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Campus club seeks right to exclude gays

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Guest keelebasa

The Christian Legal Society indeed! This is hilarious.

Will these future lawyers practice from the offices of

"Look, it sez right here!" They're from the Church of

Christ without Christ.


God bless them their double standard! Tax-payer money

for we true believers but not for thee sodomites.


"Christians" don't have a corner on the hypocrisy

market. They sure do try awful damn hard though, don't they?


Now, I strongly encourage everyone to carefully read his or her

Good Book. Don't be stuck in the Old Testament or the

New Testament either. That'd be just plain silly. I'll

say this much though: Having led an open forum on

gay marriage and written plenty of OP/ED pieces on

homosexual issues I've personally studied the Holy Bible

inside and out. Can you imagine if Christians

followed the Old Testament to the letter of the law?


In short, eight different types of personal

relationships are portrayed in the Old Testament, from a

man and a female slave, to a rapist and his female victim,

from a male soldier and a female P.O.W. to a man,

wives and concubines. God blessed those personal

relationships so long as the persons involved in them

worshipped Him! It's the whole truth! Read your

Genisis, your Deuteronomy, your Exodus, if you don't

believe me. Reading is believing! Oh, and there's not

one single New Testament passage or verse that covers

homosexuality. There's simply not, so don't go there!

Jesus didn't go there. Don't go adding or subtracting

from the Word of God. Christ's having none of that.

Don't believe me? Read Revelations!


Respect Jesus the Christ; tame the hypocrisy and intolerance.


I've said it before and I'll say it again:

God save us from religion! And the problem with

Christanity's all of the damned Christians! Get it?




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Guest Jason
Christ doesn't welcome non-believers into Heaven. That's pointed out very clearly in the Bible. And when he did dine with sinners, he didn't sit down and say "It's OK everyone, keep living in sin." He told them how live rightious, and he would tell Gays their lifestyles is wrong, plain and simple. I hate it when people try to say that God accepts sin


Um, bullshit. Christ CLEARLY said that it is not necessary to believe in him but to be rightous(which translates to being a good person) He also never said, "Hey, gay lifestyle...why don't we cut that out, huh?" I mean, dude, he commented on EVERY fucking thing from what you can eat, to what the literal meaning of born again was, to what constitutes work on the sabbath...i mean he commented on everything. you would think he wouldn't have missed that whole "GAY" thing if he had a opinion on it. I mean that, "I give to you this final commandment" thing about loving one another being most important, that helps eradicate that. Bottomline, dude came out said ignore the old testament, did things that directly went against the old law, and some people are taught to this day to still support the old laws while some chose to live through the new testament.


Don't start speaking for what Jesus would have done or said because of what you were taught his traits might have been.


And dude...didnt you start the hitler thread?

Oh man, there are too many verses to list that say this: No man will enter Heaven unless they are Saved. Not by works, not by baptism, not by living good, not even by being straight or gay. Salvation and salvation only. It is really very simple when you think about. I believe I am a sinner. I believe Christ died for my sins. Therefore faith in Christ is what gets me into heaven, not how I live my life. It isn't anything that I did on my own, but rather is a free gift from God.


And 'Dude' didn't come out say ingore the old testament. But the fact that Christ did come to Earth and fullfilling the plan of Salvation did change things. Christ was fullfilling the law for them, so yes he did change things. Like no need for animal sacrafices. And Christ started the church which also changed things. If you read much of the quotes of Christ you would realize that the majority of what he taught were actuall Old testament Quotes. So he did preach the Old Testament most of his life. I don't speak for Jesus, he speaks for himself. If I post something, you can go look it up in the Bible. I know what he did and did not say because unlike 99% of the people here who talk about the Bible, I have actually read it. Seriously people, if you take the time to look up stuff before you post it, you would save yourselves alot of typing, and you may actually learn something.


Christ did preach to Love one another. And that means to love Gays. That does not mean love their lifestyle. Read further on in your Bible and you will see that we are to 'Love the sinner, hate the sin'. Yet nobody ever wants to bring that up because it would go against there very own arguement. And if you want to know where God stands on Homosexuallity just read up on Sodom and Gommorah. God destroyed those cities because of their wicked lifestyle. Wiped them off the face of the Earth. Sounds to me like he has clearly stated what he thinks about Homosexuallity. Plain and simple. Don't take my word for it, go read it yourself. It isn't a trait I picked up and formed on my own. It is a record passage.


And his final commandment was to go and preach the Gospel. That's another fact for you. He said the greatestest of the commandments was to Love God and one another. That's another Old Testament quote right there.

