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War Games at Survivor Series?

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

Maybe it's a wild guess, Maybe WWE decided that "If we are gonna to do the War-Games. We will need another pair of matches, and should save our IC to be outside the match to fill the card. So Keep Benjamin out and slide in a face that could use a rub".


Every WarGames has that guy that didn't quite fit in, why can't Maven be that guy this time?


It seems to me that Maven is only a HBK replacement and will hardly be a factor. He's basically there for Batistia to kill. Making him the Pillman of this one.

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War Games style eight-man tag match 



so essentially it's a Survivor Series match in a cage


Right, but according to War Games rules, a new man enters the cage every 2 minutes (was it?) and the match is sudden death so it can end (you know it won't though obviously) before all 8 man are even in the cage.


Edit: I'm guessing Heidenreich / Taker will be a Casket match.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

It wasn't Sudden death until AFTER all 10(8) men had entered.


I wonder if this stays true to the concept of the War Games or if it is really just a Elimination match in a cell.

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Looking at it, I can't see WWE using two rings for the same event. WCW has done it and used all of the rings that were there, have one match in one ring, the next match in the other and so forth till the main event. So if a war games style match is done at SS, I don't think WWE would even try and work that into it. They might take some time to set it all up but I just can't see WWE using two rings for one event. Maybe they'll have a gauntlet style match, where a time will go off and a man enters the cage, sorta like a elimation style match.

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Who cares if Maven is there. Someone has to take the pinfall if the faces lose.

That's exactly what I was thinking. Maven will just get a few shots in, but will be overwhelmed because he is not at everyone else's level.


Besides...I'm willing to give Maven a shot. Just not as being part of the Main Event on one of WWE's big Pay Per Views.

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Guest PlatinumBoy
Who cares if Maven is there. Someone has to take the pinfall if the faces lose.

That's exactly what I was thinking. Maven will just get a few shots in, but will be overwhelmed because he is not at everyone else's level.


Besides...I'm willing to give Maven a shot. Just not as being part of the Main Event on one of WWE's big Pay Per Views.

Also, this makes Orton, Jericho, and Benoit look good, because they will have to hang with 4 guys essentially.

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Maybe by 'WarGames style' they mean it will be an old-school Survivor match but in a cage. If it were that, Maven could either be a token early elimination or he could possibly get over by sticking around for awhile.


I have no idea if this will happen...but it sounds like a decent idea to me.

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I think they just have Maven in there so the Tough Enough people will be like, "Hey, a past TE winner is getting a push, maybe we will!"

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Guest korndogg123

IMO, War Games is not War Games w/o the double ring double cage. As much as I've been begging for a revival of the match (moreso now w/ this rumor cause I'm goin to Survivor Series at the Gund), I just can't see it happening. In addition, the idea of War Games isn't elimination. It's sudden death submit or surrender. I was disgusted by how WCW messed that up in '98. An elimination chamber tag match concept could be interesting, but I dunno. As for Benjamin vs Christian, I wanna see them be captains of opposing survivor series teams. All throughout the history of the event I was hoping like the Royal Rumble they would leave it as it was meant as a very special novelty PPV w/ some fun and excitement and angle advancement. I can see Benjamin captaining a team w/ Rhyno, Tajiri, Regal, and Eugene against Christian's team of like La Resistance, Tomko, and Gene Snitsky or somethin. As for Smackdown maybe an eight man cruiserweight elimination match or somethin w/ Chavo and Kidman as captains, if there are even enough cruisers for that. Or even Chavo captaining a team w/ all the guys Kidman's "injured" (w/ London, Haas, Rico) against Kidman and the Dudleys (Bubba and D-Von assuming Spike is Angle's 4th guy or all three of them if he's not). Bottom line is this is the first live PPV I'm attending so I want it to be unique and since it's the Survivor Series, it might have the potential to be just that.

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Guest Banders Kennany

You know korndogg, you make a good point. The WWE used to have the whole PPV be of Survivor Series elimination matches, now it seems they have one or two or none at all. They could add in another one per brand, which would make this PPV more able to set apart itself from others.


You outlined two perfect situations for it to happen, except I don't know if they want to bring London back so soon since that will cut into Kidman's feud with Chavo. But the Dudleys could easily comprise a Kidman-led team, especially since you know the WWE wants to fit their new US champion into this PPV somehow, and CCC on Team Angle looks like a right fit (although on paper Team Angle looks a good bit weaker than Team Guerreo).


I don't like Maven as the 4th member, wouldn't mind seeing Sting come in for one night only and work war games on the face side. I would think Christian and Benjamin will be wrestling each other for the IC title at survivor series

Sting for one night? C'mon man, that's a ridiculpous suggestion, even for you. If Sting came in it would be such an odd fit for him to come in for just one night and disappear without handling the fallout from the PPV, win or lose. Also if he came in the fans would want to see him for at least more than one night before his star burns out with them.


I've been waiting forever for the WWE to have a War Games match, i wont buy the ppv but i will go see it at a theatre for $12.95.

A theater? Where do you see it at a theater? I heard of a movie theater in Boston that showed Bosox games on the silver screen, but this I'm not sure of. Are you in Cananda?


Bring in Sid to kill him with two powerbombs.

