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Ask the New Regime!

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As some of you may have picked up on, Mike Van Siclen (Chuck Woolery) and I are the new additions to the booking team, with Thoth staying on from the Zed regime in his usual slot. The rotation will be:


Tom posts Lockdown, books Smarkdown

MVS posts Smarkdown, books Storm

Thoth posts Storm, books Lockdown


MVS is the head booker and as such will be booking all pay-per-views. Any of us are, as always, available for storyline chatter and suggestions. (Helpful suggestions will run you a sawbuck.)


We're also picking up Judge Mental (Powerplay) as a match marker to share the load, hopefully getting the shows and cards up more quickly than they have been.


So, if there's anything you'd like to know or have clarified, please feel free to ask in the thread. I realize it's a bit redundant, since you all know me fairly well, but let's make it official.

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Though I have 'retired,' I remain on board the staff as Secretary of the Elite and I am the evil puppetmaster secretly pulling the strings of Mike as he masquerades as your 'leader' in his false, cloistered rule.


As always, Kibagami is still the Minister of War, Undersecretary of the Elite and Commissioner of the Secret Police. I believe King also remains as Secretary of the Inner Sanctum and High Admiral of Mike's fleet of bathtub toys. Janus is aide to the Secretary of the Elite, and Strangler has actually been promoted to Senior Vice President in Charge of Sanitation and General Floor Mopping Duties.


And what the shit is with Judge and Tom getting on Mike's CC? This is just making my personnel decisions look fabulous. Yeesh.



Edited by realitycheck

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Pinned, because I CAN~!




Tom sucks, because I CAN DO THAT TOO OMG.


- Jesus.

Edited by Chuck Woolery

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Guest Suicide King

Ah man, I've missed this. This is always the best part of getting new mods.


Also, I love teh caacko.

Edited by Ace309

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Though I have 'retired,' I remain on board the staff as Secretary of the Elite and I am the evil puppetmaster secretly pulling the strings of Mike as he masquerades as your 'leader' in his false, cloistered rule.


As always, Kibagami is still the Minister of War, Undersecretary of the Elite and Commissioner of the Secret Police. I believe King also remains as Secretary of the Inner Sanctum and High Admiral of Mike's fleet of bathtub toys. Janus is aide to the Secretary of the Elite, and Strangler has actually been promoted to Senior Vice President in Charge of Sanitation and General Floor Mopping Duties.


And what the shit is with Judge and Tom getting on Mike's CC? This is just making my personnel decisions look fabulous. Yeesh.



Nothing quite like job security.

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Guest Fire and Knives

*terminates Edwin with extreme prejudice*


*is elite*


*hookers and blow*



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So, we're at 10 replies, no one from the active roster has posted here, and nothing has been clarified. I'd have to chalk this up as a giant success, a step on the road to a totalitarian regime, and perhaps the third-best use of words behind the "STOP" sign and War and Peace.

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(Walks in to all the back-and-forth goings-on)




The fuck?


(Walks back out)


(Glares at the retiree he marked out for)


The fuck? Again?


And no... I do NOT love the cock.


Except my own.

Edited by Vasarian_Brandy

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*marks for Dace's return and loves his cock*


Yeah, I DARE you to come back now, bitch.

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Well, set me up an angle and I'm all ears.


I'll be damned if I'm not gonna be a politicing sod with a low workload when I first return.


I pity the people who move into this corridor next year. The words "Loves The Cock" are written down the wall in 8 foot letter in uv pen.

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Yeah, here's an angle - you come back as my bitch in Rev-0 :P


On a serious note - if you want to set something up, I'm all ears. Except for the bit of me that is cock.

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Genius. The cock just hasn't been getting the love it should of late.

Listen, I know you've got a big ego, but there's no need to turn this into a thread about your love life.

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Guest The Satanic Angel
(Walks in to all the back-and-forth goings-on)




The fuck?


(Walks back out)


(Glares at the retiree he marked out for)


The fuck? Again?


And no... I do NOT love the cock.


Except my own.


You have a cock?






























::shakes fist at Mike:: Stop trying to flaunt your cock.

Edited by The Satanic Angel

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Guest Suicide King
Listen, I know you've got a big ego, but there's no need to turn this into a thread about your love life.


This from the man who invented Mr. Bukkake?

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I didn't invent him. He had always existed, deep in the recesses of all of our minds... in the collective unconscious, as it were.


I merely grafted a Japanese sex practice onto Mr. Galatea and brought him to life.

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I remember when Thoth tried to link that picture from SomethingAwful. Cock indeed.

We love the Dreamcast, but not as much as we love the cock.


*gets ushered back into his retirement home room and is promptly shot to death*

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It says something for the awesomeness of Ced that the match still won.

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On a more serious note...


While the CFC booking couldn't be helped, with the exception of the Manson-Kibagami abortion at Ashes to Ashes, why hasn't Manson had a match against even one face since turning heel? He's fought absolutely nothing but other heels. I figured this would right itself after the CFC, but nope, it continues...

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