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Guest Cerebus

The OaO Election Day (Month?) Thread

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

In 23 hours, we may have a new president but who cares? Canada has ROUND SHAPED CORN POPS!


Can we get some justice done for our fellow man here?

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
I'll trade you some cereal for some perscription drugs.

You seem like the type of guy who would make his own prescription drugs.

It's harder than you might think.

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I'll trade you some cereal for some perscription drugs.

You seem like the type of guy who would make his own prescription drugs.

It's harder than you might think.

*tastes homemade Prozac* "Hrm... needs more ice cream." [/Homer J. Simpson]

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so by chance did anyone click on and watch the flash video I posted in my last post in this thread? If not do it, so we can discuss it.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

we're too busy dicussing Cereal to bother with the meaningless election and the flash video.

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we're too busy dicussing Cereal to bother with the meaningless election and the flash video.

yeah but the flash video is....GreeeeeeAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT

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Well, I took care of my voting about a week ago or more.


Voted for three Democrats and two Republicans. I really really wanted to vote for another Republican in one race because I hated the Democrat but he was a complete moron and later told the newspaper that he's staying in the race because his opponent might die and then he could win. :rolleyes:


My California proposition voting:



1A: NO

59: YES

60: NO

60A: NO

61: NO

62: NO

63: YES

64: YES

65: NO

66: YES

67: NO

68: NO

69: NO

70: NO

71: YES

72: YES

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and I am back from voting (at 6:30 instead of 7:30)


instead of voting 'Straight Democrat' (there was an option for that), I choose to just vote for every Democrat by punching out their hole. The old fashioned way.


And I changed the order of races, so I punched the ballot for Kerry last.


Definately the most useful thing I've ever done before 7am.


There was a short line (of 4 people when I entered it) waiting to use one of the 8 stations.


We have the punchcard ballots here in Independence, so I made sure to put some force into the action.

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Commentary from Florida:


Just spoke to my good buddy in Boca Raton, which is a very strong Kerry area in Florida - it's part of Palm Beach county, which we all remember unfondly from 2000.  He's been telling me all week about the extremely long lines he's seen at the early voting sites, which we all have heard about as well. 


But today, with ALL of the polling places open, and with a lot of people having already voted in the early voting - the lines at the polling places are UNBELIEVABLE.  He says he has never seen anything like it and it's way, way, way more than he saw in 2000.  We demolished them in the early voting in Florida and we will demolish them in democratic turnout today too.  In my opinion, we are going to win Florida by at least 5 points, and with it, the election.


from Ohio:


We live in the mostly student housing off-campus area near the Ohio State University.  We went over to vote early about 15 minutes before the polls opened with juice and donuts to celebrate voting with our neighbors.  By the time the polls opened at 6:30, there were about 20 people in line.


By comparison, in most years the 20th person in my precinct sometimes doesn't vote until late morning!!


There was a challenger at the poll, but he seemed to just be observing.  The poll workers looked a bit harried trying to get things moving.


By the time we voted, there were 40-50 people in line in this heavily Dem, mostly student precinct. Things are already moving slowly. It's going to be a long day for the poll workers.


from Blue Springs, Missouri:


Suburb of Kansas City.  At the poll at 6 expecting to waltz in.  Much to my surprise and delight we had to wait about 45 minutes to vote.  This is so cool and exciting.  One of those times where it makes you proud to be an American.


from Michigan:


Polls opened at 7:00 a.m., go there at 7:05.

I was 66th in line and was the last person to get inside the door before the line was hitting the outdoors.  The line was forming quickly behind me, so I imagine it was stretching outside pretty far by the time I voted.  Took about 40 minutes or so total.  Slipped out the back and walked home feeling good.


We're gonna win!


from Massachusetts:


I showed up to vote at 6:50 here in MA, and there were 10 people in front of me. It was a little quiet and there was an aura of calm excitement among people (or maybe that was just me). The sun was shining and the orange leaves looked beautiful. There were signs posted saying no campaigning was allowed on site.

By 7:00AM there were 30 people in line and growing. The person behind me said he's never seen a line in the morning to vote.


