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US to be Aussie nuclear dumping site

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US to be Aussie nuclear dump

By Amanda Hodge

January 21, 2005


THE US will become Australia's nuclear dumping ground in a remarkable 10-year agreement that takes the pressure off the Howard Government to find a domestic waste site.


The agreement to take spent fuel rods from the proposed new Lucas Heights reactor in Sydney was sealed at ministerial level late last year following talks between the US Department of Energy and the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation.


The deal was revealed yesterday in a letter from ANSTO released by the country's nuclear watchdog, the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency.


This removes the last major obstacle to the approval of a replacement nuclear reactor at the Lucas Heights facility and eases the pressure on Canberra to resolve the dump issue.


The agreement has not impressed the NSW Government, which yesterday reiterated its opposition to the storage and transport of nuclear waste through the state.


The US decision represents a special exemption for Australia, in part to reward ANSTO for helping develop a low-enriched uranium fuel capable of producing radio-pharmaceuticals but not open to potential abuse.


The US already accepts spent fuel containing uranium previously enriched in the US from 41 countries, including Australia, to reduce the risk that residual uranium will be used for nuclear weapons.


But the proposed Lucas Heights replacement research reactor will use low-enriched uranium fuel which does not come under this agreement and is not easily reprocessed.


Source: News.com.au



I think everybody is a winner on this one.

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Eh, I have no problem with this.

We did some nuclear testing all over the world for a decade or so.

So we do a little dumping collection.


The scary thing is I smell a Steven Seagal movie coming out of this.

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Pretty much my reaction, too. We invented the nuclear age, we gotta accept some consequences. Plus, we're getting paid good money to do it.

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Woah! Normally it's Australia who get forced to take nuclear shit.


Now maybe we can get some other Asia Pacific countries to donate some nuclear waste to Britain and France too. Then we'd all be even.

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Ah, more and more nuclear material to bury underground. Hopefully, the environment doesn't suffer because of this....



You think Americans care about the environment?!?



You think Democrats care about the environment?

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Slightly more than the Republicans do, which is still barely at all. It was just absolutely fucking hilarious that he says "This is a great thing! We're making money, we're disposing of our own waste, which is an okay thing. We're keeping nuclear materials from terrorists..."


*ten lines later*







"Hrm, I wonder if it's okay for the environment."

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On the environment thing: someone has to take care of the stuff; it has to be buried somewhere. And I think that the Americans in charge of this crap are probably the best at nuclear storage/disposal in the world; we've sure as hell had more experience at it than any other country.

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Ah, more and more nuclear material to bury underground. Hopefully, the environment doesn't suffer because of this....



You think Americans care about the environment?!?

Well, I kinda do, and most will care if somehow that crap seeps into the water systems or something like that. I ain't drinking radiation infested water....

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I'm so glad we'll be carting this shit around the world now.


Nuke power is such a gray area, but transporting rods from Aus to US? Christ.

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I don't think it's that much different than hundreds of planes, ships, and subs carrying around nuclear warheads, or billions of gallons of oil being carted by oft-incompetent private tankers.

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Ah, more and more nuclear material to bury underground. Hopefully, the environment doesn't suffer because of this....



You think Americans care about the environment?!?

Well, I kinda do, and most will care if somehow that crap seeps into the water systems or something like that. I ain't drinking radiation infested water....

Do you know what's in your tap water already?

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Ah, more and more nuclear material to bury underground. Hopefully, the environment doesn't suffer because of this....



You think Americans care about the environment?!?

Well, I kinda do, and most will care if somehow that crap seeps into the water systems or something like that. I ain't drinking radiation infested water....

Do you know what's in your tap water already?


Lots and lots of lead. Tasty, delicious, thrist quenching lead.

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Ah, more and more nuclear material to bury underground. Hopefully, the environment doesn't suffer because of this....



You think Americans care about the environment?!?

Well, I kinda do, and most will care if somehow that crap seeps into the water systems or something like that. I ain't drinking radiation infested water....

Radiation infested water will just lead to a era of superheros. I personally want the power to stretch so that I can customize my penis to any woman. Or shape shifter...yeah...shape shifter.

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Guest Vitamin X
Ah, more and more nuclear material to bury underground. Hopefully, the environment doesn't suffer because of this....



You think Americans care about the environment?!?



You think Democrats care about the environment?



You think Republicans do?

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Ah, more and more nuclear material to bury underground. Hopefully, the environment doesn't suffer because of this....



You think Americans care about the environment?!?



You think Democrats care about the environment?



You think Republicans do?

You think anyone still likes that lame LOL joke?

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Ah, more and more nuclear material to bury underground. Hopefully, the environment doesn't suffer because of this....



You think Americans care about the environment?!?



You think Democrats care about the environment?



You think Republicans do?

I don't get it....

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Ah, more and more nuclear material to bury underground. Hopefully, the environment doesn't suffer because of this....



You think Americans care about the environment?!?



You think Democrats care about the environment?



You think Republicans do?

No that's the thing. I know they don't give a shit, and they know they don't give a shit. It's the Democrats who pay lip service to the environmentalists and pretend to care but don't really care and only do it to capture another voting bloc.

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