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Chuck Woolery

SWF Smarkdown Card, 10-4-04!

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The Smartmarks Wrestling Federation presents...


SWF Smarkdown, Monday, October 4, 2004!

LIVE from the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California!

(6:00 PM PCT, 9:00 PM EST; check local listings)


So the card's up late, but that means that you guys get an extra hour to write! Coming off a triple no-show, at least one double no-show, and a rushed match that I was a part of, let's see if that makes things better, shall we?


But don't let the plethora of no-showing get you confused; Lockdown was a show of big happenings, with Austin Sly becoming the new Cruiserweight #1 contender, Christian Fury becoming the HCG #1 contender, and Uncle Filthy winning a match! Oh, and don't forget that main event angle... what will Smarkdown bring?


Send everything to: realitycheck


Opening Promo: "The Icon" Max King




Revolution Zero (Toxxic © and "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins) and "The Icon" Max King v. Andrea Montgomery © and Hollywood Boulevard (Mike Van Siclen and "Urban Legend" Todd Cortez)

-> Yeah, so TNT said I should book this match, before anybody thinks I'm trying to play favorites here. Davis is preoccupied with a Hardcore title defence later tonight, and as a result the new ICTV Champion Max King will be joining forces with the other two Revolution Zero members to take on Hollywood Boulevard and... Andrea Montgomery? Shouldn't she be pissed at Mike Van Siclen over his actions on Lockdown? Well, she's been guaranteed a rematch by Toxxic. Will that mend the burned bridge between her and Mike Van Siclen long enough for the faces to score the duke?

Rules: The first team to pin the other team's captain wins the match. If another member of the other team is pinned, they must leave the match, but the match does not end until the captain is pinned. In case you can't figure it out, the heel captain is Toxxic; face captain is Andrea Montgomery.

Marker: Grand Slam

Word Limit: 7000



David Cross© v. Danny Dagda

-> So what, you ask, has Dagda done to deserve a USJL title shot? Absolutely nothing. However, sometimes emergency matches have to be made because people forget to give other people who don't have CC board access the roster. Because these people are idiots. But regardless! David Cross is a champion, and as such, eager to defend his title against all comers... unless he's a slimy Memphis champion who's trying to get out of defenses. Which I'm pretty sure he's not. I dunno; I haven't been paying a whole lot of attention lately, sorry.

Rules: Standard singles rules.

Marker: Suicide King

Word Limit: 5500



Ryan Dustin © v. Austin Sly

-> Dustin no-showed in his bid to become USJL #1 contender last show. Not cool. As a result, the new #1 contender to Dustin's Cruiserweight title, Austin Sly, will get his shot at Dustin right away. Dustin impressed many people with his win at Genesis V, but is it possible he's just a one-hit wonder?

Rules: Standard Cruiserweight rules.

Marker: realitycheck

Word Limit: 5000



Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix v. Stryke

-> Stryke was the victim of a HUGE upset on Lockdown, falling victim to Uncle Filthy. Meanwhile, Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix had a victory stolen from him on Lockdown by Max King, and in the process had the ICTV Title taken from him as well. So naturally, since both got upset last show they'll face each other this show. Let's put it this way; after tonight, one of them will be very upset. Ah ha.

Rules: Standard singles rules.

Marker: chirs3

Word Limit: 4000



Sean Davis © v. Christian Fury

-> This is why Sean Davis' name isn't up top. CC was so impressed with Davis' victory over Sly at Genesis that they're going to throw the newly christened (ha ha) Hardcore #1 contender, Christian Fury, at him right away. Fury didn't appear to have any rust on Lockdown, but in his second match back can he stand up to the imposing Rev-0 bruiser?

Rules: None.

Marker: Thoth

Word Limit: 4500



Uncle Filthy v. Evan Wolfe

-> Everybody's favorite wrestler, Uncle Filthy, picked up a huge win over former ICTV Champion Stryke on Lockdown. God knows I was impressed, and CC felt much the same way. As a result of Filthy's victory, and to a lesser extent the three guys in the last #1 contenders' match no-showing, he finds himself in line for a USJL Title shot. Standing in his way? Newcomer Evan Wolfe, who would absolutely hate to be the bearer of bad news for Filthy. See, I read the stats page...

