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Comments we weren't supposed to hear

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When Heyman made reference to Brian Christopher being Lawler's son, I believe that was the first time the connection was actually vocalized on TV. If I remember correctly, that comment wasn't supposed to be said.


Obviously, this wasn't a spot that was called on air, but it seemed like something that was kinda leaked that shouldn't have. Kind like when Ventura used to tease McMahon when everyone knew he was the boss, but it wasn't admitted on TV for quite a while.

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When E&C were suspected of being the Conquistadores. The gold ones were wrestling the Dudleys on Raw. At one point, Uno (or is it Dos?) has D-Von in the corner and we can clearly hear Edge call "Reverse, charge".

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When Heyman made reference to Brian Christopher being Lawler's son, I believe that was the first time the connection was actually vocalized on TV. If I remember correctly, that comment wasn't supposed to be said.

It was a planned line. Lawler knew ahead of time that comment was going to be made. They even segued that into an angle on Memphis TV, where Lance Russell asked Lawler about what Heyman said, and they teased Lawler revealing the truth for a couple of weeks, before it was ended in some inconclusive fashion.

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In mid-2000 during HHH's semi face-turn he had a three on one handicap match against Edge, Christian, and Kurt Angle. Anyways, during his superman-esque squash of all three, he was about to superplex Angle from the top rope and you hear him yell out loud as fuck "STAND UP KURT!!!!". Then next thing you know, superplex.

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Rumble 99 match. austin and vince are the last 2 left. austin hit him with a chair outside and then rolled him back in the ring and is standing over him. Vince says to him "are you going to stun me?" austin says no. then a few secs later vince:are you ready for the low blow? then 5 secs later vince leaps up and lowblows austin

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We really shoudnt chide shamrock for the slap me thing. remember "ryan shamrock" was just some stripper they plucked out of the local nudie bar and was no actress. probably couldnt remember what she was supposed to do

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Shawn Michaels at Survivor Series '96




You can't hear it, but you can read his lips pretty clearly.

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Guest LooneyTune

Didn't Hebner give HHH or HBK a spot to do in SSeries 2002s Elimination Chamber Match (I think he motioned or worded for a Superkick) and then 3 seconds later the spot happens? It was something obvious like that.


Vince McMahon: Ring the fucking bell!


Wait, did he really say that? On PPV at least I can't hear, but probably the people around him did.

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During the Sandman v Justin Credible match on the last ECW card, Credible has Sandman in a side headlock and Sandman goes, "drop toehold, drop toehold", before shooting Credible into the ropes and taking him down with a drop toehold.

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Guest Rrrsh
Oh yeah, another one was in the Wrestlemania 19 women's 3-way dance between Jazz/Trish/Vicky, you can hear Trish, while in Jazz's STF, yell "Stevie!"


Next thing you know, he interferes.

There was a Womans match on that card?




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Angle/Benoit from Unforgiven 2002 has a few, mostly Angle shouting Go for a belly to belly on Benoit


Incidentally, the Internet Collection set of videos has some great stuff like this, for instance the Ken Shamrock/Ryan Shamrock spot

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A bit of a tangent, but Angle for a time would just SCREAM cuss words when he was applying the ankle lock. i.e. "Austin you stupid sonuvabithc if you don't tap out I will SNAP your fucking ANKLE..... WHOOOOO!"

The happy whoo at the end made it.

Tangent again.... but I remember at Summerslam 01', he had him in the lock and he proceed to scream "TAP YOU SON OF A BITCH! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!"


Pretty damn funny.

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Oh yeah, another one was in the Wrestlemania 19 women's 3-way dance between Jazz/Trish/Vicky, you can hear Trish, while in Jazz's STF, yell "Stevie!"


Next thing you know, he interferes.

There was a Womans match on that card?





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Oh yeah, another one was in the Wrestlemania 19 women's 3-way dance between Jazz/Trish/Vicky, you can hear Trish, while in Jazz's STF, yell "Stevie!"


Next thing you know, he interferes.

There was a Womans match on that card?




Trish Stratus beat Victoria and Jazz (7:17) in a "triple threat" match to win the WWE Women's Title when she pinned Victoria.

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