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Poor Trish

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No women to work programs with, and forced to put over Christy Hemme's new Playboy spread.  With Christy getting the Playboy push, wouldn't suprise me if they have her go over Trish.

Didn't she suffer that nasty injury at the hands of Victoria at a house show, and can't wrestle because of it?

Trish wrestled on the house shows this past weekend so that's not so much a problem.

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On another point, as far as Stacy's bad acting goes, I blame that (just like everything else) on Orton. Her WM commercial showed that she has better acting skill depending on who she's with. That's one good reason (out of a few I'm sure others could think of) to keep Keibler around.

Lol yea, even though Stacy's been a bad actress years before Orton even entered the WWE. ;) She wasn't great in promos with Trish, she wasn't great in promos with Test, she wasn't great in promos with the Dudleys, she really wasn't all that good in WCW promowise, she wasn't that good with Molly..etc, I think you're getting the point.


Rather then she did so good because she was with Benoit/Jericho/Christian, maybe...she just did good because it was a taped segment, that more then likely had numerous retakes. Doesn't exactly come off the same during a live promo, in which she's not good, and that's not because of Orton.

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Guest jumpingbombangel
On another point, as far as Stacy's bad acting goes, I blame that (just like everything else) on Orton. Her WM commercial showed that she has better acting skill depending on who she's with. That's one good reason (out of a few I'm sure others could think of) to keep Keibler around.

Lol yea, even though Stacy's been a bad actress years before Orton even entered the WWE. ;) She wasn't great in promos with Trish, she wasn't great in promos with Test, she wasn't great in promos with the Dudleys, she really wasn't all that good in WCW promowise, she wasn't that good with Molly..etc, I think you're getting the point.


Rather then she did so good because she was with Benoit/Jericho/Christian, maybe...she just did good because it was a taped segment, that more then likely had numerous retakes. Doesn't exactly come off the same during a live promo, in which she's not good, and that's not because of Orton.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I totally know what you mean. But Randy Orton is the perfect scapegoat for me. :cheers:

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Christy needs to get off the meth or diet pills or whatever uppers she's on before she ends up like Chyna. I've seen that kind of hyper giddiness before.

Wonderful. After months of "Jeff Hardy's on crack/heroin/whatever/LOL!!!!11oneone" jokes, we now potentially have Christy's on something accusations.


Maybe she's just hyper to begin with and is actually a bit shakey because she's nervous about being on TV and in front of several thousand people in the area.

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I'm sorry...



What the hell were we talking about again?



Oh, yeah, Trish.





Mmmmm, Trish....



Oh, sorry. This is supposed to be a serious thread.



I guess I am the only one that still finds Trish's heel character cheesy as hell.


No, because its a million times better than the stale face character she played from 2001-2004.

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Figuring out if Trish is a heel or face is the easiest thing in the company.


When she's a heel, she wears slightly baggy pants and her push-up bra less.

When she's a face, she wears clothes so tight you are surprised she can breath.


And her heel character is light years better than her face character. She's the Chris Jericho of the women's division, only she wins the title more.

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Chris Jericho has sucked since he came into WWE, his promos, which used to be funny are now just lame and dorky. He is very overrated in my opinion. His work in the ring, outside of facing guys like the crippler has been average, he has not shown the ability to carry someone, even an average worker. Trish actually has a decent character going, comparing her to Jericho is an insult to her character, even though Jericho is a better wrestler.

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He has also had plenty of crappy matches with Kane, and Kane can usually carry his part in a decent-good match. Jericho has had dissapointing performances against Christian and HBK, and has failed to put together that string of **** performances that I thought he would when he went to the WWF/WWE.

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Can I also whine about the banality of Stacy/Orton?  So is Orton going to be driving Stacy around town and suddenly pass out from all the concussions and crashes off a bridge which ends up putting Stacy in a coma and puts him to the edge of madness?  Or maybe they continue acting like they're in the 7th grade and deliver some of the worst dialogue this side of porn but never fuck... ?

Pairing you up with Stacy Keibler is WWE's special little way of saying "we don't have a clue on what to do with you, how to get you over, and frankly we've given up trying. Sorry. If it's any consolation, you can hang around with this hot chick."

The Test/Steiner treatment. The only thing that would make this better is if Val Venis tried to make Stacy into a porn star.

