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Giuseppe Zangara

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Man... the guy only does that when he thinks it's ok. Agent pretty much bitched him out on that. He absolutely would not have done it without your sarcasm disclaimer. He scured.


You're pretty much baiting him. Which is fine with me... just saying.

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Nobody told him he could start acting like a retard again, so...


I should've used public account. That's what we made it for. Anyway, I'm not the only one who approved of putting him there.


I thought Czech's post about not being a dumbass was enough of a deterrent for him and others...oops. I'm not talking about it anymore.

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He's going to stay in there until I think he's going to stop acting like a retard. If he acts retarded to the point where someone on staff wants to send him in there again, guess what.


he gone


There's no waiting it out this time.



He should have been gone months ago.

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I missed a family party last week, and now regret it as apparently a good portion of my family got pretty wasted, all the way up to my Mama puking from over drinking.... I'll never see that kind of oppurtunity again. Damn.


I was picking stones today with my nephew today (he's 12) and we somehow got on the subject of masturbation.... He asked me if I "jack off" and I said of course!!! He then said "Maturbating means your gay" Well shit...that explains so much.....



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I have a pm from Leena and I'd like to respond to her, but I'm not sure if the name she's using is banned or what, yet. So Leeny, honey, that's why you haven't heard from me...


I'm also on aim somewhat regularly and you're never there...


But yeah... I'm sorry she asked to be deleted. Leena, maybe you could have a limited account but you never post and you just pm with it? I'd really like to correspond with you. I like you a lot and always have.

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Well yeah, there's that... and the fact that I'm trying not-so-subtly to lure you back there. Especially since your beef with Marney has apparently been handled. We need some Proven Draws since the new software upgrade frightened everyone away.

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I've been using a lot of italics lately. I think it's kind of a subconscious tribute to my boy, Hoff. Clearly, it's no longer a drunken elephant noise. I've been told my roommate dated a girl about a month ago who looked like a horse. (I moved in two weeks ago) When being told this story, the other two guys who live here made horse noises. Might be even more fun.


Also, I do Jim Mora's "PLAYOFFS?" thing a lot when drunk now. Baron and I went through about 45 seconds of pissed-off coach one-liners, when he was in town last Saturday. He's a man. He's 40.

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Leena will be pleased to know that I'm now shedding the extra pounds I gained from several months of light working and heavy drinking.


Instead of cutting out alcohol, I've decided to exercise, using Richard Simmons Disco Sweat. I also bought some tiny shorts to do it in. I figured the only way I can exercise is to do it as gay as possible. I will be sure to post pictures of me in the tiny shorts to show off the results.

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Guest I swallowed a Q-Tip.

I swallowed a Q-Tip today. When I'm nervous, I chew on things, and I happen to have a box of Q-Tips at my desk, since one of my other nervous habits is to compulsively clean my ears. I was chewing on one when I was reading a Kinetic post, and I swallowed the tip and some of the paper. This wasn't one of my prouder moments.

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I swallowed a Q-Tip today. When I'm nervous, I chew on things, and I happen to have a box of Q-Tips at my desk, since one of my other nervous habits is to compulsively clean my ears. I was chewing on one when I was reading a Kinetic post, and I swallowed the tip and some of the paper. This wasn't one of my prouder moments.


Do my posts really make you that nervous, Dan?

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...I've decided to exercise, using Richard Simmons Disco Sweat. I also bought some tiny shorts to do it in. I figured the only way I can exercise is to do it as gay as possible. I will be sure to post pictures of me in the tiny shorts to show off the results.



please? :wub:




also, after months of eating less and walking more... i am now bigger. can someone please explain to me how this is possible?


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also, after months of eating less and walking more... i am now bigger. can someone please explain to me how this is possible?




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...I've decided to exercise, using Richard Simmons Disco Sweat. I also bought some tiny shorts to do it in. I figured the only way I can exercise is to do it as gay as possible. I will be sure to post pictures of me in the tiny shorts to show off the results.



please? :wub:




also, after months of eating less and walking more... i am now bigger. can someone please explain to me how this is possible?


Define bigger.