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But Christ never once mentioned homosexuality as a sin, yet you say "Christ would have said this about gays." If he WANTED to comment on that, he WOULd have. Yes Christ preached alot of the Old testament...the parts that were still relavent. Its it not at all believable to think that at least SOME of the old testament laws were flawed as they were written by man and Jesus straighted it out some. He inforced the love and understanding...did away with that "eye for a eye" thinking. HE MENTIONED THE SINS AND WHAT YOU NEEDED TO REPENT FROM, but MYSTERIOUSLY decided not to mention Homosexuality?


And if you do believe in Christanity you believe in the trinity, which is why Christ was still infact god and the holy spirt, which is why he mentioned that belief in him (christ) was not necessary but belief in god and the holy spirt was. Now you can argue that in believing one is believing in all, but I don't think Christ was so cocky to believe that everyone in the world would say, yeah, the guy...hes gods son.


And honestly, do you think god is just sending billions of people to hell because they were born Hindu. I mean, serial killers find Christ in jail, and you are suggesting guy that raped and killed dozens of people is in heaven while Ghandi is burning in hell.


Maybe I have more confidence in god that you, but I would like to think that god isn't some collosal dick that is getting off on the eternal torture of good people because they happend to believe in a separate faith. I have confidence that god isn't going to create people that are attracted to the same sex JUST so that they have to fight it and never be emotionally satisfied, but hey....you get to heaven. I mean, if I don't like pepper, I don't sprinkle that shit all over my food. Why would god sprinkle this world with different people with different beliefs and feelings and desires if they shouldn't feel them. That is my lone problem with "true" christanity. at the end of the day, its "believe our way or go to hell" and that is just plain bullshit.


And god flooded the entire fucking world once. Does that mean everyone was just plain gay? How were new babies being born?


Bottomline, the scripture is flawwed because it is written by man. that is why we have COMMON FUCKING SENSE.

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Christ doesn't welcome non-believers into Heaven. That's pointed out very clearly in the Bible. And when he did dine with sinners, he didn't sit down and say "It's OK everyone, keep living in sin." He told them how live rightious, and he would tell Gays their lifestyles is wrong, plain and simple. I hate it when people try to say that God accepts sin


Um, bullshit. Christ CLEARLY said that it is not necessary to believe in him but to be rightous(which translates to being a good person) He also never said, "Hey, gay lifestyle...why don't we cut that out, huh?" I mean, dude, he commented on EVERY fucking thing from what you can eat, to what the literal meaning of born again was, to what constitutes work on the sabbath...i mean he commented on everything. you would think he wouldn't have missed that whole "GAY" thing if he had a opinion on it. I mean that, "I give to you this final commandment" thing about loving one another being most important, that helps eradicate that. Bottomline, dude came out said ignore the old testament, did things that directly went against the old law, and some people are taught to this day to still support the old laws while some chose to live through the new testament.


Don't start speaking for what Jesus would have done or said because of what you were taught his traits might have been.


And dude...didnt you start the hitler thread?

Oh man, there are too many verses to list that say this: No man will enter Heaven unless they are Saved. Not by works, not by baptism, not by living good, not even by being straight or gay. Salvation and salvation only. It is really very simple when you think about. I believe I am a sinner. I believe Christ died for my sins. Therefore faith in Christ is what gets me into heaven, not how I live my life. It isn't anything that I did on my own, but rather is a free gift from God.


And 'Dude' didn't come out say ingore the old testament. But the fact that Christ did come to Earth and fullfilling the plan of Salvation did change things. Christ was fullfilling the law for them, so yes he did change things. Like no need for animal sacrafices. And Christ started the church which also changed things. If you read much of the quotes of Christ you would realize that the majority of what he taught were actuall Old testament Quotes. So he did preach the Old Testament most of his life. I don't speak for Jesus, he speaks for himself. If I post something, you can go look it up in the Bible. I know what he did and did not say because unlike 99% of the people here who talk about the Bible, I have actually read it. Seriously people, if you take the time to look up stuff before you post it, you would save yourselves alot of typing, and you may actually learn something.


Christ did preach to Love one another. And that means to love Gays. That does not mean love their lifestyle. Read further on in your Bible and you will see that we are to 'Love the sinner, hate the sin'. Yet nobody ever wants to bring that up because it would go against there very own arguement. And if you want to know where God stands on Homosexuallity just read up on Sodom and Gommorah. God destroyed those cities because of their wicked lifestyle. Wiped them off the face of the Earth. Sounds to me like he has clearly stated what he thinks about Homosexuallity. Plain and simple. Don't take my word for it, go read it yourself. It isn't a trait I picked up and formed on my own. It is a record passage.


And his final commandment was to go and preach the Gospel. That's another fact for you. He said the greatestest of the commandments was to Love God and one another. That's another Old Testament quote right there.

Wait.. he destroyed the cities because of their wicked ways, and "wicked" means they were all gay? Does it actually say the reason he destroyed them are because they were homosexuals, or do you just assume this?


You really come off as an arragont prick saying that being gay is a sin.


