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One Night Stand To Receive Little Promotion by WWE

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Guest LooneyTune

She makes the 10-on-1 against the Undertaker at the 1994 Rumble look like Amateur Hour.

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Hopefully around this time, the WWE will be running shows in the areas that ECW was most famous for being in and they'll do promotions for the PPV at the time. You know a good way to help promote this would say someone who was in ECW is in ring and right after his music cuts off that weird sound that the WWE puts out whenever the Undertaker is going to cut a titantron promo is heard and Heyman comes and he starts talking about how the PPV is going to take palce at the ballroom on this date (sorry forgot what the date is.) and if that wrestler was still extreme, he should show up there, then the picture cuts out. I think I could help out very well.

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Guest Hass of Pain

Very smart move to not run any angles with ECW talent on WWE television. Not only would they probably not get over and we'd have to hear people bitching about how WWE screwed the booking up for the next five years, but one of the major selling points of the pay-per-view should be the intrigue of seeing all of these guys in an ECW setting again for the first time in years. Having ECW guys on WWE television "being extreme" and "raising hell" would come off as silly as WWE hardcore matches because that type of thing only works well within it's own element. At worst it could hurt the buyrate if fans could see all of these guys on television for free and they all look significantly worse than they did at their prime. Good call by WWE.

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Jim Cornette would be on Line 2 for the "insider's perspective" and Line 3 would be "The BAWH GAWD report" from good ol JR, while Line 4 would be "HOLLA HOLLA HOLLA Smackdown report" from Teddy Long.

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Razazteca, you brought back old memories when people used to mock JR with their BAWH GAWD typing. I used to be rolling.

They still do, and it's not funny 95% of the time.


"They released Jaime Knoble? You know what means. BAH GAWD WE CAN SIGN ANOTHER HOSS! BAH GAWD!"


Not fucking funny.

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They so need to open the show with Joey Styles in the ring, have Stephanie come out to big time heel heat and bash ECW and stuff like that, and then..





Take it from there.

That would fucking rule all.



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They so need to open the show with Joey Styles in the ring, have Stephanie come out to big time heel heat and bash ECW and stuff like that, and then..





Take it from there.

That would fucking rule all.



Since all the ECW I have seen is from the Rob Van Dam DVD, I have no clue what you're talking about. Is that Heyman or something?

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They so need to open the show with Joey Styles in the ring, have Stephanie come out to big time heel heat and bash ECW and stuff like that, and then..





Take it from there.

That would fucking rule all.



Since all the ECW I have seen is from the Rob Van Dam DVD, I have no clue what you're talking about. Is that Heyman or something?

Joel Gertner. You have to hear him to understand, but trust me no one in WWE comes close to his humour.

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Guest Pariah

Joel Gertner should come out with 911. 911 Chokeslamming Stephanie McMahon would be up there with him Chokeslamming Fonzie, Gertner then cuts his promo and the show starts.

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Guest nokia

Joey Styles "has" to be there for it to be an "ecw ppv" it just doesn't seem right if his not....

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Razazteca, you brought back old memories when people used to mock JR with their BAWH GAWD typing. I used to be rolling.

They still do, and it's not funny 95% of the time.


"They released Jaime Knoble? You know what means. BAH GAWD WE CAN SIGN ANOTHER HOSS! BAH GAWD!"


Not fucking funny.

I'll stop the day WWE stops using gay gimmicks.

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Gay gimmicks are entertaining and YOU know it! Look at the Heart-Throbs, they stole the show and Regal & Tajiri easily beat them in their debut and now they are already forgotten

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Considering Vince claims he wants the "true ECW feel" does this mean we get the SMALLER RING, and the TIGHTER ROPES? Because that is almost essential for some of those cruiserweight classics and in order to keep up the tempo in matches.

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Team Angle Pusher, that pic of Carlito in your sig is a little disturbing. At first it looks like all he's wearing is the US title.


Does anyone know what happened to the old ECW rings? Perhaps WWE has them in a warehouse somewhere and would use them? RVD already confirmed that the wrestlers are gonna be allowed to go balls-out, for just that night, so I think we have a great show to look forward to.

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What happens if the ECW ppv does bigger numbers than the brand only ppv shows? Would there be some epople demanding ECW to return or even replace smackdown as the secondary brand? Some internet "critic" makes a claim that ECW could replace smackdown next year.

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What happens if the ECW ppv does bigger numbers than the brand only ppv shows? Would there be some epople demanding ECW to return or even replace smackdown as the secondary brand? Some internet "critic" makes a claim that ECW could replace smackdown next year.

