic* Hmm, Noble in TNA. He'd probably do all right seeing how he's a fairly large name. I wonder how his gimmick would've been responded to if TNA was still in Nashville.

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I just listened to the Torch audio update and they had a little more info on this. Details are still a little bit sketchy, but it apparantly had something to do with him making an insurance claim on a WWE related matter even though it had nothing to do with WWE.

Keller also says that WWE weren't happy with Noble's work, and how he wasn't getting over despite all their efforts.


That last line isn't a joke.

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Guest Ronnie755

Yeah, they figured that since they weren't happy with his work and he was getting over(whether true or not) that he didn't have enough to justify them keeping him around when doing something like that.

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Guest MikeSC

This is, easily, the dumbest fucking thing the WWE has done, talentwise, in years. Bringing in Heidenreich and Jones doesn't approach turfing one of the 5 best workers they have.


Gee, and his career stalled when Steph decided that his ON-AIR GIRLFRIEND didn't look right.


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Guest DeathBecomesYou
Pro wrestling NOAH might be a good place for him to go assuming that he IS going to go to Japan. Otherwise, I think ROH might be all over him.

Noble vs Marufuji or KENTA? I like the sound of that. I find it amusing, that this news only broke this morning, yet the ROH board is full of posts saying to bring in Noble.

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