Bringing in Sid ...... oh yeah, That's exactly what we need right now. ;-)


The only reason I can think of for sticking Maven in there is so he can play the Curt Hennig role by turning heel and joining Evolution mid-match.

But Maven doesnt fit into Evolution at all...it makes absolutely no sense for him....


So itll happen.

Hey now, I think Maven could fit into Evolution real well. He has a cocky look to him and with his new physique looks like a great fit. His new trunks too. He showed some heel sparks versus Jackie in the second Tough Enough, I think a new role would do the fans a lot of good from the normal monotonous Flair/Batista versus two random gaces tag matches. He would look good pimped out like Batista in a shades and suit.


Who cares if Maven is there. Someone has to take the pinfall if the faces lose.

That's exactly what I was thinking. Maven will just get a few shots in, but will be overwhelmed because he is not at everyone else's level.


Besides...I'm willing to give Maven a shot. Just not as being part of the Main Event on one of WWE's big Pay Per Views.

Also, this makes Orton, Jericho, and Benoit look good, because they will have to hang with 4 guys essentially.

Yea, but at the same time if they lose, it just makes it like they couldn't beat the odds. If they win, it makes the Evolution looks weak, especially the old man out (Flair). Maven having his torch put out in the early going would be a bad move, as he is a hot young talent and I don't know if the WWE would be wise in taking away the fire from one of their big young prospects who's hot on the margin of breaking out.

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Looking at it, I can't see WWE using two rings for the same event. WCW has done it and used all of the rings that were there, have one match in one ring, the next match in the other and so forth till the main event. So if a war games style match is done at SS, I don't think WWE would even try and work that into it. They might take some time to set it all up but I just can't see WWE using two rings for one event. Maybe they'll have a gauntlet style match, where a time will go off and a man enters the cage, sorta like a elimation style match.

God forbid the WWE looks like they are doing something different. Ratings and buyrates might go up!

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Well, the chances of them using (perhaps) the most successful NWA concept ever is extremely slim...but a well promoted War Games will sell Survivor Series on it's back. No exagerration, that would be almost worth the price of buying alone.

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Has anyone pointed out that this rumour has basically come up every year for the past 3 years around Survivor Series time?


Has anyone noticed that it has yet to happen?


If not, *points out*.


... Just sayin.


Here's the problem with the idea of the WWE doing War Games.


1)The Double Ring. It won't happen.


2)"War Games". This is a company that changed "Armageddon" in 2001 because of 9/11. The War in Iraq makes this name less likely.


3)It's a WCW idea. The WWE had the elimination chamber as their 'spin' on War Games. That's what Vince does. He wants his own version of things, not somebody elses. HHH could have influence here, being that he got the Big Gold Belt around his waist and all. But if he hasn't been able to get it in the past 3 years that the WWE has owned the gimmick, then why would they be doing it now?

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actually I think it would be cool if they went back to all elimination 8 man tags for one year at least. I always loved that concept (since ss 90 was the first ppv I saw)


think about it besides those mentioned earlier you can have




trish/molly/gail/jazz vs lita/victoria/nidia/ummmmm ivory maybe?


tajiri/rhyno/hurricane/rosey vs la resistance/coach/ummmm snitsky?




undertaker/booker t/ holly and gunn (cuz I cant think of any more faces on sd that werent already used) vs jbl/heidenreich/dupree and kenzo


maybe it is too hard to book an all elimination matches card




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FYI for the person who mentioned it earlier, Survivor Series is $22 or $23 (once tax is figured) at Famous Players.


I learned this when we went to Summerslam and it was that much despite it not being priced differently in 2003.

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If you have two rings, you can sell more front row seats. Go for it!


I don't want to see that stupid Elimination Chamber, or a "War Games style" match, they should just make it a War Games match, plain and simple. And more actual Survivor Series matches. The gradual shift from SurSer matches to some general concept of "surviving this physically intense match" is kind of weak. I probably won't bother watching this PPV unless they go heavy on gimmick.

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Update from Dave Meltzer


"They will likely announce HHH & Ric Flair & Batista & ? (Edge?) vs. Chris Benoit & Randy Orton & Maven & Chris Jericho in some sort of a gimmick match as the main event at Survivor Series tonight. We've read speculation of a War Games match, which would be a first in WWE."

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From Meltzer's update today:


They will likely announce HHH & Ric Flair & Batista & ? (Edge?) vs. Chris Benoit & Randy Orton & Maven & Chris Jericho in some sort of a gimmick match as the main event at Survivor Series tonight. We've read speculation of a War Games match, which would be a first in WWE.

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I might see Edge as being a reluctant team mate with Evolution for SS, but I don't see him becoming their fourth member. His new persona doesn't really fit in well the the Evolution group. I think at this point Maven seems like he might be the new member. Is there anyone else it could be apart from Maven or Edge ?

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well if he's still bitching about title shots, joining Evolution would be an illogical move on Edge's part because he'd NEVER get a title shot and if he won the belt off of someone that beat HHH, he'd get beat up just like Orton...which is why the WWE will probably make it happen...

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According to the latest Observer, Hunter pitched the idea of making the main event WarGames, because it's a match that he has always wanted to do. Vince shot it down, for the reasons that you'd expect. Also,Vince was behind putting Snitsky in the main event instead of Flair, feeling that it made the match more interesting.

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