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Giuseppe Zangara

Comments which don't warrant a thread.

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I'd be pissed if HTM slept on my couch. I paid a lot of fucking money for my couch.


You're just jealous that some washed-up ass-bag from the eighties never took liberties with your furniture.

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Fuck that Venk. I want to be entertained by the dumbass and his "Hawk slept on my couch, that makes me correct!" spill. :D


Actually, I smoked bud with Hawk outside a midwest event. It was the last time I ever saw him :( It was HTM that was on my couch after a dark match with a bottle of Beam.


And you all say it's me who doesn't get their facts straight... :P

I don't need to get my facts straight at all, I really don't give two shits.


You know, since I'm free to talk straight at ya here, I think I'll take this opportunity to tell you that what I've done, I'm proud of. I don't give a fuck what you think. I realize all I am is just another account on a message board, but to me, my experiences are WAY more than that. So, why would i even care what an obvious piece of shit thinks of me? I don't.


I just love the heat!


So, in the words of the greatest wrestler to ever live, whether you like it, or you don't like it, learn to live with it.

You really should stop calling people marks. That entire post made you sound like a over the top wrestling mark, all it needed was a "It's still real to me damnit!" and it'd be even better. So what's next, "To be the man, you must beat the man"?


By the way, I'd like to hear what you have indeed done in pro wrestling.

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This kid is great. Let's make him a mod. I'd love to see him cut wrestling promos on everyone he has to ban/warn/suspend.


"Let me tell ya something, brother! There's no flaming in the Movies/TV/DVD folder! It's just mind over matter! I don't mind...AND YOU DON'T MATTER!"


Noah Fentz for mod.


Make it happen, cap'n.




Be man beat man space mountain oldest ride longest line wooo.

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Noah Fentz, if I ever met you on the street? I'd stab you, man. I'd fucking stab you.

And I carry a knife with me all the time, so you know... I could.


Dude...or whatever the fuck you are...I would take that knife away from you and fuck your ass with it.


Don't EVER talk about shit like that, you little bitch, or I'll come looking for YOU.


Trust me, you DON'T know who'd you'd be fucking with.


That kinda turns me on...


Who am I fucking with?


Please have that conversation with me. I am pretty sure that I'm more evil than you.


What? My back kinda hurts right now. I wish I was drunk.

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Noah Fentz, if I ever met you on the street? I'd stab you, man. I'd fucking stab you.

And I carry a knife with me all the time, so you know... I could.


Dude...or whatever the fuck you are...I would take that knife away from you and fuck your ass with it.


Don't EVER talk about shit like that, you little bitch, or I'll come looking for YOU.


Trust me, you DON'T know who'd you'd be fucking with.


That kinda turns me on...


Who am I fucking with?


Please have that conversation with me. I am pretty sure that I'm more evil than you.


What? My back kinda hurts right now. I wish I was drunk.


...Because even wrestling boards need a Goldust. Thanks for knowing your role, Nighthawk.

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Noah Fentz, if I ever met you on the street? I'd stab you, man. I'd fucking stab you.

And I carry a knife with me all the time, so you know... I could.


Dude...or whatever the fuck you are...I would take that knife away from you and fuck your ass with it.


Don't EVER talk about shit like that, you little bitch, or I'll come looking for YOU.


Trust me, you DON'T know who'd you'd be fucking with.


That kinda turns me on...


Who am I fucking with?


Please have that conversation with me. I am pretty sure that I'm more evil than you.


What? My back kinda hurts right now. I wish I was drunk.


...Because even wrestling boards need a Goldust. Thanks for knowing your role, Nighthawk.

Right about now Gary Floyd is looking for that picture of WP he keeps on file. When he posts it... THEN we will see how smart and funny he is and OH won't we love him.


Ron Paul.

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Noah Fentz, if I ever met you on the street? I'd stab you, man. I'd fucking stab you.

And I carry a knife with me all the time, so you know... I could.


Dude...or whatever the fuck you are...I would take that knife away from you and fuck your ass with it.


Don't EVER talk about shit like that, you little bitch, or I'll come looking for YOU.


Trust me, you DON'T know who'd you'd be fucking with.


That kinda turns me on...


Who am I fucking with?


Please have that conversation with me. I am pretty sure that I'm more evil than you.


What? My back kinda hurts right now. I wish I was drunk.


