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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Shows and movies everybody has seen but you.

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Any of Denzel's Washington's movies in the past 3 years. Yes, I suck.


The Punisher


The Village


Van Helsing



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Guest Askewniverse

I've never seen any of the Harry Potter or LOTR movies.


TV Shows:



Curb Your Enthusiasm

The Shield

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Guest Vitamin X

Ditto to the 24/Survivor and pretty much any reality show. Though I'm interested in renting out the 24 shows in a while.


I haven't een nor have any interest in seeing the Harry Potter movies. I can't think of any conceivable way I might be entertained by them at all.

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I've never watched a Harry Potter moive, but I do plan on buying them, and I've NEVER watched an entire episode of reality TV, other than Fear Factor (does that count?).

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For all the people who haven't seen 24, I avoided it for the first two seasons. Then last Christmas, my girlfriend got me season 1 on DVD and now I'm hooked. It really is that good.


I'd recommend trying to catch it. Ditto for Curb Your Enthusiasm (obviously).

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I've never seen Harry Potter movies, and I didn't go see Return of the King. I had been dragged to the earlier two LOTR movies, but honestly, I can't fucking stand 'em.


I own a ton of movies I've never watched once. I'd say the most notable out of them all is Titanic, because for all the times it's been on TV, or all the times I was looking for something to watch to kill time, I never ever bothered.


TV show wise, I've never watched an episode of The X Files, Buffy, or Angel. I also have never seen a full ep of Everybody Loves Raymond.

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I've never seen Fight Club. I'm still trying to figure out how I managed to avoid it all this time.

Rule #1: Don't talk about Fight Club.


Rule #2: Don't talk about Fight Club.


Rule #3: Go watch 12 Monkeys and Legends of the Fall

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I don't think I've ever seen one Adam Sandler movie, certainly no more than a few minutes of any of them when flipping through the channels. He's done a ton of box office and I enjoyed him on SNL but I just have never had a desire to watch his movies.


Any popular network show that has debuted in the last two or three years as I almost never watch network t.v anymore outside of sporting events.

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The West Wing

Passion of the Christ

The O.C.

The Lord of the Rings films (sorry)

All reality televison (yes,even Tough Enough)





Hell, all I watch is either Wrestling,cartoons, and Horror films

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Guest wildpegasus

Passion of the Christ

Old Yeller

Fight Club

Kill Bill Vol 2 - don't want to

The Punisher

The Village

Van Helsing


Full Metal Jacket

All LOTR movies after the first one

All Harry Potter movies after the first one


Spiderman 2

The Silence of the Lambs

The Shield

My Big Fat Greek Wedding

6th Sense

Any Godfather movie

Apocalypse Now



Finding Nemo

Shrek 2


American Beauty

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Guest ally mccoist

-The last two LOTR films (saw the first, not really my thing)

-All of the Star Wars films except Phantom Menace which I hated

-Any of the Harry Potter films


-Matrix Reloaded

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