Rules: Standard singles rules.

Marker: Suicide King

Word Limit: 4000



"Blind" Ryan Klein v. Carnage

-> Stepping up to the plate for blind people everywhere is "Blind" Ryan Klein. He seems like an intelligent enough individual, but can he use those smarts to steal a win from fellow newcomer Carnage?

Rules: Standard singles rules.

Marker: chirs3

Word Limit: 3500

Edited by Chuck Woolery

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Guest Ghetto Bird

Um, I can only guess that you posted this without input from Zed, because I e-mailed him about two days ago to specifically ask him to leave me off the next two cards. I had to no-show on Lockdown because I'm too busy to write, and if I'm not taken out of that match, I'm going to have to no-show it, too.

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Guest Tonights Highlite

Honestly... I'll try to show for this one, since I owe Sly that much. Plus, I did write that long ass ladder match and to have people commenting that I might be 'a one hit wonder' would be, well, upseting. Respect my skills, bitches. ;)

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I've been looking forward to facing Landon for some time (ignoring that five man Office Brawl thing i never bothered to write for), i'll no doubt get hammered but i always like writing against fresh opponents so hopefully i can come up with something half-decent.

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Thinking back i probably should have requested the six-man to be Landon with Urban Empire, not Drea. Would make more sense. Nay matter. But why do i always have to team with egotistical heels?


Oh yeah, cos I'm an egotistical heel. Like, duh.


So what are we saying, 6k word limit for the main event?

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No word-limits? Cool.


I've been looking forward to facing Landon for some time (ignoring that five man Office Brawl thing i never bothered to write for), i'll no doubt get hammered but i always like writing against fresh opponents so hopefully i can come up with something half-decent.


I look forward to crushing you.



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Guest Evolution

Since I have enough invites, every member of the winning team in the main event will get an invite as well. I declare it.

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Guest Blind Ryan

My first match. How exhilerating. Now I'm off to download MS Office to give my doc some polish. Notepad ain't cuttin' it :)

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Guest carnage

I too am looking foreward to my first match. I've discovered a new colour in my crayon box for the occassion. Red. As in blood red. I might write the whole match in it. That would be exhilerating to me. That would make me happy.

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Guest Blind Ryan

Well if he's using red then I'll use green and blue for the respective commentators.


12 hours and 2 mins for Word to get done.


edit: aw screw it: black is better text wise.

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Guest Blind Ryan

No, I'm getting the office 2003 edition but I'm getting it by (alternative means" (pm me for details)

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Yeah, TNT didn't send me the roster in the original PM and I was in a bit of a rush when I wrote up the card. Word limits are edited in, as is Max King in the opening promo slot. Apologies to everyone who I may have screwed up.

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I too am looking foreward to my first match. I've discovered a new colour in my crayon box for the occassion. Red. As in blood red. I might write the whole match in it. That would be exhilerating to me. That would make me happy.

Remember to double tag.

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Guest Blind Ryan

I hope nobody's too pissed off but I decided to tweak my stats a little (including a name change to deter some naysayers.)


Hope that's cool. It wasn't anything major.

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Sorry for not sending the roster Mike, for some reason it didn't even occur to me, but you know, as I mentioned, I was basically just desperately trying to find someone in between spurts of study-osity.


Anyway, this card is amazingly good compared to what us slackers have been putting out as of late, and... uhm... well... *desperately starts trying to appear like he DOES something as a booker so that he doesn't lose his job*


*cough* But in all seriousness, you're an inspiration to us all.












































*blows town*

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David Cross© v. Danny Dagda

-> So what, you ask, has Dagda done to deserve a USJL title shot? Absolutely nothing.

Damn straight! Approaching being done with my match, save the comments, and this is a really nice card. Good luck to all.

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At least you're up to 4000 words, i'm currently just sitting on about 200. Looks like it'll be two-straight shows of my staying up to 3 AM or so to finish a match only to lose anyway.

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Guest Blind Ryan

I busted out a couple thousand. Not bad for my first show but I think I can do better (specially with my plans in mind)

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