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Flaws in WWE logic

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Back in the day they at least used to make passing references to WWF history. I.e. Rock's face promos stating 'the Rock and the Rattlesnake haven't always seen eye-to-eye.' It just needs a passing reference.


The most egregious example is the Kane/Lita storyline. In ONE fucking week we're supposed to buy Kane as a face because his fucking RAPE baby was miscarried. Fucking phenomanal.

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Guest LooneyTune

How come when you're a babyface you're "pure", but when you turn heel you're suddenly a slut? I'm obviously reffering to the Trish turn this year...and Sable kinda become a whore in 1999.

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All of the serious bodily injury angles make no sense.


* Kane injures Linda McMahon - okay, he's the heel. A few weeks later, Shane almost commits vehicular manslaughter of Kane, and yet he's somehow still the GOOD GUY in the feud.


* The aforementioned Big Show / Kurt Angle feud. Big Show nearly kills Angle, and not only does he face no criminal (or civil) liability, but when he comes back, Angle is the heel for shaving Show's head.


* Kane RAPES a woman and impregnates her with his demon seed, and he's booked as the hero against the guy who *accidentally* caused her to miscarry.

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Guest LooneyTune

As much as the whole pregnancy angle sucked, who will the fans cheer?


The guy who obviously GLOATS about being responsible for the miscarry (no), or the person suffering from it, even if he is a demon necro-rapist (...yes by default).

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Not seeing $$$$ in acknowledging HHH and Stephanie's relationship on camera and pitting them against Vince McMahon for control of the company.


Having your competition during the wrestling boom of the 90's, Bischoff and Heyman, on payroll and using them in bland on-air roles rather than utilizing their creative talents and business knowledge.


In addition to Heyman and Bischoff, having people like Jim Cornette, Mick Foley, Ric Flair and Tommy Dreamer on payroll and using a creative team with little to no industry experience.


Circa 1997. Connecting with an audience by listening to your online followers, appealing towards the smart fans on the Internet and in your publications, boasting that you don't "insult the intelligence of your audience with good guy vs. bad guy, leading into your most successful business period. Circa 2004. Refusing to acknowledge any online criticism or opinion of the product. Going back to kayfabe on the Internet and in your publications, insulting your audience's intelligence with good guy vs. bad guy angles that don't even make sense (Angle/Big Show and Kane/Snitsky) and failing to see the connection as to why you aren't connecting with your audience.


Scripted promos when the guys who have got over in this business the most (Flair, Austin, Rock, Foley) didn't have someone scripting their lines.


Not realizing that everyone wrestling the same style is boring to audiences and that diversity and different styles are necessary.


Hyping "season premieres" with no noticeable change in the look of the shows to set it apart from "last season".


The World Wrestling Entertainment Champion and the World Heavyweight Champion (of what?). Either name the titles after their brands or make one show ECW and the other WCW under the World Wrestling Entertainment banner.


Not realizing that the new talent coming up have been influenced by guys like HBK, Bret, Jericho, Benoit, Eddie, Flair, Taz, WCW cruisers, etc. more so than Warlord, Sid Vicious, Ahmed Johnson, Ultimate Warrior and the hoss's of yesterday. By setting size requirements on the talent you're considering to bring in - you are possibly screwing the business out of the next Flair or HBK for the sake of pushing talentless developing talent. For every failed Nathan Jones experiment, for every botched Heidenreich or Matt Morgan push, there is a Paul London or Spanky who could have ran with half the television time devoted to them.


Having a cruiserweight division and not bringing in new luchas, not looking at ROH and the indies, X Division, etc.


Gene Snitsky and Viscera are employed with WWE. Samoa Joe and CM Punk are not.


Forgetting about the brand rivalry between Smackdown and Raw. Failing to create the illusion of the Monday Night Wars WWF vs. WCW rivalry. The dueling GM's out to make their show number one with talent raids, trades, promotional stunts, verbal jabs at the competition. Seperate creative teams.

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Guest LooneyTune

Samoa Joe and CM Punk are lucky, aren't they? Meaningless 4 minute matches every week, and since Samoa Joe is...well, Samoan, he'll just be made into a Head Shrinker or something. CM Punk is probably too small to them.

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*HHH Is "attacked" by Batistia on Raw last week. Rather then stripping him of The World Title, or declaring a Falls Count Anywhere Match starting right then and there, Raw G.M. Benoit makes Edge take HHH's place In The Cage Match, making himself look like a comple Idiot In The Process.




*Lita asking Stacy Keebler If she can keep a secret re: her pregnancy with The Camera just a few feet In front of her.



*Any heel that reveals their "Master Plan" In front of a Camera.

