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There's dozens of examples. Richard Pryor's first album had the word nigger in it, that was almost 35 years ago. Ok, NWA had to spell it backwards, but other than that, it seems like an ok thing to do.


And there was this one:




That actually was controversial, though.

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Was "Hip Hop Is Dead" any good? I never picked it up.


Anyway, I finally purchased a Soul Coughing album. "Ruby Vroom". As I type, I'm only three songs in, but I'm not really impressed thus far...


EDIT: Where have I heard "Screenwriters blues"? Was this in a movie or something?


EDIT AGAIN: I guess this is actually kind of interesting.

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Was "Hip Hop Is Dead" any good? I never picked it up.


Anyway, I finally purchased a Soul Coughing album. "Ruby Vroom". As I type, I'm only three songs in, but I'm not really impressed thus far...

That's probably because they're completely bland and forgettable. In fact, I'd completely forgotten they existed until this post. Weird band to "finally" get into 10-12 years after the fact.

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Guest Gym Class Fallout

Never heard of them. Are they like Combustible Edison? There's another totally forgotten '90s band. I like what I've heard, though. I liken it to a cocktail lounge on Mars.

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Soul Coughing did "Super Bon Bon" (Best known to wrestling fans as Danny Doring's theme) and "Circles", which both got a lot of play on alt-rock stations around '97-'98ish. I like to listen to their hits once in a while for nostalgia but they really aren't remarkable enough to get into 10-12 years after the fact.



While on the subject, some other late 90s alt-rock one hit wonders I enjoy: "In The Meantime" by Spacehog, "Standing Outside A Broken Telephone With Money In My Hand" by Primitive Radio Gods, "Little Black Backpack" by Stroke 9, and "Steal My Sunshine" by Len amongst many others. Though the last two may have been 2000.

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I fucking love "Steal my Sunshine".


See, the thing is, you guys could like, read and write when these bands came out. You could figure out in 1994 that 12 years from now there'd be no reason to listen to it. I was two when Ruby Vroom came out. I have to figure thee things out now.

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Guest Smues

Steal My Sunshine was 99. I only remember because that Halloween Len and LFO came and did a concert in Spokane that was advertised all over the radio. That's quite the 1-2 combination of suck.

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That Spacehog album remains a fixture at used CD stores from coast to coast. Along with The Breeders' Last Splash, the first Hootie and the Blowfish album, Tori Amos's Little Earthquakes, and The Cardigans' First Band on the Moon. I have, at one point or another, owned all of these except for the Hootie.

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Guest Smues
How could that concert have been more than two songs long?

Three with Girl on TV, but beyond that I have no idea.

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Funny story about seeing a one hit wonder in concert. I went to The Q Concert or whatever (Local Top 40 station's summer concert) in '99. Eifel 65 was the act me and my younger brother were most looking forward to. They played a 15 minute set and played "Blue" twice and we loved it. And when the final act of the evening, Vertical Horizon (now those guys sucked) and me and my brother complained for weeks after that Eifel 65 should have headlined. Other acts I remember that evening; Westlife, Rustic Overtones (local band. Actually pretty damn good alt rock band, really out of place here), and Big Bad Voodoo Daddy and a couple of other shitty forgettable late 90s pop bands I'm forgetting.


The second Q concert I went to was much more memorable. Third Eye Blind headlined with Sister Hazel, SoulDecision, Dido, The Corrs, Samantha Mumba, No Authority, and Evan and Jaron. Now that was a slightly less forgettable bunch of late 90s acts.

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Is he not totally ripped anymore then? Can't imagine that.



Pretty sure Pete's pushing fifty.


My favorite Peter Steele moment will always be this:




I remember watching this when I was younger, before I knew who Type O were and wondered why a heavy metal star would appear on a mainstream daytime talk show but I guess it beats out GWAR on the Jerry Springer show.

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Had a pretty good time at the Atmosphere show last night. Mac Lethal never fails to entertain.


Atmosphere is fucking awesome live, and I hear that Slug's touring with a full live band now.

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Guest Gym Class Fallout
I still have the tape of GWAR on Jerry Springer around here somewhere. That was a life-affirming moment for me at 14.

That and GG Allin on Springer are great.


Hey, I liked the first Hootie and the Blowfish album.


EDIT: Hey, wow, I forget El Duce was on there too!

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Hootie and The Blowfish were my favorite band for a brief period when I was 8, in between my Jackson 5 phase and my Queen phase probably. I still like to listen to their singles sometime for nostalgia. I still like most of it especially "Let Her Cry".


All that aside, that album sold 16 million copies. I bet 12 million of those are now strewn across yard sales and used CD sections across the nation right now. It seems like every decade there's a band that sells a shitton of records and then is sort of forgotten by everybody ten years later. I think Hootie and The Blowfish is that band for the 90s.

