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Guest wrestling365

Details On Hogan Backstage At Smackdown...

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Guest wrestling365

Hulk Hogan was backstage at the Smackdown tapings yesterday in Tampa, FL...


I've heard from a reliable source that Hogan spent most of his time at the show with Shane McMahon although it's believed he did meet with Vince earlier in the day.


He was also seen talking to JBL for a few minutes who was overheard saying: "Hulk Hogan this is your belt I am just carrying it."


Hogan was well received by the locker room and left shortly after the show got underway.


Also at the show Dan Rodimer from Tough Enough and boxer Winky Wright were sat front row.

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He was also seen talking to JBL for a few minutes who was overheard saying: "Hulk Hogan this is your belt I am just carrying it."


He should be saying that to Eddie.

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Hopefully Hogan was only backstage to sweep up after the show.


I want him back as much as I want the Gobbledygooker to come back and join Evolution.

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^Jester's sig is simply awesome.^



ON TOPIC: Hogan's probably the biggest draw and one of the popular performers in the history of wrestling. He deserves to be treated like that backstage. So long as he's not in the main event.

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Guest LooneyTune

Come back Hulk! Come back... Hey, at least it will be fresher than JBL vs. Undertaker again.

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Guest Fook_Theta

They should have brought in Macho Man for Raw, and run the SUPERPOWERS COLLIDE part deux.


Horrible idea, but it would probably be more stimulating than either show. File under "End the brand split."

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Also at the show Dan Rodimer from Tough Enough and boxer Winky Wright were sat front row.

Too bad the Winky Wright/Trinidad fight fell through. I was looking forward to another Trinidad slaughter.... B-)

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Guest netslob
They should have brought in Macho Man for Raw, and run the SUPERPOWERS COLLIDE part deux.


Horrible idea, but it would probably be more stimulating than either show. File under "End the brand split."

you mean MEGA-Powers, dude. nobody would want to see Rhodes and Koloff square off again.

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Guest Trivia247
Hopefully Hogan was only backstage to sweep up after the show.


I want him back as much as I want the Gobbledygooker to come back and join Evolution.

At least that Gives Hector Guerrero a Job....


then its three Guerreros in the WWE at one time again...

sniff I miss Chavo Classic, that Drunken story telling little rascal


Geez I wonder what Mando is doing in his Spare time?

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Guest wrestling365
Hulk Hogan was backstage at the Smackdown tapings yesterday in Tampa, FL...


I've heard from a reliable source that Hogan spent most of his time at the show with Shane McMahon although it's believed he did meet with Vince earlier in the day.


He was also seen talking to JBL for a few minutes who was overheard saying: "Hulk Hogan this is your belt I am just carrying it."


Hogan was well received by the locker room and left shortly after the show got underway.


Also at the show Dan Rodimer from Tough Enough and boxer Winky Wright were sat front row.


A minor note to add to the backstage Smackdown stuff... New Jack wasn't at the show after showing up the day before in Ft. Lauderdale for Raw. Some guys were telling Bubba (Dudley) about New Jack being at Raw and he said if Jack shows up here he would "hand him his ass."

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Some guys were telling Bubba (Dudley) about New Jack being at Raw and he said if Jack shows up here he would "hand him his ass."

I'd like to see THAT happen. :lol:

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He was also seen talking to JBL for a few minutes who was overheard saying: "Hulk Hogan this is your belt I am just carrying it."

At this point, Hogan would be a better draw than JBL.

At this point Spike Dudley would be a better draw than Crapshaw.

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At this point wouldn't you almost accept a power combo of Shane McMahon and Hulk Hogan over HHH and Stephanie?



Some guys were telling Bubba (Dudley) about New Jack being at Raw and he said if Jack shows up here he would "hand him his ass."
See, that's one of the problems with the WWE ... New Jack would be there (presumably) at the invitation of the company. But an employee of said company would try to beat the crap out of him for showing up? Talk about the inmates running the asylum.

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Guest M. Harry Smilac
I don't see Bubba Ray beating up New Jack ever....ever...legitimately anyway...

Why not?He's got probably 100-150 pounds on NJ and he looks pretty stiff in the ring.


If New Jack couldn't use any weapons i'd imagine he would have his ass handed to him.

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Guest LooneyTune

I didn't even notice the Dudleys were off T.V. I guess they did suck that bad recently.

