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I have blood in my stool

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Guest Failed Mascot
I see blood often whenever I wipe my ass.

That's just a Trillian error. I get that shit all the time.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
8 hours later I come home from work and shit what looked like bloody diarrhea which was bright red.

thats the most vile thing I've ever read.



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Guest Contentious C

Is this happening when you eat particular things? Is it all over the paper? Does it have any mucous characteristics? Does it tend to go on a bit long - that is, do you feel like God has forsaken you; stomach cramping; break into a sweat during it; etc.?


If you answered 'yes' to any or all of these, you probably need to have a colonoscopy. Worst case scenario is you have colitis.

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Worst case scenario is you have colitis.

I think colon cancer would trump that hand.


I don't feel any pain - my stomach cramped up last night but that might have been because I ate a shitload of Triscuits.


I'm going to refrain from eating for the time being and try to shit again tonight. If the condition hasn't improved, I'll go to the doctor tomorrow.

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I've had this problem too, Doctor told me it's just Hemmoriods(sp?) and/or a tear/fissure. Kinda painful sometimes but you kinda just hafta deal with it as it won't completely go away...ever.

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I've always attributed the little blood I see here and there to my "overindulgence" in spirits.


Now what I am wondering is where all you homos are getting your "tears" in that particular region.

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Is this happening when you eat particular things? Is it all over the paper? Does it have any mucous characteristics? Does it tend to go on a bit long - that is, do you feel like God has forsaken you; stomach cramping; break into a sweat during it; etc.?


If you answered 'yes' to any or all of these, you probably need to have a colonoscopy. Worst case scenario is you have colitis.

Or Crohn's disease...


Which if it advances in severity, is deadly and terrible beyond imagination.


My dad had it for forty years and died from it a year and a half. You do not want that disease.


Luckilly, Nope doesn't have it...unless he just lost twenty pounds and cant keep solid foods down.


Weird...my dad wasn't supposed to live past 25, but somehow made it into his sixties.


But uhm yeah..I bleed when I wipe too much/too hard.

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Guest Failed Mascot

when you're wiping and you reach little things of blood that just means the poopies are all gone.

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Luckilly, Nope doesn't have it...unless he just lost twenty pounds and cant keep solid foods down.

I have lost about 20 pounds in the past year for no apparent reason.


Solid foods stay down, though.

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Guest Contentious C
Twenty in a year is healthy.  You lift weights regularly, right?



Crohn's Disease - sounds like we have a winner


I have an appointment with my doctor Thursday morning.

You'd lose a fair bit more than 20 in a year from that. My mother went from 135 to 104 in about 11 months - throwing up constantly, very frequent abdominal pain. If you'd had that all year, you'd have been to see the doctor about it already, believe me.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Crohn's is hellish. My buddy Kirby went from almost 300lbs to down to about 130. I'm not a christian man, but pray you don't have that shit.

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I think its funny that everyone is pretty much scaring the shit (no pun intended) Out of great white nope when he mightent have anything too bad. Maybe he just had a corny/nutty shit that cut his asshole a little as it went out.


But if is serious nope, im sorry to hear it

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

He just has a dry ass. Does he live in cold weather? Seriously. He wipped too hard and oepned a wound. I think its happened to everyone here at leats once.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
This thread has generated a lot more serious posts than I would have ever expected/been capable of providing.

You act as thought you've never had a bloody ass....

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As long as you're not having stomach pain then you shouldn't worry too much about. If the stool is red then you have rectal bleeding. If it is blackish and tar-like then you have severe internal bleeding and you should seek emergency treatment. Like someone stated above, it's most likely an anal fissure or hemorrhoids. Another possibility is an ulcer, but that is usually associated with stomach pain.


I've had bloody stool with severe abdominal pains for the past several months. I didn't call my doctor until a few weeks ago. The pain was unbearable and my stool was black. Initially I was diagnosed with an ulcer. I began treatment for that but the pain didn't go away. They ran some blood and I tested positive for a stomach infection called H Pylori. It's not fun at all. The treatment involves taking 8 pills a day that have hellish side effects. I also have to get a stomach biopsy, which I can't say I'm looking forward to. Cancer runs in my family so of course that has been on my mind.


Anyway, best of luck to you.

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You all need severe medical help.


I think there's a pretty clear difference between having some sort of abraided asshole and like internal damage...


Anyways I knew someone who had a stomach virus (I think) which gave him bloody stools. You need to check this out sooner than later. Don't be embarrased, be worried.

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Guest Rob Edwards

I had the same thing a while ago, went to see the doctor. Yeah, long story short is he pretty much laughed at me when I suggested it might be colon cancer. I've since vowed never to look at a medical advice site again seeing as you probably do yourself more damage crapping yourself at what they say you might have than what you do have is doing to you.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Shouldn't really listen to doctors either, they make those sites to get you to go, and when you show up, you get robbed.

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