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Giuseppe Zangara

Comments which don't warrant a thread.

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Just punch them in the face with your words.


Reminds me of that Simpsons where Homer kept trying to knock Barney out so he couldn't drive drunk, and kept slamming his head in the car door.

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Just punch them in the face with your words.


Reminds me of that Simpsons where Homer kept trying to knock Barney out so he couldn't drive drunk, and kept slamming his head in the car door.


I've no sold multiple full on kicks to the groin while drunk, so i fear I'd be very much the same way.



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I don't even understand what that whole Wrestling Draft in General is, and now it has its own folder. Huh?


We had a draft, now we are going to post Supercards with our draft for the purpose of discussion, and didn't want to make 45 threads in General with every persons separate card/talk.

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Some cunt bitch tried to cut me off today and almost caused an accident, and then flipped me off when I ended up being in front of her anyways. So I drove reeeeeal slow for a while, since there was a divider on the left and she couldn't pass me.

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Some guy on a bike flipped off an ambulance today. He was crossing the road that the ambulance was coming down, just came to a stop at the center divider, then gave it the bird. Then I gave him the bird, then someone gave me the bird for giving him the bird, then someone gave him the bird for giving me the bird for giving him the bird.

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Some cunt bitch tried to cut me off today and almost caused an accident, and then flipped me off when I ended up being in front of her anyways. So I drove reeeeeal slow for a while, since there was a divider on the left and she couldn't pass me.

I got cut off really badly yesterday going into a Target parking lot. There are two lanes that let you go from the freeway, through a intersection, and into the Target parking lot. I'm in the left lane and this bitch driving a white Dodge Interrprid comes flying out from behind me in the right lane and for some reason the bitch goes into my land nearly missed sideswiping me. If I wasn't paying attention and turned my car to the left a little bit, she would have nailed me.


Since she got into the lane I was in, I drove up right behind her and started making the same turns she did in the parking lot. I parked near her and we both got out of cars at the same time. I really wanted to ask her in a nice clam matter "who taught you how to drive?" but decided against it because it was two girls probably 20 who seemed like they would have started yelling or called someone to come and beat me up. Plus they knew what I was driving.


So I kept looking at them, whoever was driving knew she just cut me off and kept avoiding eye contact. So I got ahead of them and entered the store and went to the customer service line because i had to make an exchange and the bitch, who i think was driving, had to get in line behind me. Every few seconds i would look back at her just to make her feel uneasy. When I left the counter and had to turn around, I gave her a nice stare and walked away. It was funny as hell.

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On the tangent of cutting people off, twice within a block I saw cars trying to make right hand turns from the middle lane cutting off someone that was on the inside also trying to make a right hand turn. Within 20 seconds of one another. It was odd.

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ITT means In This Thread.


But no, it shouldn't be in the video games folder. Your ignorance at video game music is akin to saying jazz discussion belongs in the negro folder.

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Ever find yourself reading through a long thread and being like "Wait a minute, I don't even give a fuck about this. Why am I reading this?"


That just happened to me with the actor draft. Though, I wish I were a part of it.

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About three weeks ago while on mushrooms I decided to quit all drugs, alcohol, coffee, and smoking. I didn't put it on myself to quit everything at once, so I figure since I'm only still partaking in one of the four (smoking), I'm doing a pretty good job.


Legal drugs I've never been a fan of. I've never really taken pills when I'm sick, though my parents always used to try and pressure me to. I have nothing against them, I just never felt the need to take any.


Illegal drugs and alcohol are hard for me, but it's not a big deal... I'm not addicted to any of them. It just sucks sometimes when I go out with my friends and they're drinking or whatever, but I'm high off life!


Coffee I used to drink every day, but that hasn't been a big deal either. The hardest part is not completely forgetting that I quit when somebody offers me a coffee.


Smoking's been a little harder for me to kick. I just went about two days without it before buying a pack tonight.

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Confession: Both as a child and as an adult, I have always muted the television and listened to other music while playing video games. It never even occured to me that I might be missing anything.

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Guest Vitamin X

I used to do that all the time with Madden. I'd have my own little stadium playlists and stuff like that. I listened to a whole lot of metal that way.


Now of course you can actually have stadium playlists in Madden on the 360 when hooked up to a computer, but I don't put that much effort into it anymore. I probably should, though. I suggested this in the VG Folder, but I thought it would be awesome to have an MP3 of Mike Gundy going "THAT AIN'T TRUE!" for a missed field goal.

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Guest Brady's Torn ACL

Oh fuck you. I grew up with video game music, for better or worse, and I was clearly impressed enough with what was being done to pick up a trumpet at age 8 and really cultivate a passion for music. I don't need some dopey-ass hoser passing judgment on me and the rest of us for talking about music from our resp. childhoods. Who the fuck are you? You purport to love some universally reviled shitty-ass '90s alternative album with some Mexican guy's semen on the cover. How are you in a position to chide any of us for anything, within or beyond the realm of music? If I even had any self-worth, it sure as hell wouldn't have just been crushed by this damning indictment from the erstwhile "redbaron51." Boy, I hope your sig banner doesn't kick my ass, you fucking fag. Fuck you.

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I too was guilty of occasionally turning down the TV and cranking up tapes, CDs or the radio for sporting events (since 95% of my youth gaming could only happen on weekends, which caused problems during football season). This was moreso during the NES day when even well constructed MIDIs from Zelda or FF could still get annoying and repetitive over time.


Of course, once you got into the PS1 age and music/sounds in the game began to serve a more important role in gameplay (ex: Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid) I couldn't do that quite as much

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Guest Vitamin X

Yeah Chocolate and Negro seems kind of redundant, but I wanted to keep at least part of the original title in there.

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Oh fuck you. I grew up with video game music, for better or worse, and I was clearly impressed enough with what was being done to pick up a trumpet at age 8 and really cultivate a passion for music. I don't need some dopey-ass hoser passing judgment on me and the rest of us for talking about music from our resp. childhoods. Who the fuck are you? You purport to love some universally reviled shitty-ass '90s alternative album with some Mexican guy's semen on the cover. How are you in a position to chide any of us for anything, within or beyond the realm of music? If I even had any self-worth, it sure as hell wouldn't have just been crushed by this damning indictment from the erstwhile "redbaron51." Boy, I hope your sig banner doesn't kick my ass, you fucking fag. Fuck you.


But you can pass judgement on everyone else for liking "shitty" music? Maybe you should get your head out of your own ass.

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Guest Smues


I too was guilty of occasionally turning down the TV and cranking up tapes, CDs or the radio for sporting events (since 95% of my youth gaming could only happen on weekends, which caused problems during football season). This was moreso during the NES day when even well constructed MIDIs from Zelda or FF could still get annoying and repetitive over time.


Of course, once you got into the PS1 age and music/sounds in the game began to serve a more important role in gameplay (ex: Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid) I couldn't do that quite as much


I was never one for listening to music while playing video games...until I rented Sonic Adventure 2 and spent 20 minutes on a Knuckles level. Christ I've never been more thankful for the invention of MP3's than that day.

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