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Gary Floyd

remember "Shaq-Fu?"

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There ya go

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I've been TRYING to repress that game for years, thankyouverymuch, along with other so-called fighting games like Pit Fighter, Time Killers, Rise of the Robots, Violence Fight, Street Fighter: The Movie, and any overrated Neo-Geo crap made by SNK.

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I'd bet this is the work of the losers on GameFAQs who revived the old Genesis Shaq Fu board and filled it with stupid posts about how it being the greatest game ever.


But this reminds me of how much I like this page: http://grblitz.overclocked.org/fighters.htm


Too bad that they didn't get any pics of Final Fight Revenge. It looks as bad as the original SATURN Virtua Fighter. Oh, and this is funny...




Oh, insidepulse.com has a tribute up of sorts for Clayfighter (which was actually my first fighting game, I'm somewhat ashamed to admit), and iceanvil.com has similar rantviews up on various crappy old games, including Brutal.


A thread about crappy fighting games? Anya should be all over this.


Anyone ever play that sad-ass DC Comics answer to the Marvel/Capcom fighters, Justice League Task Force? It looked like it would have been a fine rental, just for the fanboy factor, but every review I'd seen basically said it was painfully mediocre.


Plus, it's odd that Weaponlord seemed to be loved by plenty of magazines, but nowadays it is called crap or completely ignored.


EDIT: Apparently they hacked the game into an RPG of sorts. *scratches head*

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Since it was kinda already brought up...


The game you mentioned, Weaponlord...was that made by Namco?


Because I remember there being a SNES game called either Weaponlord or Weaponmaster or something like that, and it was made by Namco.


The reason I ask about it, is because I was wondering if that is somehow the forerunner to Soul Calibur; I mean, not in a storyline sense or anything, just in the sense that it was a fighting game with weapons, which didn't seem too common; but then, I'm not big on fighting games, so maybe it is.


So is that game possibly like, the distant ancestor to Soul Calibur, or is it just a co-incidence that these games were made by the same company?

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So is that game possibly like, the distant ancestor to Soul Calibur, or is it just a co-incidence that these games were made by the same company?




Yeah, Namco did indeed make Weaponlord, but what happened with it is that supposedly a group of fighting game experts were brought in as advisers and basically guided the entire development process. I think most of them were American, though, and it is highly unlikely Namco's Japanese home offices would decide to base a game around an older, AMERICAN BRED fighting game.


IMO, it's more likely that SNK's Samurai Shodown was the real forerunner to the Soul games (which began with Soul Edge/Blade, not Soul Calibur 1). I think Sam Sho was the first weapons-based fighter...that was any good anyway. There were similar storyline themes and character designs as well.


Plus, Weaponlord used a very non-traditional control system, and the Soul games are much more conventional. In fact, the Soul games are just about the only 3D fighters that feel as smooth and fast as the classic 2D fighters of old.

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I have Justice League Task Force, Shaq Fu and Weaponlord. They're all lame.



I know someone who beta tested Weaponlord though!

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Guest Smues
Hey Shaq! Where you at?



I can kick it like HEEEEE-EEEEEEE then I grab my crotch!

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Six words.


Michael Jordan in the Windy City.

Wrong--seven words: "Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City."


I actually owned that game briefly. It was rather fun in the beginning levels, but quickly became frustrating. And of course, it's pretty much a bland, generic platformer. The developer seemingly had completely different members of the development team come up with the enemies and their attack patterns, and Jordan's actual defenses. It feels like Jordan isn't all that well equipped to defend himself and he feels and moves like crap, sliding all over the place, into enemies, etc.


Anya: Were the Weaponlord "death combos" nearly as cool as they tried to make them sound?

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Anya: Were the Weaponlord "death combos" nearly as cool as they tried to make them sound?

Not really. You'd just like cut their head off in the middle of a canned string.



On the subject of obscure fighting games, I got a Martial Champion arcade board today and hooked it up and played it just now.

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Guest LooneyTune

If you want a bad "fighting" game for SNES, play Street Combat. You would probably think the game was good because of the name...


Street (Fighter)

(Mortal) (K)Combat


Except it's pathetically bad, that I can't believe it cost $20 back in 1994.

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Here comes power playin' Shaq,

On the attack, Don't turn your back,

'cause it might be the SHAQ ATTACK!



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I spent an entire summer trying to learn how to play Weaponlord.



I still don't know how to play it.

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I asked for and received Shaq Fu for Christmas when I was 9. Not because I really wanted it, but because my parents didn't have a whole lot of money and it was much cheaper than Donkey Kong Country and Super Return of the Jedi, the games I really wanted. In fact, it was cheaper than almost all of the new games that came out in the fall of '94. I suppose that should have been a dead giveaway right there that this game was of sub-par quality, but some people have to learn the hard way, I guess, and I was one of them.

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Whatever, WeaponLord was great.


How you couldn't actually beat the single player game w/out using fatalities?


It did remind of me some aspects of SC, especially with the parries.

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If you want a bad "fighting" game for SNES, play Street Combat. You would probably think the game was good because of the name...


Street (Fighter)

(Mortal) (K)Combat


Except it's pathetically bad, that I can't believe it cost $20 back in 1994.

It's on the Fighter's Misery page, and was actually a localized Ramna game.


So of course it sucked--it was based on an anime!


It did remind of me some aspects of SC, especially with the parries.


Come to think of it, I do remember some hullabaloo about the "thrust blocks," which sounded kinda like GIs, but I still say coincidence.


Check under "Knuckleheads" on the above-linked Fighter's Misery page, and you'll see Namco had several false starts.


Anyone ever played Slaughter Sport? It was a filler game in a lot of Genesis games I bought off Ebay once.

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are you all forgetting Michael Jackson moonwalker?



anyhow I never played shaq-fu but the ads looked amusing.



i also rented that power ranger game for gensis once




anyone ever play Boogerman?

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I never played Shaq-Fu, but remember being impressed that it had a really smooth framerate, sort of like out of this world. Was it rotoscoped? (if that is the correct term) Not impressed enough to entertain notion that it would be a good game, of course.

One thing that page brought back was that the TMNT fighter for Super NES was a really great game.

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Moonwalker rocks, don't ever say anything remotely bad about that game ever again.


I also am one of few that really, really, really loved the Power Rangers fighting game for the Genesis. I was nine years old and a totally obsessed fan though.

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Moonwalker rocks, don't ever say anything remotely bad about that game ever again.


I also am one of few that really, really, really loved the Power Rangers fighting game for the Genesis. I was nine years old and a totally obsessed fan though.

Moonwalker in the arcade was so totally bizarre that it was awesome. On the Genesis and Master System, it sucked.


But if you want to see a really awesome music-based arcade game, check out:





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anyone ever play Boogerman?

Owned it. It was awesome not really because of the crude humor, but some fine gameplay, inventive bosses, fart-flying, and the voice sampling out the wazoo. Control was too loose, but I didn't mind at the time all that much.


I miss Interplay. They didn't always make the best games, but they had tons of very creative and "out-there" titles. I was disappointed Norse by Norsewest was just Lost Vikings 2 with rendered graphics instead of a new game. =/

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That's okay. I used to play the Power Rangers fighting game that came out in '94 religiously.

That game fucking kicked ass back in the day, and I still enjoy it. It was fairly well animated, and the super attacks were pretty sweet. Plus, the Shogun Megazord, while slow, was death itself, in power.

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