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The OAO Taboo Tuesday thread

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Guest GreatOne

Kane August 2000: I, AM, A MONSTER!!!!!!!


Gene Snitsky October 2004: No you're not, and it's NOT, MY, FAULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Crowd gives Snitsky a big pop for throwing Kane off the stretcher......Those horrible bastards.  I love em



Snitsky getting the Sycho Sid 2004 push, complete with same exact ring gear

Sycho Snitsky~!

My name is Snitsky...............It's not my fault i'm Sycho

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Guest Jim Ross

One more thing.. Who made this announcement for an Interactive PPV.. was it Bischoffs plan?

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Lita came to ringside to watch the match and support Kane. Snitsky choked Kane with the chain, and Kane tapped out repeatedly, but the ref didn't count it as a tapout because Kane was really just hitting the mat in frustration to get himself worked up, not because he was giving up. It was a bad choice of gesture for Kane, though, considering it made the ref look really dumb for ignoring the tapout. Snitsky hit a sideslam for a near fall at 8:30. Both Kane and Snitsky then nailed each other with simultaneous big boots to the face. Lawler said he was surprised at how even the match was. Lita yanked the chain away from Snitsky. Lita cheered on Kane, but Snitsky at that point whipped Kane into the ringside steps. Snitsky used a chair, ramming it into Kane's throat. Ross said the chair was not voted in by fans. He continued to use the chair right in front of the ref, making a mockery of the whole voting procedure since it really didn't matter what fans voted for, the wrestlers could use anything and get away with it. Chain matches are so annoying on TV because the rattling of the chain links when picked up by a microphone is about as appealing to listen to as finger nails on a chalk board. Snitsky stuck Kane's head through the chair and then came off the ropes and stomped on it. Kane began bleeding from the mouth. The ref called for EMTs to come to the ring. Snitsky left the ring. Instead, Snitsky charged back into the ring and covered Kane. The ref counted to three. It almost seemed as if Snitsky forgot to pin Kane at first because it appeared Lita wasn'ts ure what to do, as she began entering the ring when Snitsky left, then waited for the awkward pin. Lita entered the ring as EMTs tended to Kane as he gasped for breath. He was taken out on gurney. Snitsky tipped over the gurney and stomped away at him. Ross was outraged. "That son of a bitch," said Ross. "What a no good son of a bitch."


WINNER: Stitsky at 14:18.


STAR RATING: 3/4* -- Snitsky being allowed to use the chair, even though the legal weapon was a chain, made the whole voting seem like a charade.


-Grisham interviewed Edge who said he isn't happy because fans voted for a broken down has-been. "Shawn Michaels won't beat Triple H, but I would have," he said. Edge added that he meant no disrespect to the tag titles, but he'd already held then ten times and it's just a consolation prize. He sarcastically thanked the fans. Good heel promo from Edge.

Ross yelling "that no good son of a bitch" was just a given, right? :)

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It'd be kinda funny if Eugene showed up bald tonight....thinking the stipulation was that he had to shave his head BEFORE the match. Being too stupid to understand the concept.

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Guest GreatOne
Snitsky getting the Sycho Sid 2004 push, complete with same exact ring gear

Let's just hope he doesn't crap his pants in the rematch with Kane. ;)

IT'S NOT MY FAULT = Master and ruler of the world


But will he up and leave in the spring to go play softball?


Attack HHH with scissors?


Jericho with a squeegee?


Admit he has half the brain of Batista?



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Guest Jim Ross
One more thing.. Who made this announcement for an Interactive PPV.. was it Bischoffs plan?

Vince's if I'm not mistaken.

Hmm, interesting.


So why did he elect RAW to do the show instead of SD? or am I expecting too much.


I thought it was the GMs job to come up with Ideas for their own shows

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So, lemme get this straight


Kane rapes and knocks up Lita. Kane tries to kill Matt Hardy. Kane severely injuries Matt Hardy and marries her. HBK returns and sorta beats up Kane. Gene bumps into Kane. Baby dies. Gene beats up Kane and Gene is the heel.


Did I get all of that?

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WWE.com has all the voting stats (in percentages) for the matches that already happened. Here is the IC list:


Batista 20.11 %

Shelton Benjamin 37.48 %

Christian 6.69 %

Coach 7.01 %

The Hurricane 3.77 %

Rodney Mack 0.58 %

Maven 4.23 %

Chuck Palumbo 0.68 %

William Regal 3.81 %

Rhyno 5.77 %

Steven Richards 2.24 %

Rosey 1.10 %

Tajiri 2.36 %

Tyson Tomko 2.49 %

Val Venis 1.69 %

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Snitsky getting the Sycho Sid 2004 push, complete with same exact ring gear

Let's just hope he doesn't crap his pants in the rematch with Kane. ;)

IT'S NOT MY FAULT = Master and ruler of the world


But will he up and leave in the spring to go play softball?


Attack HHH with scissors?


Jericho with a squeegee?


Admit he has half the brain of Batista?



I can picture him saying "Momma said, it bees like that sometimes"

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WWE.com has all the voting stats (in percentages) for the matches that already happened. Here is the IC list:


Batista 20.11 %

Shelton Benjamin 37.48 %

Christian 6.69 %

Coach 7.01 %

The Hurricane 3.77 %

Rodney Mack 0.58 %

Maven 4.23 %

Chuck Palumbo 0.68 %

William Regal 3.81 %

Rhyno 5.77 %

Steven Richards 2.24 %

Rosey 1.10 %

Tajiri 2.36 %

Tyson Tomko 2.49 %

Val Venis 1.69 %

Poor Rodney and Palumbo.

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So, lemme get this straight


Kane rapes and knocks up Lita. Kane tries to kill Matt Hardy. Kane severely injuries Matt Hardy and marries her. HBK returns and sorta beats up Kane. Gene bumps into Kane. Baby dies. Gene beats up Kane and Gene is the heel.


Did I get all of that?

Somewhere, there's a WWE writer yelling "It's not my fault!"

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Rodney Mack 0.58 %

Damn, I should've visited more computer labs :bonk:

I voted 432 straight times for that nucka

Wow, holy crap!


More people must've voted for this thing than I was counting on! Makes it seem like the WWE is actually popular or something.

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Hmm...if they actually go through with Bischoff having his head shaved, he'll be the 5th GM with a bald head.


There was co-GM Austin, and Smackdown GMs Heyman, Angle, and now Long.

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