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Women who don't want to take off their clothes in front of the fans (are there any left in the WWE? Christ) are prudish bitches.


Oh, and you'd better drink beer and like it, dammit, or Austin will give you a stunner. I'm looking at you, Stacey Keibler.

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Women who don't want to take off their clothes in front of the fans (are there any left in the WWE? Christ) are prudish bitches.


Oh, and you'd better drink beer and like it, dammit, or Austin will give you a stunner. I'm looking at you, Stacey Keibler.

I agree with this statement. I'd take Molly Holly over any of those strippers/divas anyday.

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Guest LooneyTune

Stacy deserved that stunner. She's fucking TEST!! The Human-Beaver Test. Also, Molly > All.

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How come when you're a babyface you're "pure", but when you turn heel you're suddenly a slut? I'm obviously reffering to the Trish turn this year...and Sable kinda become a whore in 1999.

And if you're a face, it's fine and dandy (Torrie, Dawn).


justcoz covered a hell of a lot of non-storyline ones.


The past three weeks of Raw with the wrestlers "booking" lousy shows with stupid fluffer crap, devoting nearly as much time screwing with Coach as with HHH, and the shows overall looking like they were booked EXACTLY THE SAME as not only each other, but the same as the shows look week-in week-out.


SD running 2 Diva-centric angles *and* having DS rejects and losers running around in any role they can find for them, all at the same time.


JBL still has the WWE Championship, but isn't taken seriously, isn't expected to be taken seriously, and is really just a lame duck champion at this point.


Each show has about 3 real tag teams in their tag team divisions. Raw has about 4 actual wrestlers in its women's division.


Nobody cares about Maven until one night he's pushed as an underdog babyface. 2 weeks later he's turned into a whining crybaby heel.


The Cruiserweight Division: the current champion, the current contenders (i.e. the guys who actually get pushed for a shot ait it), the style used in most CW matches being identical to regular heavy matches, etc.

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How about HHH "breaking" JR's arm in mid 1999 yet all is forgiven when HHH does a semi-face turn in mid 2000 and when he makes his big return from the quad injury.

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Guest M. Harry Smilac
Spike bossing his brothers around, even though for like 80 years they beat the piss out of him and laughed in his face.

My theory on that:


The Dudleys beat up on Spike because they were trying to bring out the OLD Spike...the one that they respected from their childhood. The "Bully of Dudleyville" that Heyman mentioned when he was on commentarry.


It's only recently we've seen that OLD Spike come out.

The way they were playing the Spike angle is that to Spike's face they were treating him like the boss but behind his back mocking him.


What I thought/hoped this was leading to was a spike beatdown to signify the return of the dudley's as the badass heels they once were.This of course would probably turn Spike face in the process.


Their are practically no heel cruiserweights worth a shit aside from Kidman who isn't that great and since Chavo turned, Spike's stuck as one and the storyline hasn't been followed through on and the dudley's are just collecting a paycheck.

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In terms of booking logic flaws, the absolute biggest is the burial of RVD. Vince should have went with his wallet over his ego, because RVD was fucking MONEY IN THE BANK! He was getting the biggest pops every night, despite being a heel (at first) My friend who never watched wrestling watched EVERY WEEK because he loved RVD so much. Over with smarks and marks alike.

So they neuter his style leaving him outrageously spotty. (he was very spotty vefore too, but he was exciting because he had variety and could run through a big variety of moves quickly.) And I believe twice they book him against a heel (UT, HHH) where RVD has the advantage the way the math is set up, and he just gets absolutely squashed. The damage is absolutely irreparable now.

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Oh, and you'd better drink beer and like it, dammit, or Austin will give you a stunner. I'm looking at you, Stacey Keibler.

And going by JR if Austin gives a stunner to a woman it's ok since that's the way Austin is. But, if anyone else looks at a woman wrong HE'S A BASTARD BY GOD.


Of course, Austin was suppose to be fired for hitting someone first but, that never happened. And then there was a time were Austin was kicked out of the building but, was still able to comeback in the crowds cause he had a ticket and then jump in the ring while the guards did nothing to stop him or kick him out.


Speaking of Stacy remember when Jericho was feuding with Test and he went to hit Test with a steel chair but, Jericho ducked and Test hit Stacy instead. Well never mind that was an accident JR keep going on about how Jericho was a bastard for what happened to Stacy and he should tell her how sorry he is.

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Bah, anyone can find a flaw in anything the WWE does everyweek.


I think a better topic would be "Find one storyline or angle that DIDN"T have any flaws".


Beats me though.

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I think a better topic would be "Find one storyline or angle that DIDN"T have any flaws".

Well, uh..


You see..



















