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Calvinball = instant classic.


And while I can't speak for the opening promo (yet), I can say that all the other promos were extremely good! Wild and Dangerous, Jay Hawke, Maddix and Silen-, er, I mean, Maddix and Toxxic... :P Great stuff all around.


Good show, people!

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Are you kidding?


That match ruined the whole idea of Calvinball, which had no rules. WHY DO THEY KEEP FOLLOWING RULES?!

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Are you kidding?


That match ruined the whole idea of Calvinball, which had no rules. WHY DO THEY KEEP FOLLOWING RULES?!

The idea is not that there are no rules, but that there are no set rules - rules are made up whenever and wherever the players please. Which is exactly what this match did.


So nyah. :P

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Actually I'm mostly just :wub: for the use of Ebony. And with Annie no less.


Heehee. Almost makes me want to do another Ebony promo....



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Oh Jesus that Calvinball had me laughing the whole time. If that isn't a five star classic, I don't know what is.

Unless you're engaging in some cleverly underhanded self-back-patting, I take this to mean somebody else wrote the match. In that case, who was it? Toxxic?

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I assumed Toxxic, for two reasons.


- Toxxic "wins" ...

- ... in Kibagami's "back garden," a more or less exclusively British usage referring to what normal people call a "back yard."

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I stand by my statement that Calvinball 2 is one of the greatest disappointments in SWF history, and I blame Mike Van Siclen for putting a list of guidelines on how to write the match.

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If you're gonna blame anyone for the guidelines, blame me, because I found the site he used.


The site clearly states, by the by:


*IMPORTANT -- The following rules are subject to be changed, amended, or deleted by any player(s) involved.


So assuming the people in the match went there to find out what Calvinball was, they would know that the guidelines are just those - guidelines. Not rules and regulations, but merely suggestions that the writers could choose to follow or not follow.


Don't be such a curmudgeon. :P

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I stand by my statement that Calvinball 2 is one of the greatest disappointments in SWF history

I stand by my statement that you suck ass. I refer you to any edition of Calvin and Hobbes where they play Calvinball. Did Calvin refuse to follow the rules laid down by Hobbes for the Pernicious Poem Place where Susie dumped cold water over him? No. Did Calvin obey the Babysitter Flag when Rosie touched him with it? Yes. You have to obey the rules - it's just that you can make those rules up as you go along.

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PROMO (Thoth):


"I invented the Calvinball match! I have a right to decide how I envision the match!"


"If it weren't for you damn kids messing things up, we could have had a classic to end all classics."


*Thoth takes a puff from whatever he's holding*


"Mothernature something something something..."

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"If it weren't for you damn kids messing things up, we could have had a classic to end all classics."

The truth is revealed - Thoth IS a Scooby-Doo villain!

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Wait...I've just read the opening promo. The SWF Belt? What the fuck is that? And does that mean we're losing all the ICTV and USJL legacies? Because seeing as I'm still doing the title histories and that I hold the ICTV Title, it would be nice for someone to notify me of what's going on.



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We're unifying the ICTV and USJL belts, essentially, and renaming them. We may deconsolidate them at some point in the future, but for now it's overkill to have separate belts.


If we just tack on the names, we'll have the ICTVUSJL belt, which is unwieldy and objectively poo.


So we're using the name "The SWF Belt" as a placeholder, and it'll likely be renamed when we have the first champion.

Edited by Ace309

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With the caveat that I think lineage debates are stupid, and I always roll my eyes when people debate the relative merits of the two current WWE top belts...


Why does it need to be either-or? By my estimation, we're cobbling together:


A) The JL belt, which is similarly comprised of the EUS, WUS, ML, TV, European and JL belts welded together (glued on, in the case of the EUS)

B) The US Belt

C) The ICTV Belt

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We're unifying the ICTV and USJL belts, essentially, and renaming them. We may deconsolidate them at some point in the future, but for now it's overkill to have separate belts.


*practically suggested this idea a couple of months ago and was unanimously shouted down*


I say call it the Abbreviation Belt. That was you can have the ICTVUSJL in one easy-to-swallow mouthful.


In other news, Landon's promo rocked. Mainly because it featured me, but it rocked :P

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