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Jericho had watchable stuff w/ Steiner & Nash back when he was playing jobber to HHH's next PPV opponent. Add in good matches w/ Kane (who is mediocre at best in the ring), watchable stuff w/ Jeff Hardy in Hardy's latter WWE days, and Hassan's best match to date, and it's pretty hard to say he can't carry anyone.

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Is Hassan's best match to date really that big of an accomplishment when he has wrestled Val Venis, Sgt. Slaughter and Jerry Lawler?


I like Jericho, but that really didn't do him any favors.

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I think you guys are not getting what I am saying, I am not saying Jericho is a bad worker. I just think he is very overrated, and is nowhere near the worker that the Crippler or Eddy are. When Jericho first came to the WWF I was expecting a run of great **** matches, like Bret in the early '90s or like HBK during his prime run. Jericho has not shown me he can have great matches unless he is in the ring with someone like a Benoit. And without those great rings skills he depends on his charisma and character, which I think really blows. He is basically a clown, which is a mid-card character. Look at history:

Hogan--was not a clown

Flair--was not a clown

Savage--was not a clown

Bret Hart--was not a clown

HBK--was not a clown

Austin--was not a clown

Rock--was not a clown

Foley--did comedy, but was so god damn hardcore in the ring that people would still take him seriously, his comedy almost made him seem insane


Jericho in his current character, which he has been using forever, does not deserve to be a main eventer.

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Yeah, but he's booked in that capacity. When he's fired up in a good feud he can do great serious promos (Rock feud and HBK feud)

I don't think anyone's going to argue that he's not a good as Eddie or Guerrero, but who in the company is?

His match with HBK stole the show at WM19

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Yeah, but he's booked in that capacity. When he's fired up in a good feud he can do great serious promos (Rock feud and HBK feud)

I don't think anyone's going to argue that he's not a good as Eddie or Guerrero, but who in the company is?

His match with HBK stole the show at WM19

That was not a hard show to steal, and that match was not exactly great. His promos against HBK were average, nothing special, watch Austin or Foley do promos from ECW. You can look through their eyes and see how pissed off they are, and how much they want respect. Jericho just comes across as a smart-ass, who then whines about not being taken seriously.

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I have a feeling Trish is going to end up being a manager soon for some random guy who can't get over. The women's division, unless they do something fast, is pretty well dead.


Oh, and let's leave Jericho out of this. Trish is a goddess that deserves for her thread to stay on topic. :P

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OK, I'll stay on topic.


I didn't see Trish on Raw last week because I turned off the show and started playing NCAA after Jericho's shitty promo. It's really embarrassing to see how far downhill he's gone.


He's gone from clever and edgy to spilling xenophobic, homophobic crap that only seems funny if your twelve years old or have never been outside your trailer. Really, ever since his storyline with Trish ended, Jericho's been completely lost.


He needs to go somewhere radically different with his character right now if he's going to become interesting. Both the typical face character he's been playing off-and-on since 2000 and the typical heel character he's been playing off-and-on since 1997 are completely stale.


If I were booking, I'd have him start some kind of a tweener stable. I still think that if they got a group together called the Canadian Mafia that went around in leather jackets or red tuxes, and just targeted people and beat the shit out of them, it would be really good. It would be nice to see the serious dimension of Jericho's character and get him away from the crowd pandering that he does endlessly as both a face and a heel.


The only problem is that it would be hard to find people to join at this point. Christian and Trish would have to completely drop the backstory of the last few months if they were to join up, and Lance Storm's no longer on Raw. I'd say that you could start it with just Edge and Jericho, until finally Edge reached out and brought Christian back together with them. As long as they maintained the tension within the group, it could work fine.


In fact, they could even add Trish and Tomko, but have Tomko always wear black instead of red or something, as he would only be the bodyguard of the group, and would be refused membership on the grounds of not being Canadian.

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Guest Ransome

Poor Trish indeed. She's been given the task of putting over Christy Hemme at Wrestlemania. I'd say it's virtually a lock after their Raw showdown and the Playboy issue coming out.


The thing is, the womens' title has actually regained a lot of credibility since it reappeared in 2001, largely due to the efforts of Trish, Jazz, Molly and Victoria. Compare this with the treatment they've given the Cruiserweight title as of late (Jacqueline, Chavo Guerrero Sr, and Funaki as champions?). Christy Hemme as Women's champ, as inevitable as it now seems, will undo most of that hard work.

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Compare this with the treatment they've given the Cruiserweight title as of late (Jacqueline, Chavo Guerrero Sr, and Funaki as champions?).

Funaki = workrate.

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