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Guest Jason

X-Men Legends: Thoughts?

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Guest Jason

I'm almost done with it, and I think it truly is one of the best X-men games ever. . .the only thing that comes close to it in my mind is the old X-men game on Sega Genesis, or the Spiderman / X-men: Arcade's revenge game on SNES. . .Has anybody finished it yet? How did you level your characters up? Who's the most frequently used character on your team? For me, it's Wolverine and Iceman. . .Cyclops I use pretty regularly, and Jean Grey, but usually I only use those two when I have to weld things. . .I like using my main man Colossus. . .(seen my sig anyone? ), 'cause once you get him leveled up and increas his agility. . .he's a beast. . .speaking of which, Beast's propellor kick and cannonball are very useful in crowds, but the BEST character has got to be Nightcrawler. . .his teleport kick is awesome. . .he just bounces around and hits anything in sight. . .it's a great game, I tells ya! Any thoughts?

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Cyclops and Storm are similar, and both are ridulously powerful if levelled correctly, probably the most powerfl in the fame. Their Leadership skill can be huge. Wolvie's hard NOT to use because regen is so handy. Iceman, Gambit, and Jubilee suck in my opinion. Nightcrawler's great to have as a computer controlled character, since he can save you from death with one skill, and his teleportation means he always is there to back you up. Jean Grey is a great backup too.


overall it's quite a fun game, but the challenge gets lower as you go along, IMO hurting the game. Last boss should have been someone different.

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Guest Jason

More times than not, I'll lead with Wolverine. . .'cause he's f**kin' Wolverine! But for fights against the bigger guys (Blob, Sentinels, etc.) I'll use Cyclops and fire away at them, and let wolverine get in close. . .only thing that kinda sucks about Cyclops is that his X-treme power sucks. . .it may just be because I haven't got it levelled up enough, but it's to wide, and doesn't do enough damage if you ask me. . .I just finished fighting Marrow last night with the 4 girls that resurrect her and the goons once you've knocked them down. . .took me damned near a half hour to finish that fight. . .and that was the 2nd try. . .the first battle, I was ill prepared for, and sent Jubes in, and to an extent, you're right. . .she does suck. . .the first group got slaughtered. . .I mean MASSACRED. . .in less than 2 minutes. . .but what I used Iceman for in that instance was his "Freeze-Frame" X-treme power. . .I did that everytime one of the girls would show up to resurrect Marrow and the goons. . .once Iceman died, I used Magma in her Fiery form, and used her Volcano to stun them. . .good thing was though that Iceman's freeze-frame kept Marrow frozen and moving slow for a loooooong time. . .that was probably the best battle in the game so far. . .

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I've beaten this game twice and it was VERY easy the second time around. I liked using Cyclops, Storm, Wolverine and Iceman. I find that Storm, Iceman and Cylops can whoop the shit out of people with their combos because they're so easy to do. I use Storm's cyclone attack to lift people and then either shoot them or freee them or I start a combo by freezin people with Iceman. Those attacks work great when the characters are leveled up. NIghtcrawler's mutliple teleport attack works well with combos too.

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Typically you want one tank, one long range character, someone who can build bridges, and a miscellaneous fourth member.


Typically I used Wolverine as my tank because he can heal on his own and can absolutely shred guys later on. My second choice is Rogue, equipped with one of the healing items. She has a strength advantage and can fly. Colossus & Beast are too slow and thus take too much damage. I rarely use them.


Long range is a choice between Storm & Cyclops. Both have their strengths and can be turned into gods at high levels. Cyclops is stronger, Storm can hit more guys because of Chain Lightning. I generally take Cyclops because his power advantage is helpful against bosses and Sentinels. This is usually the character I choose to play as.


Your bridgebuilder can be Jean, Magma or Iceman. At high levels, Iceman can freeze your enemies and is the best of the three easily. Early on, I tend to use Magma who has the strongest attacks and it is a pretty good longrand fighter as well. Jean suffers from all the non-human characters, Juggernaut & Magneto being immune to most of her attacks.


The fourth character can be whoever you want. Usually, I take a second tank (to make up for Wolverine's strength weakness) or Nightcrawler. If I want a psychic I stick Jean or Emma Frost here. If you feel like breezing through the game, stick whoever you left behind between Cyclops & Storm here.


Gambit, Jubilee, Psylocke and Beast are the worst characters. There is nothing that any of them offer that another character can't do better.

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Jean's Psychic Shout/Psychis Scream/Psychic Legend, you can just walk through the game doing that over and over and the game never presents any challenge against it.

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I started it, but I stoppped partway through. I might as well start over.


Wolverine and Rogue were always my two main characters, and alternating between Storm and Cyclops for the leadership ability, with the fourth being whomever. Rogue is just devastating when levelled right.


