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Final Fantasy XI Bullies Banned.

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Final Fantasy XI players banned


More than 800 are permanently booted from Vana'diel after abusing other players.

TOKYO--More than 800 PlayOnline accounts have been permanently deleted after certain Final Fantasy XI players violated the game's user agreement. FFXI gamers were ganging up to monopolize notorious monsters' hunting grounds, preventing other players from collecting the monsters' sought-after items. Violators also harassed and even killed their fellow Vana'diel denizens.


Grief tactics and harassment are specifically prohibited by Final Fantasy XI's user agreement, as is interfering with others' gameplay and dominating monster zones. "Acts such as harassment are forbidden...and they cannot be overlooked under any circumstance," Square Enix said in a statement. "In addition, severely disturbing the enjoyment of other users by monopolizing monsters is not acceptable. We have taken measures against players who have been clearly going against the terms of service." Victims of harassment are encouraged to use the GM Call to contact their game master.


This isn't the first time Square Enix has taken steps to prevent FFXI players from abusing privileges. In December, the game underwent an upgrade intended to reduce the impact of camping in notorious monsters' territory.


By Hirohiko Niizumi -- GameSpot

POSTED: 02/15/05 06:35 PM PST

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Most pro gamers need that rush of elitism.


It is just a game, but people pay to play it and want to enjoy it, without some gangly nerds ruining it for them.

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'When geeks go to war'


Not all geeks are obsessed with FF. I take offense at the suggestion.


Gee, plenty of FF fans are douchebags--that's nothing anybody who used Gamefaqs' boards couldn't have told you.

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"When 30 year old virgins go to war"


That better?

I'd throw in "half-braindead pre-teens (judging by Gamefaqs) and yaoi-writing 13 year old girls" too, then you've pretty got 90% of 'em covered.


I like the geek quote in your sig, Andrew.


Thanks. :D

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There are a ton of douchebags when you play games online. Some people can get downright annoying when they know they can't be punched in the face.

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"When 30 year old virgins go to war"


That better?

That's funny b/c I know people that play that game and other online games and are 20-something normal looking people that have girlfriends and get laid on a regular basis.

Not everyone that plays those games is a dateless wonder.

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Sorta sounds like some kind of L.A. gang turf war kinda thing. A group of people control one side and when someone steps on their turf they take that person out. That'd be funny to see.

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Guest Failed Mascot

when I played Ultima Online I made a carpenter. I would walk around town in only underpants, build tables and leave them in people's way. Those people would lift them to get by and end up encumbered.


I also stopped people from PKing me by leaving furniture in their way and then running.

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Guest cosbywasmurdered
Anyone else note the similarities of the Final Fantasy deal and this board?


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Anyone else note the similarities of the Final Fantasy deal and this board?

I think it's funny how everyone else that posts on a message board or plays an online game is either an overweight 30 year old that is a virgin or a 12 year old in their parents basement except the person making the post. He's the only one that's a hardcore studly ladies man.

I think these days it's time to realize the internet has evolved from something that only dateless geeks frequent to something everyone does.

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Anyone else note the similarities of the Final Fantasy deal and this board?

I think it's funny how everyone else that posts on a message board or plays an online game is either an overweight 30 year old that is a virgin or a 12 year old in their parents basement except the person making the post. He's the only one that's a hardcore studly ladies man.

I think these days it's time to realize the internet has evolved from something that only dateless geeks frequent to something everyone does.

I say an obsession with a online game does constitute loserdom though. I am sorry, but anyone that has felt the wonders of pussy is not going to spend 17 hours a day playing some online game and taking it way to seriously. when your human interaction consist of people you play the game with online, I say there is something wrong with you.


And with these post, I am starting to get more and more to the core of your problems Dama.

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when I played Ultima Online I made a carpenter. I would walk around town in only underpants, build tables and leave them in people's way. Those people would lift them to get by and end up encumbered.


I also stopped people from PKing me by leaving furniture in their way and then running.

I have no idea what game this is but I couldn't help but laugh out loud at this.

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Guest PlatinumBoy
What the hell is a Yaoi?

Fanfiction about anime characters engaging in gay sex. There also is a page of WWE yaoi--if you really want to hear about HBK and Undertaker having sex and getting married, go for it.

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Anyone else note the similarities of the Final Fantasy deal and this board?

I think it's funny how everyone else that posts on a message board or plays an online game is either an overweight 30 year old that is a virgin or a 12 year old in their parents basement except the person making the post. He's the only one that's a hardcore studly ladies man.

I think these days it's time to realize the internet has evolved from something that only dateless geeks frequent to something everyone does.

I say an obsession with a online game does constitute loserdom though. I am sorry, but anyone that has felt the wonders of pussy is not going to spend 17 hours a day playing some online game and taking it way to seriously. when your human interaction consist of people you play the game with online, I say there is something wrong with you.


And with these post, I am starting to get more and more to the core of your problems Dama.

Well I hate online games. I'm a tight wad and I just can't in good concious put out 12 bucks a month to play a game when I can just play something on X-Box for free.

Besides people on online games piss me off. I played one once!

I played FF XI. I sat down one night and played for 2 hours. I was like level 2 by the end of the night.

I went bowling with my buddies that night and the next morning I went to play the game and all the people in my adventuring group that were the same level as me the night before were all like 10 levels higher than me and were like "Sorry dude you can't adventure with us. You're too low level. Haha. *snort* Loser."

And I was kind of like "Ok....." and went about playing for another hour before doing something else. Meanwhile I don't think these guys ever logged out.


So I can understand when you're talking about playing for 17 hours straight. that's absurd. But when you play for like 2 hours a day then there isn't anything wrong with you.

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Sometimes for us that do play online games, we sorta get wrapped up in adventuring when we do the absurd times.


At least when it happens to me, I just keep on thinking "oh, I'll join this group and do this quest, its only like what? 20 minutes." Its that mentality of "only" that gets people, I think.


Most I've ever done of playing online though is like 10 hours. Had a good fellow and we went through a lot of quests. ^_^

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I cannot get into MMORPG's. It's just to transparently about repetitive (and SLOW) stat building. The only one I liked at all was City of Heroes, which was ALMOST and action game. With really slow level-building.


In all the rest of the Final Fantasies, you're battling robots and demons and shit in big missions when the game kicks off. In FFXI, from what I undestand (and my friend sunk hours into the game) You kill frogs and mice and garter snakes for 20 hours. Sometimes it's really cool, you'll see a bear and say: oh SHIT a bear! I can fight that if I p[lay for 15 more hours!

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