I feel sorry for you, and your type, who follow all these laws of God. Every religion has their own, what makes yours right? Nothing. Just arragonce. From everyone. Live a good life, and God, or Budah, or whatever you want to call the creator will have no beef with you. Don't bother pulling out verses that state otherwise either, because "THE GOSPEL IS 90% BULLSHIT" counter acts any of those.


If you were born and raised in India, do you think you'd still be a Christian? Does that make you any less of a person? No.. you'd probably think the Christians were the ones who are wrong.


"It doesn't matter what you have faith in, just as long as you have faith"



And yes.. Kevin Smith is probably smarter than the PEOPLE who wrote the scriptures. Yes, they were people, even if they claim to have been "Filled with the Holy Spirit".. what makes their word any better than anyone elses? You just choose what you want to believe in and live it as fact.. I don't know, I don't even want to argue anymore. You're making my head hurt. And you're just oging to come back with a bunch of Bible versus which mean nothing to me because I choose not to believe in what some dude wrote, and some other dude decided to make devine law.

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Kevin Smith is not smarter then many of the people who wrote the gospels or any religious doctrine really. Shut the hell up you just lost your credibility right there.

You're right!


I must have missed the gospel of Einstein.


Oh all the proof we have that the gospel writers were smarter than the average human.


Edit: Yes, undoubtably some did have a higher IQ than Smith, and I'm sure many didn't. It doesn't make their word gospel.

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Guest Jason
But Christ never once mentioned homosexuality as a sin, yet you say "Christ would have said this about gays." If he WANTED to comment on that, he WOULd have. Yes Christ preached alot of the Old testament...the parts that were still relavent.

You know, Christ never said verbatum, "Don't Rape. Don't steal Cars, Don't shake Babies, Don't have sex with animals, Don't have sex with your sister." Yet I can tell you if you asked him today, he way each and every one of those is sin. It doesn't take a Degree to figure that out. And yes, God is the Trinity - God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and the God the Spirit (Holy Ghost). They are all the same. I don't know exactly what your point was with that paragraph, but the Title Jesus used the most was 'Son of Man'. But he also called himself, and made it well known, that he was the Son of God, and he was God. And by that, When God Condemned Sodom and Gommorah and smote the Homosexualls, guess what, It was Jesus himself that said Homosexuallity is Sin!! I can't make that any more clear.


And honestly, do you think god is just sending billions of people to hell because they were born Hindu. I mean, serial killers find Christ in jail, and you are suggesting guy that raped and killed dozens of people is in heaven while Ghandi is burning in hell.


No, that is not what I think. That's not what the Bible preaches. That is nowhere in anything I posted. Looks like something you just made up. I said that Salvation is a Gift. Anyone can accept it. Whether they be Rapist, Alcoholics, Nuns, Islams, Buhdist, little old sweet grandmothers,... Anyone can recieve it. IT is anyone's choice to accept it. God does send anyone to Hell. God gave mankind a choice to make. If you don't want to believe in Christ, you go to Hell. If you do want to believe in Christ, you go to Heaven. The choice is yours, Not God's. He gives everyone the same choice to make. If the murderer does not recieve Christ, he will go to Hell. If the murderer repents and trust Christ, he will go to Heaven. the Same goes for Ghandi. Each of them have the same choice. And nobody is born Hindu. I wasn't born Christian or Baptist. It's a decision I made. People are born human, that's it. you can be born into a Hindu or Christian family, but that doesn't make one. Just look at all the posters here who born into Christian families, yet they are not Christian themselves.


Maybe I have more confidence in god that you, but I would like to think that god isn't some collosal dick that is getting off on the eternal torture of good people because they happend to believe in a separate faith. I have confidence that god isn't going to create people that are attracted to the same sex JUST so that they have to fight it and never be emotionally satisfied, but hey....you get to heaven. I mean, if I don't like pepper, I don't sprinkle that crap all over my food. Why would god sprinkle this world with different people with different beliefs and feelings and desires if they shouldn't feel them. That is my lone problem with "true" christanity. at the end of the day, its "believe our way or go to hell" and that is just plain bullshit.


Again, read your Bible before you try to explain it. God is not the author of confusion. that is a quote. God didn't create sin. God doesn't create all murderer's, Homo's, rapist. God doesn't create all Preachers, Humanitarians, or missionaries either. He creates Man, and he gave a free will to make decisions all by himself. But sometimes God will allow a deformed baby or mentally retarded child to born. He has a purpose for it, and I do not know that purpose. I have heard amazing stories of such children who have been used mightily of God, so I do know that he does in fact do great things with those who get cast aside from society.

Man, himself, decided that he wanted to worship other things. Man himself sprinkled the world with different beliefs. Man infested the world with greed, lust, revenge, murder, hate, not God. I find it hilarious that people only to bring up God when something bad happens, yet when miracles occur, they look the other way and praise Man. Don't pick and choose.