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Guest AndrewisyourHero
I don't see Bubba Ray beating up New Jack ever....ever...legitimately anyway...

Why not?He's got probably 100-150 pounds on NJ and he looks pretty stiff in the ring.


If New Jack couldn't use any weapons i'd imagine he would have his ass handed to him.

Last time I checked Bubba Ray Dudley wasn't an ex-bounty hunter with a series of justifiable homicides to his name..

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Guest LooneyTune

New Jack is a murderer? I'm wondering why he isn't in jail rather than why WWE didn't use him for a dark match.

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Guest AndrewisyourHero
New Jack is a murderer? I'm wondering why he isn't in jail rather than why WWE didn't use him for a dark match.

According to Jack himself in Beyond The Mat, he has in fact killed people. "It didn't mean to happen, but it did". As for why he's not in jail, I would assume that he was able to get off by claiming self-defense or some other legally plausible explaination, hence the "justifiable homicide" statement rather than "murder".

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Guest M. Harry Smilac
I don't see Bubba Ray beating up New Jack ever....ever...legitimately anyway...

Why not?He's got probably 100-150 pounds on NJ and he looks pretty stiff in the ring.


If New Jack couldn't use any weapons i'd imagine he would have his ass handed to him.

Last time I checked Bubba Ray Dudley wasn't an ex-bounty hunter with a series of justifiable homicides to his name..

Which probably all involved GUNS because anyone knows being a bounty hunter DOES NOT make you tuff.


Like I said, no weapons, New Jack is a little scrawny mf compared to Bubba and would probably get over-powered.



Usually the ones with the biggest mouths are the biggest pussies so it wouldn't suprise me to see the next dirtsheet headline of "Spike Dudley beats the shit out of New Jack" :D



Take away his knife,gun or whatever and he's got nothing.

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He was also seen talking to JBL for a few minutes who was overheard saying: "Hulk Hogan this is your belt I am just carrying it."

At this point, Hogan would be a better draw than JBL.

At this point Spike Dudley would be a better draw than Crapshaw.

Yes, because Armageddon REALLY tanked, didn't it?

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Guest Trivia247

as it stands I probably wouldn't mind hogan doing some kind of match in WM but the problem is that he usually hangs around afterwards for weeks. He doesn't quite do that one night gig thing well..


Seems only the Rock is able to return and then disappear without to much angle difficulty or fan fare..

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I don't see Bubba Ray beating up New Jack ever....ever...legitimately anyway...

Why not?He's got probably 100-150 pounds on NJ and he looks pretty stiff in the ring.


If New Jack couldn't use any weapons i'd imagine he would have his ass handed to him.

Last time I checked Bubba Ray Dudley wasn't an ex-bounty hunter with a series of justifiable homicides to his name..

Which probably all involved GUNS because anyone knows being a bounty hunter DOES NOT make you tuff.


Like I said, no weapons, New Jack is a little scrawny mf compared to Bubba and would probably get over-powered.



Usually the ones with the biggest mouths are the biggest pussies so it wouldn't suprise me to see the next dirtsheet headline of "Spike Dudley beats the shit out of New Jack" :D



Take away his knife,gun or whatever and he's got nothing.

New Jack would destroy Bubba Ray in a street fight.


It dosen't really matter about size in a street fight, I seen the littest of people kick the shit out of the biggest of people.


It matters really who gets the 1st shot. New Jack would problay fight dirty too, headbutts, low blows, whatever to win the fight.

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I don't know many things in this world, but there is one thing I do know: always bet on the angry black guy over the angry white guy in a fight.


Who gives a shit about size - I think New Jack would murder Bubba Ray. Probably in the literal sense.

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You know that Bradshaw comment had me thinking!!!!!


WrestleMania 21

Los Angeles California

The Champion of Champion


Bradsdhaw vs. "Hollywood" Hogan


Storyline: Bradshaw bragging that he has never been pinned in a singles match in over a year and that he is the greatest of all-time. Hulk Hogan returns to proclaim he was the greatest.


Winner: Bradshaw pins Hogan and everyone calls him the champion of champions


*Bradshaw kissing the right ass in the wwe(Hogan and being Vince Mcmahon's clone in the ring) for this big moment


I can see them REALLY doing this.

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