NO, Vince will have all footage of the ppv destoryed and if anyone asked about it, would reply "What are you talking about?"

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What happens if the ECW ppv does bigger numbers than the brand only ppv shows? Would there be some epople demanding ECW to return or even replace smackdown as the secondary brand? Some internet "critic" makes a claim that ECW could replace smackdown next year.

It will be claimed that it was down to pure nostalgia, and that the second PPV won't do as good. The second PPV will keep having to get put back, until being scrapped altogether due to 'logistic problems'.

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What happens if the ECW ppv does bigger numbers than the brand only ppv shows? Would there be some epople demanding ECW to return or even replace smackdown as the secondary brand? Some internet "critic" makes a claim that ECW could replace smackdown next year.

I was wondering this as well. Perhaps we could call it the Family Guy Effect with people realizing there is a demand (aka money to be made) for the product.

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Guest dropkickguy

Seeing as how this PPV won't be advertised on WWE TV much. Anyone have a link to the promo for the PPV?

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Paul Heyman promo.... Raw edition of the draft lottery....


JR and Jerry Lawler are speaking about matches to come, later on Raw. The camera focusses on Paul Heyman walking down the aisle. Heyman climbs into the ring as Lawler and Ross speculate what in the hell he's doing here.


For those of you who don't remember me... I'm Paul Heyman! The most revolutionary idea man in professional wrestling, or as Vince McMahon refers to it, sports entertainment, today. You see, years ago, I created a little cult phenemenon in Philadelphia called E-C-W! A product that didn't insult your intelligence as a wrestling fan. We pushed the envelope, showcased great athletes and the world took notice. Unfortunately so did Vincent Kennedy McMahon and Eric Bischoff who collectively stole all of our concepts and talent! And as we were forced off of network television, thanks to Vince McMahon and Spike TV execs, negotiating us off the air - Vince McMahon stood over me, checkbook in hand, saying, "Paul, we'd like to drink your Kool-Aid", come join us. They sat me next to that fat piece of sh*t in the cowboy hat over there, attempted to neuter me and make me a company man! Except you don't take away my balls, I'm from New York! They took the trademark of ECW and profitted from my creation. yet will they take my suggestions as to how to improve WWE's current product? Hell no. They won't listen. They maneuvered me out of the GM position on Smackdown because under my leadership Smackdown was out performing HHH's show on Monday nights. Yes, that's right, I said the HHH show. Here's a fact people. HHH gets more on-air time than any other Raw performer because he's married to Stephanie McMahon and has his giagantic nose permanently affixed up Vince McMahon's ass.


Cue No Chance In Hell....


Here comes Vince.


Heyman, "Hey Vince, calm down, try not to tear both of your quads trying to perform another athletic stunt to rival your entrance to the ring at the Royal Rumble!


Vince: I'm going to askly you nicely, since I've actually known you going back to when you were young, skinny and had hair on the top of your head, you have one minute to get the hell off of my show or I will forever have you blackballed from any WWE event.


Heyman: "You are already paying me to sit at home and watch Raw and Smackdown. While still making money from my creation!"


Vince: "and cleaning up your inept business messes - perhaps if you would have payed more attention to some business and accounting classes in high school, rather than following around Lou Albano, the Grand Wizard and Freddie Blassie at Madison Square Garden, you'd be the one making money from your creation today. I bailed you out you ungrateful son-of-a-bitch.


Heyman: "Yah, you bailed me out... so now I'm just supposed to sit at home, collect my check, and be out of the business I love! While I watch so much of the talent that were built in ECW get their legs cut from under them due to mindless WWE political BS. Screw You! Let me put on one show! One show for my pride! One show so those men in your locker room, who graced ECW rings, can feel at home again rather than continue to be held back, limited and unable to showcase their true talents and abilities thanks to the politics that you allow to run rampant within your company! Go ask Eric Bischoff how well politics and personal agendas work within a wrestling company. Right after he's done picking up your dry cleaning.


Security at this point begins to escort Heyman out of the ring.


Vince: "I tell you what, if you'd like to gather up those old ECW wrestlers for one last hurrah, I'll get you the PPV slot. You can't have the ECW name without my seal of approval. Be sure to tell the talent that you choose that Vince McMahon will be paying them and my checks actually clear, unlike their previous ECW memories. Go ahead, do it Paul. How much money can you make me? Let me see that ECW pride you speak of! Now get the hell off of Raw!

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