...Because even wrestling boards need a Goldust. Thanks for knowing your role, Nighthawk.

Hear that sound? Shhh listen really carefully, someone is digging their own grave.


BTW, I completely like the fact Noah ignored my questioning of his pro wrestling backround.

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And what a hearty endorsement it was. Then again you'd think a Democrat from small town America with a bad opinion would be plenty justification in painting the entire party as being culpable.


Regrets… they can be a bitch. You ever have any over starting a thread?


I don’t.


(Look it up yourselves.)


Oh, and I love the use of abortion as a negative. Having never survived one myself I can understand why would you see that as a negative.





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I like Noah in this section of the board, even if admitting he likes getting heat and using the "I'm the smartest person her" routine is right out of the Leena playbook. Of course the only real interaction I've had with Milky since the BPT is him calling me an asshole for liking Leena gulag posts over BruiserBrody stories and randomly telling me to F off. Thanks Dave!



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BTW, I completely like the fact Noah ignored my questioning of his pro wrestling backround.


I didn't ignore it at all, but this is not the forum for that discussion.

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Noah, you should stay away from the wrestling boards, since this seems to be the board for you. Welcome to your new home baby.

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BTW, I completely like the fact Noah ignored my questioning of his pro wrestling backround.


I didn't ignore it at all, but this is not the forum for that discussion.


Um, you are aware that you can discuss anything in this forum, right...?

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BTW, I completely like the fact Noah ignored my questioning of his pro wrestling backround.


I didn't ignore it at all, but this is not the forum for that discussion.


Um, you are aware that you can discuss anything in this forum, right...?


No... this forum is discuss chocolate sockets only.

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Perhaps a thread about Jingus in in order then, lol.

That reminds me, Jingus needs to get that sand out of his vagina, because he's unbearable in the Movie and TV folder.


Also, it amuses me that Cheesala thinks I'm Conservative/Republican.

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BTW, I completely like the fact Noah ignored my questioning of his pro wrestling backround.


I didn't ignore it at all, but this is not the forum for that discussion.

Right, coward.

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Yeah, blow it out your ass, bitch.


Damn, you're actually MORE lame than Goldust. I wouldn't have thought it possible.



BTW, I completely like the fact Noah ignored my questioning of his pro wrestling backround.


I didn't ignore it at all, but this is not the forum for that discussion.


Um, you are aware that you can discuss anything in this forum, right...?


Um, you are aware that you can go fuck yourself, right...?


Right, coward.


I'm definitely no coward, Scroty, I'll be happy to share what I've done, but I don't think "Chocolate Socket Hardcore Ecstasy" is the place. In fact, that sounds more like the title of your next gay porn flick with Nighthack.

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Noah's profile says he's 38 years old. That's all I have to add to this. Although I would like to throw some advice his way, if you're looking to insult Milky, gay porn jokes probably aren't the way to go.


Speaking of Milky, was that a video of that GG Allin character you're always raving about? It certainly was, uh, interesting.

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Noah Fentz but Scroby's been terrible in this thread.


Also, Noah Fentz is awful and should probably kill himself.


I was invited here to be a dick, so here I am. Why the fuck would I kill myself over something as silly and petty as this? I'm just trying to have a little fun... :D


To be honest, this in no way reflects who I truly am or how I conduct myself IRL. All I'm doing is shit-slinging back at my detractors :P


Note: If Milky likes gay porn, then more power to him. I'm just being obnoxious for the sake of my own entertainment.

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Yeah you suck at being obnoxious and being a dick. I mean you talked all this trash in the WWE folder but when you had a chance to come and actually say something and not be told to shut up and move on, you haven't done or said jack shit. You're nothing more than a fucking poser. You built yourself of this big shit whose been in the wrestling business, hell you even decided to name drop, but when you're actually asked about it, you all of a sudden shut the fuck up? You're nothing more than a fucking poser.



Noah Fentz but Scroby's been terrible in this thread.


Also, Noah Fentz is awful and should probably kill himself.


I agree, I've had nothing to work with, but then again Bob, you've never liked me so everything I say or do is terrible in your eyes.

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Speaking of Milky, was that a video of that GG Allin character you're always raving about? It certainly was, uh, interesting.


Sure was. You should honestly watch the movie Hated, the Todd Phillips documentary about him. It's really interesting. It's not all just footage of a guy eating his own shit, but that is in there. Just forewarning.

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