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I picked up DoR after hearing all the "OMG GOOD AS THE AKI GAMES!" hype. After playing Def Jam I know what it could have been, and DoR doesn't stack up. It still feels like a stop-gap between the Smackdown games and the AKI games, but isn't as fun as either. Roster was pretty sad. Play modes--laughable. It still lacked a decent career mode.

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Don't feel bad, Andrew. When the game came out, my head was put on the cutting block when I said I didn't like it.


Here's some food for thought: at the end of the day, the N64's definitive game is GoldenEye.

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Actually, I think Super Mario 64 might be the definative Nintendo 64 game. Well made Nintendo game that anyone could pick up and play. Goldeneye is a rarity on the Nintendo 64, there weren't that many shooters, but there were a ton of platformers of various qualities. Also, no love for EITHER Zelda? Come on man

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I should have explained...what I meant was that GoldenEye is the game that everyone played and everyone still plays. One of my friends is down at Alabama for college and told me that they had been playing it every night.

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Goldeneye is a rarity on the Nintendo 64, there weren't that many shooters, but there were a ton of platformers of various qualities


You're kidding, right?


Besides Goldeneye, you had Doom 64, Duke Nukem (64 and Zero Hour), Quake 1 and 2, TWINE, Perfect Dark, Turok 1-3, Forsaken, and Hexen.


Edit: Forgot Daikatana, not that anyone would want to play it.

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Guest T®ITEC

MGS2: Substance had the longest ending out of anything, ever. I wanted to cry, except I somehow enjoyed it. That game was filthy with cutscenes, though.


No skateboarding on the Xbox makes me cry.

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Goldeneye is a rarity on the Nintendo 64, there weren't that many shooters, but there were a ton of platformers of various qualities


You're kidding, right?


Besides Goldeneye, you had Doom 64, Duke Nukem (64 and Zero Hour), Quake 1 and 2, TWINE, Perfect Dark, Turok 1-3, Forsaken, and Hexen.


Edit: Forgot Daikatana, not that anyone would want to play it.


Ah, you're right, I forget, silly me. By the way, while we're talking N64, I happened to look in EB today and I saw a Resident Evil 2 game for it. Does anyone know if this is any good? I don't remember seeing Resident Evil on N64, but maybe i just forgot

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Ah, you're right, I forget, silly me. By the way, while we're talking N64, I happened to look in EB today and I saw a Resident Evil 2 game for it. Does anyone know if this is any good? I don't remember seeing Resident Evil on N64, but maybe i just forgot


It's good. The prerendered backdrops are replaced with polys, but it looks fantastic (and takes advantage of the expansion pak). Some people like the N64 graphics more.


There are new outfits, and new features like the randomize (herbs and other items are moved into different places), controlling color and amounts of blood, supports the analog stick. The Extreme Battle mode is missing, though.

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Picked up Gradius III & IV for the PS2 today on a whim (helped that it was thirteen bucks). I expected it to be hard, yeah, but this shit is pull out your hair, stare in the screen in disbelief hard. Don't get me wrong, it's great, but unquestionably frustrating. Thank God for unlimited continues.

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Giving Chrono Cross another shot (got it used for 5 bucks). It's nowhere near as good as Trigger, but I'm enjoying it so far, while I only barely played it back when I rented it.


The music is great, if nothing else.

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MGS2: Substance had the longest ending out of anything, ever. I wanted to cry, except I somehow enjoyed it. That game was filthy with cutscenes, though.


No skateboarding on the Xbox makes me cry.


Was the Substance ending the same as the original? I don't believe I heard about it being changed at all. I do agree with you though, it was on Return of the King-like levels of insane length.


Uh, and those who have actually PLAYED Resident Evil on the N64 understand why it is never spoken about. It is a complete and utter fucking abomination. It handles like a semi-trailer and is ridden with glitches and gameplay set-backs.


On an unrelated note, Metroid Prime: Hunters has been delayed, which is a shame. I was quite looking forward to see how a shooter on the DS would turn out, but now I'll be waiting until 2006 (as is the case with all the other awesome games on the way, barring Castlevania and Mario Kart).

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MGS2: Substance had the longest ending out of anything, ever. I wanted to cry, except I somehow enjoyed it. That game was filthy with cutscenes, though.


No skateboarding on the Xbox makes me cry.

Uh, and those who have actually PLAYED Resident Evil on the N64 understand why it is never spoken about. It is a complete and utter fucking abomination. It handles like a semi-trailer and is ridden with glitches and gameplay set-backs.


What? RE2 on the N64 was what introduced me to and got me hooked on the series. I tried playing the PS1 version afterwards, and it was inferior in every way except for marginally better quality in cutscenes.

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Since then, the new plan for Shenmue has been to include the whole series - chapters 1-16 - on at least one next-generation console


Awesome. I wasn't able to play Shenmue 2 thanks to not having (or wanting) an XBox, so this is great news.

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Guest T®ITEC
MGS2: Substance had the longest ending out of anything, ever. I wanted to cry, except I somehow enjoyed it. That game was filthy with cutscenes, though.


No skateboarding on the Xbox makes me cry.


Was the Substance ending the same as the original? I don't believe I heard about it being changed at all. I do agree with you though, it was on Return of the King-like levels of insane length.


I don't have a clue, but it was probably the same. It just skullfucked you and then carried on for about three hours. I guess it didn't help that I really disliked Raiden and he was all over the ending. STFU emo kid, geez.

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Guest T®ITEC

That was really my favourite part of the game. I loved the Colonel calling just to say inane things every three seconds. The cartwheels were quite fun as well.

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Another personal favorite of mine is when you alert the guards. Run back and strap yourself in again. The guard will open the door, look at you and go "wish I had that" before walking away again.

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I got a free Official Xbox Magazine subscription after my free EGM one ended (and I signed up for these well over a year ago) but the issues don't come in baggies, nor do they include demo discs, which is the main reason I wanted them.

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I wouldn't take Gamepro for free.


I started a new game of FF VII last night. This is definetly the best game ever. Anytime I have second thoughts or consider that it may not have aged well just playing it again instantly gets me back into it.

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Every time I think about getting back into FF7, I think of where I am and all of the work to get the weapons I need, and I just forget about it. I love the game to death, but I just cannot get motivated.

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So just play through casually not leveling up or getting ultimate weapons. The game is so easy, especially if you're experienced, that you don't need any of that. I usually don't do many of the sidequests unless they're story related.

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