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Airborne, like Ready to Rumble it falls into the so bad it's good section. Also has Jack Black and Seth Green

Ohhhhh no, I know a ton of people, including myself, that love this little shitty flick!


i got some old school ones for you I can never get people into: The Warriors and The Wraith...

WHO in the FUCK doesn't like The Warriors.


*clinks bottles together*

I don't want to know anyone who doesn't.


Warriors............come out and play.........

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I can't believe there's people who don't find Zoolander and kung pow funny

I love Zoolander.

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Haven't seen any of Kung Pow, so can't speak on that ... but the little of Zoolander that I saw, I hated. I find Ben Stiller to be among the most over-rated comedians around, and can't even sit through most of his movies.

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Not sure how everyone else felt, but I actually liked I, Robot...it wasn't anything more than a sci-fi action explosion movie, but I thought it was decent enough...

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Most people I know liked I Robot.



You know what I liked....Bedazzled. Brendan Fraizier as the basketball player with the tiny penis ownz you ALL. ANd him as the columbian drug lord....GOLD.

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I actually found him as Mr. Sensitive funnier, but yeah, that is one of his better comedies...

Yeah, Mr. Sensitive was funny.


I just really liked that movie. Plus if it dragged, they would just put Elizabeth Hurely in something skimpy to wake the audience back up.

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I don't know if anyone hates it or not, but I've never seen School Ties get any love. A similar story in a similar setting released at around the same time, Dead Poets Society, gets lots of play in Gr.9 English classrooms.


Speaking of Brendan Fraser, I liked Blast From The Past as well.

Watched em both in Grade 10 English and Religion.


Speaking of Brendan Fraser, I laugh my ass off over Dudley Do Right.

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I gotta mention it: George of the Jungle.


Right now there is a Wheeler and Woolsey festival on TCM, now THERE'S some stuff I am totally into that no one I know really gets. It's one of my life goals to make people get into some W & W, but very few seem to like them.

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I liked Bedazzled. As far as I'm concerned, that's Brendan Frasier's greatest work.


Other movies I like that I hear more bad than good about:


Problem Child 2

The Stupids

Alien vs Predator

Darkness Falls

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Randy Quaid as a deranged side show freak creator with Bobcat Goldwait as the voice of a man with a sock puppet for a head.


That is a great movie. I could watch it all day if I actually had the damn thing.

And I just checked, to be released on DVD on July 12!




I forgot about "Freaked", add that to my list. I love that film it's just so fucking weird.

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Freaked is a classic in surreal comedy.Plus, it has Mr. T as a bearded lady, which is hilarious.


I gotta add



Return of the Living Dead 3-Ok, so it's not a funny like the first one, but it's still a cool little zombie flick. Also, Mindy Clarke's character transforming herself into a human pincushion is awesome.


Texax Chainsaw Massacre 2-Even though it's no where near as brillient as the original, I still love this film. The scene where Drayton Sawyer tries to explain the birds and the bees to his son Leatherface ("S-C-E-X!") is one of the funniest moments in the history of horror cinema.



While not movies, these are tv shows I like that not many other people seem to.


Super Milk Chan-If you don't like the president on that show, then you hate America. Oh, and the Americanized versions of the show are a riot.


Tom Goes to the Mayor-A lot of people hate this show, but every time I watch it, I can't stop laughing. Also Toms wife Joy is the scariest woman on TV right now.


Totally Spies-Yes it's dumb, but it's still fun. Plus it's on at the same time slot as the Simpsons, and sense that show isn't very funny anymore IMO, Totally Spies usually gets my viewing time instead.

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Guest Shadow
I liked Bedazzled. As far as I'm concerned, that's Brendan Frasier's greatest work.

Frasers best movie was without question GODS AND MONSTERS.


Speaking of Fraser...



I love Encino Man.

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Pleasantville. Odds are lots of folks here like it but I don't know of many I know. Most of them because it pushes "immorality".

I grew up in a town called Pleasantville so I of course loved that movie.

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One of my big guilty pleasures is the entire Beach series of the 60s, the stuff with Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello. I saw them all when I was about 10 or 11 and enjoy them even now.


Eric Von Zipper is the man.

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