Like are your legs bigger? That means you are adding muscle mass. If it's your stomach, you are just going into Retarded woman body mode.


Also your body might be freaking out due to the less food intake and is storing fat since it thinks you are in famine. Happened to a friend of mine until she started working out with more ferocity to burn off the fat.

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also, after months of eating less and walking more... i am now bigger. can someone please explain to me how this is possible?


you pregnant again?


phisically impossible, due to having my tubes tied and not having penis/vagina-centric sex.








Define bigger.


Like are your legs bigger? That means you are adding muscle mass. If it's your stomach, you are just going into Retarded woman body mode.


Also your body might be freaking out due to the less food intake and is storing fat since it thinks you are in famine. Happened to a friend of mine until she started working out with more ferocity to burn off the fat.




first i shall define eating less. i don't eat that much to begin with, but what i have done is cut out junk food and replace with veggies.


bigger as in my stomach is just growing to absurd proportions. i know i handle the "i'm fat and okay with myself" thing, but WHAT THE FUCK. i don't expect some quick results, or even results at all. i'm only in this to be more healthy. but i went and bought a pair of jeans on Sunday that were fucking bigger than the ones i was wearing. after three months, shouldn't i be, if anything, the same size at least?


maybe i have some fucking growth or something. i mean... if i were getting fatter, wouldn't it be everywhere? ask Annie, my legs are buff. it's all in the middle.


i just set myself up for a huge backlash, but fuck it. congrats for all you and your skinniness.

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Do some crunches every night before bed, and some more in the morning. Also, when you're sittin around, flex your stomach, release, repeat, get into a habit of doing that. It sounds stupid, but it works and you can actually be lazy while you work out.

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Did you cut out Soda as well? Soda is murder on the abdominal region. Otherwise I'm just going with, Women's Bodies to Wonky things.

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i drink minimal soda. liquid calories, bad chemicals, stomach problems, brittle bones... all in one bottle~!


this is why i drink so much water. which was my rant two pages ago.

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also, after months of eating less and walking more... i am now bigger. can someone please explain to me how this is possible?


you pregnant again?


phisically impossible, due to having my tubes tied and not having penis/vagina-centric sex.



Oh, it could still happen. I seen that shit on the Discovery Channel... and also in the Bible. But no, not likely.



Taiga, I think were we in closer proximity, you and I would settle into an FA relationship, with you as feedee and me as feeder, where I get turned on by your weight gain. I've done this with a girl once before, to counteract my accidentally turning her anorexic.

But, seeing as I know you don't really want to lose weight, there's nothing you can do about this. Your body is just being weird.


I'm actually pretty lucky when it comes to weight. As long as I'm working steady, I pretty much won't gain weight... but I won't lose it either. A while back, I would constantly be eating fast food triple bacon cheeseburgers and king size curly fries dipped in ranch dressing and downing $100 worth of vodka a week, never set foot in a gym, never exercised at all. Didn't gain a pound. It was that period where I wasn't working steady that made me start to gain. And once I punish myself a bit and drop it back off, it won't come back, I'm sure.

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feeding fetishism confuses me. it doesn't seem to be sexually based at all. maybe it's a power thing. besides, i'd get way ill if i were to eat the amount implied. though if someone would be turned on by me getting fatter, i guess they should watch me waddle my fat ass all over the city. (there was supposed to be a joke in there, i think)



and if i ever get pregnant again, i wouldn't be pregnant for long. i'd stick a knife in my cunt. or pay an abortionist to do it for me. then i'd do something extreme like sew my labia shut and join a colony of trannies or something. getting pregnant again is about my worst fear ever.

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There's way less sexual fetishes than feeding. Feeding is altering the woman's body, and if you find a round, voluptuous and soft body desirable, you are thereby making the woman sexier. That's perfectly understandable.

It's a weaker fetish for me... just an extension of the BBW thing (and no, I don't prefer fat women like some people here, it's just if I'm attracted to a woman who is fat, I will make her fat erotic. It's what I do.)


But also, there are much easier ways to terminate a pregnancy than that, you know... just get a bunch of abortions like that girl from the other thread.

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