Thanks for the advice, Kahran. Nice to know I was doing things right just on instinct.

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Gambit, Jubilee, Psylocke and Beast are the worst characters. There is nothing that any of them offer that another character can't do better.

They really should've had Psylocke talk people to death like Claremont had her do in the comics. Jubilee is about where she should be in terms of power, as well as Gambit, who is probably the second most overrated X-Man anyways. Beast probably got shortchanged, but being super-smart doesn't exactly translate well in an action game like this...

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I should've gotten X-Men Legends instead of Mortal Kombat Deception and SVC Chaos, both of which sucked. I didn't buy it because I had too many RPGs to finish.


I still need to complete Chrono Cross, Skies of Arcadia Legends, Paper Mario 2, and Tales of Symphonia. Oh well.


Anybody wanna trade this game for Mortal Kombat?

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X-Men Legends is 29.99 at Best Buy this week.


I'm getting it for Christmas.

You son of a bitch.


I've already spent far more on video games this past month and a half than I ever planned to (something like $500, which is a lot when I'm unemployed) and now you taunt me with one of the main games I want- another long RPG, no less- on sale for $29.99 when I have exactly $30 to my name.


You, sir, are evil.

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Not exactly. I went to Best Buy and the game was $29.99 only for PS2. Strangely, the GC and Xbox versions are $35 this week. I'm not sure whether to buy it or hope that someone will trade it to me for Deception.


Seriously... Send me a new or used copy of X-Men Legends and I'll send you a barely played, near mint Mortal Kombat: Deception Kollector's Edition. You're getting a $60 game for half price at the very worst, and if you've beaten Legends you likely have little use for the game anyway.


Legends is the main game I want. I'm only getting rid of MKD because I grew very broed of single player. Multiplayer/Live is excellent.

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You should just sell it on eBay...


Look at it this way:


If someone can pull off a deal like this then I don't see how you could go wrong by selling it there.


Especially if you're having a hard time getting rid of it.


On topic:


X-Men Legends rules.


I found it quite fun to take Wolverine, Cyclops, and, Iceman and smash everyone else up.

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I have to say that whomever said Iceman sucks in this game is out of his mind.


Arguably the BEST character in the game.


Level his ice armor up, combined with adding points to his melee attacks, and he becomes a tank of almost unstoppable proportions (the only drawback being, of course, that he's not a true tank in that he can't pick up the heavy duty objects).


Boss battles are a SYNCH with him. Just freeze the villain with his freeze blast, and wail on them.


I'm almost through the game now, and I've been trying hard not to use Wolverine / Iceman / Cyclops / Storm as much, because at level 30 and up they're virtually unstoppable and the game doesn't even really pose any challenge against them.


I have to say, despite what I've seen on some message boards......if leveled up properly, NONE of the characters are really that weak / poor. Hell, if leveled up enough, even Jubilee can kick some serious ass. When you level up Beast's Pinball & Propeller kick to their highest levels, he's fantastic at decimating multiple enemies. Gambit's staff detonation is exceptional in that area ias well. The only character who sort of gets the shaft is Psylocke, and that's mainly because she comes in a bit too late to really do much good.


For those who are just starting the game or haven't gotten it yet: if you want to build levels like MAD, keep playing the qualifying examination for Senior class in the Danger Room (where you have to protect Xavier against the Astral Plane enemies). Just concentrate on killing all the enemies that spawn in - you'll literally gain tens of thousands of experience points each time.

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I got the game for Xbox on Saturday afternoon at Best Buy for $35 but didn't get a chance to play it until around midnight. I wasn't sure exactly what to expect since I only regained interest in the X-Men a year ago after not reading the comics since 1995, but I have had no trouble following things thus far (although I haven't played long). I've even aced every trivia question I've tried thus far.


I've played for 2 hours and have finished touring the mansion. I did all the Danger Room missions that were available and am now ready to start the 2nd mission. I'm just too tired to do it tonight, though.


I had a lot of fun tearing shit up with Wolverine. I literally smashed just about everything that was smashable on that first mission. It was great.


However, the mansion tour, while pretty cool, dragged on way too long with too much talking. Maybe I just felt that way since I'm so tired, because normally I love stuff like that.


Another thing is that the combat got repetitive after a while, but with the addition of other X-Men aiding in wicked combos and all the characters leveling up to gain more powerful attacks, that shouldn't be a hindrance for long.


All in all, the game looks promising and I enjoyed the brief time I spent with it despite those annoyances. I can definitely see myself getting hooked. So much for finishing anything in my backlog of unfinished/unplayed games.

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Look at it this way:


If someone can pull off a deal like this then I don't see how you could go wrong by selling it there.

That link is hilarious, but not work safe.

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