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But Christ never once mentioned homosexuality as a sin, yet you say "Christ would have said this about gays."  If he WANTED to comment on that, he WOULd have.  Yes Christ preached alot of the Old testament...the parts that were still relavent.

You know, Christ never said verbatum, "Don't Rape. Don't steal Cars, Don't shake Babies, Don't have sex with animals, Don't have sex with your sister."

God, you're dumb. I don't have my Bible with me, but... damn all of that shit is mentioned in the Bible.


You have actually read it, right?

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January 2nd - 2:15 pm ET


California Catholic school angers some parents and parishioners by admitting gay couple's sons

The Associated Press


COSTA MESA, Calif. — Some parents and parishioners have accused the Roman Catholic diocese in Orange County of violating church doctrine by allowing a gay couple to enroll their children in a church school.


The group demanded that St. John the Baptist School in Costa Mesa accept only families that pledge to abide by Catholic teachings, the Los Angeles Times reported in Sunday's editions. Church doctrine opposes gay relationships and adoption by same-sex couples.


"The teachings of the church seem to have been abandoned," John R. Nixon told the Times. "We send our children to a Catholic school because we expect and demand that the teachings of our church will be adhered to."


School officials rejected the demand, and issued a new policy stating that a family's background "does not constitute an absolute obstacle to enrollment in the school."


The parents' demand would presumably prevent two adopted boys whose parents are both men from attending the school's kindergarten.


The Rev. Gerald M. Horan, superintendent of diocese schools, said that if Catholic beliefs were strictly adhered to, then children whose parents divorced, used birth control or married outside the church would also have to be banned.


"This is the quagmire that the parents' position represents," he said. "It's a slippery slope to go down."


The boys' parents, who enrolled their children at the beginning of the school year, declined to comment to the Times.


Some parents have promised to ask the Vatican to intervene and some have threatened to pull their children from the school. Others are worried the boys' attendance will set a precedent, saying their presence is part of a larger effort by the gay community to change the church.


"The boys are being used as pawns by these men to further their agenda," said Monica Sii, who has four children at the school.

Copyright 2005 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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God, it seems both liberals and conservatives in this country are becoming overreacting whiny crybabies. (Re: the complaining parents)


I'm sure the gay couple's kids'll have a princely time there. "Have a good time at school, honey, and remember not to make friends with the kids with the gay parents. It might be contagious!"

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January 2nd - 2:15 pm ET


California Catholic school angers some parents and parishioners by admitting gay couple's sons

The Associated Press


COSTA MESA, Calif. — Some parents and parishioners have accused the Roman Catholic diocese in Orange County of violating church doctrine by allowing a gay couple to enroll their children in a church school.


The group demanded that St. John the Baptist School in Costa Mesa accept only families that pledge to abide by Catholic teachings, the Los Angeles Times reported in Sunday's editions. Church doctrine opposes gay relationships and adoption by same-sex couples.


"The teachings of the church seem to have been abandoned," John R. Nixon told the Times. "We send our children to a Catholic school because we expect and demand that the teachings of our church will be adhered to."


School officials rejected the demand, and issued a new policy stating that a family's background "does not constitute an absolute obstacle to enrollment in the school."


The parents' demand would presumably prevent two adopted boys whose parents are both men from attending the school's kindergarten.


The Rev. Gerald M. Horan, superintendent of diocese schools, said that if Catholic beliefs were strictly adhered to, then children whose parents divorced, used birth control or married outside the church would also have to be banned.


"This is the quagmire that the parents' position represents," he said. "It's a slippery slope to go down."


The boys' parents, who enrolled their children at the beginning of the school year, declined to comment to the Times.


Some parents have promised to ask the Vatican to intervene and some have threatened to pull their children from the school. Others are worried the boys' attendance will set a precedent, saying their presence is part of a larger effort by the gay community to change the church.


"The boys are being used as pawns by these men to further their agenda," said Monica Sii, who has four children at the school.

Copyright 2005 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

See this is exactly what I am talking about when I make a comment about christian(catholic christians in this case) seeming to hold "gay" as a sin more sinful/evil/bigger etc....then any other sin. I mean I am sure if you were to investigate into every child's parent in that school, you would find an awful lot of them straying from "the teachings of christ" but somehow it always comes back to the "gay" sin as being the ultimate WHAMMY in life. Such nonsense, and we aren't even talking about the kids here. I mean how very christian of these cocksucker parents to single out and try and bring shame and exclusion from children. There is also that thing about not casting the first stone or however it goes. B-) Fuckers.

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"The boys are being used as pawns by these men to further their agenda," said Monica Sii, who has four children at the school.

I love that line.

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wow. Good reads, I thought. At least they got me thinking beyond what everyone else usually spouts out when debating the whole topic of homosexuality.

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