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Listening to the new Neil Young. 'Ordinary People' goes almost 20 minutes withoutgetting boring or dumb. 'Beautiful Bluebird' sounds like it would have fit well on Harvest Moon. 'Dirty Old Man' is funny. 'The Way' gets a bit hokey at times but otherwise fine.


That's all I've gotten to so far. Songs sound they'll work really well live, though.

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Type O Negative show was entertaining. Peter Steele drank at least a six-pack of wine bottles. Sound was way too loud & I'm only now getting full hearing back in my left ear. The middle-aged-and-older fans were the funniest of all. I don't know why people would mosh at a Type O show, didn't seem appropriate to me.


Lordi was pretty dumb.

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Did he bust out any Carnivore tunes? Outside of that, I don't see how anybody COULD mosh to Type O...there's a few faster tunes that they have, but most are plodding and atmospheric...it's like seeing people mosh at Opeth. There's a moshable part that lasts for MAYBE 20 seconds, and people go crazy, but when there's a more mosh-able band opening for them, like Nevermore (both times I saw Nevermore was with Opeth headlining, and the friends that drove me wanted to see Opeth more...I need better friends), the crowd's dead for the bulk of it. Of course, it didn't help Nevermore that second time that they only played stuff from Enemies of Reality (a piece of shit album) and This Godless Endeavour (better than Dead Heart, and Dead Heart is near perfect) with ONE SONG from earlier albums (that being "The River Dragon Has Come" from Dead Heart), but alas.


Going to see Misfits on Sunday. I'd call them Misfits '98, but Doyle's been replaced by Dez Cadena. I'd call them Misfits Project 1950, but Marky Ramone left and Robo came back. So...I dunno, I'll just call them the Misfits for right now. Balzac is opening, as are local metalcore band Mongrel and a few underground/local goth/horrorpunk bands...hurray me. Hopefully Bad Ash is there, as they're at least fun live. But it's fucking Jerry Only, so I gotta go.

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Ryan Adams put out an EP today called "Follow the Lights". It's got four new recordings, a redone "This is It" off Rock N' Roll w/ the Cardinals backing instead of electric guitar and two live songs.


I like it a lot.

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Type O usually doesn't play any Carnivore shows, especially now that Carnivore is reformed.


Balzac is horrible....good luck.

Balzac IS horrible. I remember them being halfway decent last time I saw them. Although the last time I saw them I was 16 and seeing the Misfits for the first time, so maybe I was just excited.


So yeah. I didn't even see the fucking Misfits last night. They fucking decided that they weren't going to come out and start their set until 10:40 at night. On a fucking SUNDAY. I had to be up to get ready for work at 6:15 this morning. The Misfits' set was to last between 10:40 and midnight. That's BOLLOCKS. Everybody there either had fucking jobs in the morning, or school. Maybe even both. Why the FUCK would you schedule your set to start 50 minutes AFTER the last set ends? THERE'S NOT EVEN ANY FUCKING ELABORATE STAGE PROPS TO SET UP AND/OR TEST! YOU HAVE A FUCKING DRUMSET, TWO AMPS, AND INSTRUMENTS TO TUNE! THAT ONLY TAKES 15-20 MINUTES, TOPS, IF YOU START RIGHT AWAY!! Fucking cunts. I'm sick of getting fucked out of seeing my favorite bands. Can't go see see Slayer when they were with Manson because tickets were too pricey, couldn't go see Municipal Waste because they were playing too late when I had work the next day, and now I get fucked out of seeing my favorite band because they're a bunch of assholes who don't understand what it means to get out of their fucking dressing rooms and just play a fucking show on-time anymore. Jesus fucking Christ...I really think that the only bands from the early-to-mid 80's that have had a good amount of "success" and still been true to their fans are Slayer and GWAR. Every other band takes their sweet-ass time hitting the stage, but these bands don't fuck around.


Oh well. Here's to ignoring CKY and Cradle of Filth to see Gwar in November.

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Ryan Adams put out an EP today called "Follow the Lights". It's got four new recordings, a redone "This is It" off Rock N' Roll w/ the Cardinals backing instead of electric guitar and two live songs.


I like it a lot.



Definitely. "Blue Hotel" and their cover of "Down in a Hole" are tremendous. I dig the new songs, the slower "If I Am a Stranger," and the Norah Jones-less "Dear John."

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I've been listening to The Zombies Greatest Hits a lot lately and was wondering if any of their albums are worth picking up or were they just a singles band?

Fucking Odessey and Oracle (sic). One of the best albums of the 60s. Get on that shit yesterday.

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