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Guest The Shadow Behind You

Orton/Foley. It's appros that it was the only angle in the last year not done by "creative".

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I cannot stand the frequency of the heel/face turns as well as title runs. They don't stick with anything anymore other than HHH and maybe Cena to an extent. They think that if a fan either boos or cheers someone for more than two shows(possibly 30 minutes of total airtime) then they need to be turned. There is no consistency on anything from theme music to title credibility. They keep changing so much that fans can't keep up and the changes are ALWAYS for the worse...never for the better. Perhaps the biggest flaw in their logic is that they have years and years of footage of what was and wasn't successful in EVERY single major wrestling organization in North America and they still don't have a clue on how to make things entertaining. And because they've become so out of touch with whats good they have perhaps sunk their only change to get WWE24/7 on major cable and sattelite companies because it may not be a safe bet for the companies even though we as fans would eat it up. On a side note it will be a great day when we can say that ECW and WCW reruns will be whipping current product all over the place. Vince should close shop and run 24/7 on TNN or USA for a while and come back in 6 months when they have a good product.

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You can't honestly think RVD would have made a better champion than anyone else in the past couple years, can you? I mean not even JBL...

It's hard to say, but they certainly should have given it a shot based on the fact that he was one of the most over guys in the entire company. If it wasn't working, they could have always taken the belt off him, but to have not at least given him a chance was a bit puzzling. He certainly would have done better than JBL, who's been an absolute bomb as champ.

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Like somebody else said it before, RVD was easy money in the bank!!! Vince let people like HHH talk him out of RVD becoming the world champion back in 2002 and the rest is history.

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Shelton Benjamin & Chris Benoit were on the opposite sides of many battles in 2003, yet now they love each other, and don't even bring up the Team Angle stuff.

That's incorrect. Because I remember...it may have even been right before his match with Trips when all the people were coming up to him, but Shelton and Benoit got face to face...looking somewhat angry, and then Shelton was about to I guess 'apologize' for the stuff that happened between them previously, and Benoit cut him off saying that all that stuff that happened between them on SD, that was in the past. And basically 'let bygons be bygons'. So for once...they did actually make mention of their past...So the not bringing up Team Angle stuff was wrong.

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Guest LooneyTune

RVD Promo as World Champion: Dude...uh...like, Im the World Champ...and stuff. 4:20! RVD! (repeats for 10 minutes)


Imagine the horrors of RVD promos every week as Champion.

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Guest LooneyTune
Shelton Benjamin & Chris Benoit were on the opposite sides of many battles in 2003, yet now they love each other, and don't even bring up the Team Angle stuff.

That's incorrect. Because I remember...it may have even been right before his match with Trips when all the people were coming up to him, but Shelton and Benoit got face to face...looking somewhat angry, and then Shelton was about to I guess 'apologize' for the stuff that happened between them previously, and Benoit cut him off saying that all that stuff that happened between them on SD, that was in the past. And basically 'let bygons be bygons'. So for once...they did actually make mention of their past...So the not bringing up Team Angle stuff was wrong.

Oh yeah, good call on that one. I completely forgot about it... I guess anything older than 6 months does evaporate from fans minds.

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You can't honestly think RVD would have made a better champion than anyone else in the past couple years, can you?  I mean not even JBL...

It's hard to say, but they certainly should have given it a shot based on the fact that he was one of the most over guys in the entire company. If it wasn't working, they could have always taken the belt off him, but to have not at least given him a chance was a bit puzzling. He certainly would have done better than JBL, who's been an absolute bomb as champ.

okay okay so I went a bit far with bringing up JBL, but when guys like Benoit and Jericho, the most over guys in the WWE, aren't pulling the WWE out of its slump, when guys like Austin, Rock every so often, Brock, Goldberg, Hogan and the nWo can't pull the company out of it's funk, there's no way RVD could have done any better...sure i'd be curious to see the results as much as anyone else, but to say Vince shoulda made him the champ all along doesn't seem very accurate to me...

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Christian's theme is inherently illogical. From LouisvilleMusicNews.com's interview with Waterproof Blonde:


For one thing, WWE came calling again and the Blonde recently finished recording a song called "Just Close Your Eyes," written by WWE music director Jim Johnston. It will be released soon on a WWE compilation that will include songs by Motorhead, Sevendust and others.


Smith noted that the song "doesn't sound like our usual stuff," which is not surprising, considering the band didn't write the tune. But the band members agreed it's a decent song and was fun to record.


"It's good for what it's for," Hagan said. "It's about a guy turning himself around to be a good person."


"In the soap opera world of wrestling," added Vier, "it's a song for a bad guy to cross over to being a good guy."



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