Everything went smoothly, we had the paper ballots and I checked and double checked my darkened circle near Kerry's name. It felt good. I put my paper in the machine, and was back in my car at 7:15.


from North Texas:


the lines were the same as in 2000.  No difference.  Except for the chatty idiot woman who was behind me in line giggling about Kerry said this and Kerry said that, and that Kerry supporter who wore a Bush mask to the polls "some people will do anything for attention".  I thought, no kidding lady, how about shutting up since its 7 am and we don't want to hear your idiot remarks.

Oy.  I wanna move.


from Massachusetts again:


My mom and I voted this morning in our small little Massachusetts town.  We got there when the polls opened.  The line was long.  People of all ages, standing together to cast their vote.

There was a young college kid in front of us with a big nail type earing through his ear.  He was politically astute.  He stayed up all night because he wanted to make sure he got to the polls first thing.  He told my mom and me that all of his friends were voting for Kerry, all of them first time voters.


from Wisconsin:


I live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

I got up at 5 a.m. in order to get ready for work so that I could leave for my polling place by 6.30.


I got there at 6.35 and there was already a long line.


The woman in front of me, a senior citizen said to me, "I brought everything with me in case they give me any trouble!"  I winked at her and said, "Don't worry, I brought copies of our voting rights with us and if we really get in trouble, I'm a lawyer." 


I was only half-joking.


Lots of young faces in the line, and I could overhear many of them saying things like, "Do you have your ID? Do you have utility bill?" Wisconsin lets people register at the polls, and I saw many of those young faces march up to the registration table.


By the time I voted the line was down the block. The gentleman behind me said that he's voted at that polling place for 10 yrs. and has never seen so many people in line to vote.


If this is the nationwide trend, I think it bodes well for Kerry.


There's definately a lot of people getting out to vote


and there's already a broken voting machine in New Orleans, Louisiana, which might be a state record

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Guest Cerebus

Going to vote right now...I wonder what the lines will be like in a non-swing state.

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and more turnout commentary:


I waited an hour and a half in the Adams Morgan area of Washington, DC!

DC, where the outcome is a foregone conclusion and our only possible contribution is to Kerry's popular count.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

I waited 2 fucking hours to vote today. The people running the place weren't directing the lines at all. I even jumped ahead of half the line because my district line was so short.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I was in and out in fifteen minutes, amid senior citizens surely voting Bush.

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Guest Salacious Crumb



It was just a piss poor set up at my place. I went up to the door to check my district and there was my district line about 20 people long so I leap frogged about 100 people in the process. People were taking like 15 minutes to do the voting too.


I was in and out of the booth in maybe 90 seconds.


And then this tool parked their van so only one car could get in and out of the place so I spent another 15 minutes trying to get out.

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Guest macheteofodin

I just got back about an hour ago (9:30 AM). There were about 7 people there at that time, but I was looking at the sign in books and it seemed a lot of people had already been in to vote. More will probably go in after work, classes, etc... The lady standing by the polling machine marked out for my Beef Wellington, "Fear the Ass-Punch" shirt. Yes, I wore a shirt that said "Fear the Ass-Punch" while voting. :D


My choices for President/Vice President, Senator and Assemblyman were quite easy to chose (due to my research). My choices (or lack there of) for Representative in the House (the guys were practically the same) and State Senator (only ONE "choice") were quite horrid.


All in all it was a good experience and it made me feel like I did my part. I know the guy I voted for won't become President, but I'm happy I did the research and determined that he was the best choice for me. The same can be said for everyone else I voted for (besides State Senator...no choice at all).

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I voted early this morning (around 6:45) and I think I spent more time filling out my ballot than I did waiting to vote.


There seemed to be one tiny incident. There was a very small group of people supporting some dude for the school board and a very small group who wanted you to vote no on the gay marriage amendment right where you turn to get in the polling place parking lot. A couple of cops were taking measurement to make sure they were far enough away from the polls. They seemed to move about 5 feet further from the polling place. Like I said: tiny.

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Guest Retro Rob

In and out in a matter of minutes. Voted for Badnarik and the Dems in all other categories.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

I'm off to vote for my first ever presidential election!


Moore is right


Demoracy rules!

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Guest Cerebus

Well I did count the time it took me to find parking...which is ironic since I am handicapped :angry:

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