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Chuck Woolery

SWF Lockdown Card, 1-5-05!

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The Smartmarks Wrestling Federation presents...


(5:00pm PDT, 8:00pm EDT; check local listings)


Send marked matches, promos, etc. to Ace309


Hey, guess who lives in New Hampshire! I do! After all the shit going down over Christmas break and at Slay Ride, FINALLY it gets back to where it really counts -- the squared circle. The Suicide King and Longdogger Pete will be presenting all the fallout from Slay Ride, including Landon Maddix's incredible title win and the flip-flopping of the HCG and USJL titles! What will Toxxic say?


Opening Promo: Landon Maddix




Revolution Zero (Toxxic & Sean Davis, SWF Tag Team Champions) v. Wild and Dangerous (Wildchild and Johnny Dangerous)

-> You know it, baby! Wildchild and Johnny Dangerous made their triumphant return towards the end of 2004, ending the year with a triumphant victory over Max King and Dominic Korgath to secure #1 contendership to the SWF World Tag Team Championships! People have said that it's inevitable, that it's destiny for Wild and Dangerous to come back and win the tag championships -- but if Sean Davis and Toxxic have their way, that destiny's going to have to be put on hold!

Rules: Standard tag rules. Have fun with the tag ropes.

Word Limit: 6500

Marker: Ace309



Manson v. "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins

-> How many times has this match happened? Yeah, that's what I thought. SWF, SJL, these two have brawled way too many times for me to discuss in depth here, so we'll say that whoever wins will get some sort of title shot in the next three shows and leave it at that. No, I'm not kidding.

Rules: Standard singles rules.

Word Limit: 4500

Marker: Chuck Woolery



Martial Law (Alan Clark and "Urban Legend" Todd Cortez) v. "The Icon" Max King and Dominic Korgath

-> Let's get some order in the tag ranks, shall we? Weeks ago, Cortez and Clark aligned with the NEW SWF World Heavyweight Champion, Landon Maddix, to form Martial Law, a stable designed to swing the balance of power from Revolution Zero. Thus far they're on the right track, but in this match the newly formed team of King and Korgath look to derail them! (As a side note,KKK would be such an awesome name for you guys; King, Korgath and Kelly. Think about that one.) Anyway, this match should establish who's for real and who's for... fake in the tag division, so let's stop being polite and let's start getting real!

Rules: Standard tag rules.

Word Limit: 5000

Marker: Justice




Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix v. Sacred

-> Yes, this is our opening match. Sacred, the perennial World title contender, lost to Landon in the finals of the Cold Front Classic tournament, and we all know what Maddix has done since then. Now, however, Sacred has a chance to make up for that. If he can go seven minutes with Landon Maddix without being pinned, he'll receive a World title shot on the 1/14 edition of Storm. If he somehow scores a victory over Landon in that seven minutes, he gets to name a stip, too. Whereas if Landon can win in seven minutes, he gets to take a breather until a Clusterfuck defence. Sounds like fun? You know it.

Rules: DQs and countouts are in effect. There is a seven minute time limit on the match.

Word Limit: 4000

Marker: chirs3


Plus: Everyone who's not booked better have a promo about how they intend to win Clusterfuck! Yeah, you heard me! Munich, Mak Francis, Carnage... all this and more... on LOCKDOWN.

Edited by Chuck Woolery

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Guest The Satanic Angel

Some tag moves for Toxx and Sean Davis have been added to my stats. Please look them over, W&D.


And then die.

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Guest The Satanic Angel
Some tag moves for Toxx and Sean Davis have been added to my stats.

Fibber! :P

I hain't lyin'!!


Even added some stats for Rashelle. :P

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Guest carnage

Manchester New Hampshire...thats like 20 minutes from my house. I'll have to make a really special promo for this show. It's in my backyard.

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New stats will go up in a matter of moments. Apologies to Muzz if he's already started with my old stats, but I think I caught something NYD and just got outta bed.


Oh, and I'll be in the ring after opening promo, so that'll help on the word-count.

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Knowing what's in the opening promo would help out a lot, but I don't know if I'll write so whatever.

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This is delayed until tomorrow morning or early afternoon owing to the lack of two of my matches. I'm going to need Landon and Sacred to PM their matches to me so I can mark them.

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OAO AmazingRando: too bad about the show.

TomIofIV: yeah

OAO AmazingRando: just as I suspected... JD imploded.

OAO AmazingRando: he left a hole about the size of Camden Yards.

TomIofIV: Grah

OAO AmazingRando: let's build an arena in his wake.

Edited by Ace309

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SWF Lockdown Card, 1-5-05!

New Year, Same... well, everything.


Got that right




My new New Year's Resolution's going to be not to stay up late and rush a finish to my match when I don't feel well, but wait until the morning, because I'll likely still have time to send it.

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