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Thomas Haden Church cast as villain for Spider-Man

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Eddie Brock is enraged at Spiderman and the GreenGoblin for MJ's death and kills Harry it a fit of rage.


So basically, Harry would get a bitch exit from the series. That's just sad.

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As they only have the original cast signed up untill the end of Spiderman III the following will happen:


- Sony/Rami etc have all publicly stated that the plan is for 6 films.


- They will sign Tobey Maguire to a Keanue-Reeves-Matrix-Sequels sized deal for films IV-VI. 8 figures + points.



Spiderman III - Spiderman takes on the Sandman, destroying a city block in the process, and becoming the subject of a police hunt, leading him to encounter the police captains daughter Gwen Stacey. Peter is on the outer at The Bugle for breaking up Mary-Jane and JJs son, leading to Eddie Brock(Topher Grace) becoming JJ's go to guy for photography. A heated rivalry ensures as Brock has always looked up to Peter and his life, and Eddie Brock develops a huge crush on MJ. Harry takes up the mantle of The GreenGoblin/HobGobblin and is the main villian. JJs son goes on a mission to outspace and an alien Sympiote attaches itself to the ship. Spiderman has to help save the crew when the landing goes wrong and finds the Sympiote. Having had difficulties surviving the attacks of two enemies at the same time (Gobblin/Sandman teamup) he uses the Symbiote as a black suit to increase his abillities. Harry feels angered by Spiderman's role in his father's death, and decides Peter should lose someone he cares greatly for. The GreenGoblin re-enacts the bridge scene from the first movie, and MJ dies this time. Spiderman and The Gobblin have an epic fight where Harry is defeated, but Spiderman cannot kill him. Peter realises the suit is starting to take control so he ditches it. Eddie Brock is enraged at Spiderman and the GreenGoblin for MJ's death and kills Harry it a fit of rage. Then while contemplating killing himself over what he has done he finds the Sympiote suit, which is also angry at Spiderman for his rejection, and becomes Venom in the final frames of the movie.


Spiderman IV - Spiderman Vs Venom. Detailed setup of Dr. Conners transformation into the Lizard, perhaps he regrows his arm at the end of the movie. Peter and Gwen get serious.


Spiderman V - Spiderman Vs The Lizard & either Electro/Scorpion/Vulture/Rhino etc. Mix in the Black Cat as a potential Love intrest.


Spiderman VI - Spiderman and the Sinister 6: Spiderman takes on the Sinister 6 comprised of GreenGoblin(III), DocOck, Sandman, Venom, The Lizard and either Electro/Scorpion/Vulture/Rhino etc.


I like all these ideas, they sound great to me. Only thing is, I can't see Doc Ock being in the Sinister Six after how his character was portrayed in Spider-man 2. Granted I haven't watched it in a while, but didn't he wind up repenting in the end?

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Honestly, couldn't they get anyone better then Topher Grace of all fucking people to play Eddie Brock? Hell The Rock would be a better choice for Eddie Brock then Topher Grace! I can't picture that little pussy as a bad ass like Eddie Brock, I'll just see him as that skinny nerdy kid from that's 70's show. Grace better be pumpin steriods.


Thomas Haden Church is a good casting for Sandman.


I'm glad this wont be the final film.

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I imagine that Topher will grow more massive once he becomes Venom.


Or not. I mean, the film doesn't have to be exactly like the comic. Venom doesn't HAVE to be twice Spider-Man's size.

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Everyone who read the comics in their childhood, knows Eddie Brock wasn't some skinny nerd who was a sucka for love, like this "supposed" movie is making him out to be.

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Ummm yeah I wasn't too sure about Bryce Dallas Howard as a blonde OR as Gwen Stacey. But then I saw this:




I'm sold.


Dammit. I hate it when them move images. We'll see how long this one lasts. She kinda reminds me of a younger Jenny McCarthy.

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I just hope they make Venom look similar to his original appearance (big, spider symbol, clearly delineated mouth) as opposed to his Ultimate appearance (big amorphous mass with teeth everywhere, no spider symbol.

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That's so fucking stupid, why can't they go with the original storyline in where Eddie Brock is a hard ass hot headed fool who gets fucked over by Spiderman and Peter Parker, not some dumbass storyline where Eddie Brock is some dorky nerd who looks like to another dorky nerd.


Brock Lesnar would of been a bad ass Venom, sure he's not an "actor"(Even though he did do acting in WWE, if you consider that), but he looks excatly like Eddie Brock, and has the same atittude as Eddie Brock, if you watched Lesnar during his heel title reign from the Summer 03 to Winters 04.

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Guest El Satanico

Brock Lesnar...acting? ahaha


No thanks, I'll take Topher over that trainwreck. The story for "Topher's Venom" has more potential to be interesting in movie form.

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It doesn't have to be Lesnar, but atleast someone who is a bad ass. Your saying the original storyline wouldn't be interesting in a movie form to? Vin Diesel or even Vince Vaughn(If he got into shape) would make a good Eddie Brock.

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I agree, an evil Spider-Man mirror image (Topher) sounds a hell of a lot more interesting. Plus, I have a feeling Topher can pull off the "calm yet really phsyco underneath all that" act.

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Brock could actually make it work, tragic as it sounds. Let's not kid ourselves that there was any more depth to the venom character than a big bastard who got super powers. I'm sure he could manage that. The voice however...

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I'm just not feelin' it for the All Black Spidey suit. Maybe it's the texture of the web design. I'm not too sure.


Despite the fact that it's going to irk me that a gigantic continuity error is going to be made, I'm all for Howard as Gwen as a substitute for Dunst as MJ even if it means writing out Dunst via death.

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And it's been confirmed by the official Spider-man website.




This film is going to be dark and set a different mood for the series. Especially with

the pending deaths of one (or more) of the major characters in the series (Aunt May, Harry, and Mary Jane



There's only one man who can lighten up the mood for the film:




BTW, the poster looks fantastic. It conveys so many emotions and thoughts.

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That looks awesome. Is that Peter Parker wearing a black suit or Topher Grace being an evil Spidey (venom?)?? Either way, looks great.


According to the official Spiderman movie website in CBright's link, it is Spidey/Peter Parker. Luckily... I'm all for Topher Grace being Eddie Brock as he is a strong actor, better than having some hulking bozo drag the movie, but I still want Venom to appear as Venom.

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There's already some especulation regarding what's the reflection in Spidey's eye. Some say it's Venom's face, while others say it's an image of somebody holding a person up in arms. Guys?

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There's already some especulation regarding what's the reflection in Spidey's eye. Some say it's Venom's face, while others say it's an image of somebody holding a person up in arms. Guys?


It just looks like the street below to me. I have it on full enlarge and it doesn't look like anything but an alleyway to me.

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