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Most are not bad, just stale and cheaply made. Most feel like they were developed in like 2 months. SF III was one of the last times they went all out and created something completely new and that's been almost 10 years.

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Guest Askewniverse
Street Fighter III: Third Strike is probably my favorite 2D fighter. Makes me regret selling my Dreamcast.

You do know that the PS2/X-box versions are better right?

I didn't even know there was a PS2 version. Is SFA 3 available on PS2?


Are there any good GameCube games coming out soon, other than Zelda? I sold my GC last year, but there's a decent deal going on right now ($100 for system and SSB:M), so I might get one again.

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Third Strike is part of the Anniversary Collection for PS2 that also includes every version of SF II.


And SFA III was released for the PS.

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SF3 is included in Street Fighter Anniversary Collection along with a more difficult than normal version of Street Fighter 2 called Hyper Street Fighter 2.


No SFA3 on ps2 sadly.


The Zelda game was delayed until 2006 if you hadn't heard. Geist is getting some hype but I'm not sure on that.

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SF Anniversary Collection does not have all versions of SF II. Instead it's a brand new version, Hyper SF II, that allows you to pick which version of each character you want to play. So you can have Champion Edition Ryu vs. Turbo Guile. The actual presentation of the game is based on Super SF II Turbo.



The AI in Hyper is based on Super SF II Turbo, which is much harder than the other versions. Hyper isn't even as hard as that, it was toned down. SSF2T arcade is much harder than Hyper.

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Agreed. I could rock the hell out of Champion Edition with Sagat, but I have to be on my game to beat Super Turbo.


You know you're damned good a Street Fighter when....


You start counting perfects with pennies and nickles.


My ex-roommate used to do that, she was that damned good at II and CE... then again she played Blanka almost exclusively.

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I have X-Box Live and I know a few of you also have it. I was wondering what your overall opinion of it. I paid for a full year of it back in May but I haven't used it that much.


It's well worth the $50 a year. I have barely played my GameCube or other systems since acquiring my Xbox in November and Live in January. When I am playing games, it's usually Xbox Live. I still haven't gotten to play you, though...


Also, Street Fighter Anniversary Collection's AI sucks. I traded it in. Third Strike is the only thing worth playing on that disc, and I already own it on Dreamcast.

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"While console nostalgia freaks wait on their second compilation of Mega Man games, handheld aficionados patiently hold out for Capcom's constantly delayed portable Mega Man Anniversary Collection. Play Magazine wondered what the deal was, too, and checked in with Capcom for an update.

Right now, it appears a platform shift is in order. The compilation's producer says they've had trouble locating the original source code for many of the games, forcing complete rewrites of code in some areas. The game's still coming, but it can no longer be confirmed as a Game Boy Advance release, making a DS release more than likely.


How a Mega Man compilation would take use the touch screen, however, would be a little tricky. They could toss the weapon selection onto the second screen, but wouldn't that require another batch of lengthy code re-writes?"


Rigth now, GanmeFAQs lists the game as a 2/15/06 GBA release, still quite far off. I want my Mega Man, dammit!


By the way, I found this news in a GameFAQs post by an "AndrewTSM" who reviewed some Fire Pro games. I'm thinking that's the same Andrew we have here... is it you?

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By the way, I found this news in a GameFAQs post by an "AndrewTSM" who reviewed some Fire Pro games. I'm thinking that's the same Andrew we have here... is it you?


Correct. I used to have AndrewTS on GF, but when they decided to merge GS and GF accounts, it was a pain in the BUTT to do, because they automatically signed you out of the GF one, and expected you to fill out a long form to create a new merged account. Since I barely used GFs' boards, my registered e-mail was one that was long since dead and abandoned. So, rather than try to dig up the password I just signed up for a new account, and picked a similar SN.


I think at the time I posted it we didn't have this thread, and I didn't think anyone else cared but ChrisMWaters, who I just IMed that to anyway.


No SFA3 on ps2 sadly.


The PS1 version is fine (although the Saturn version is bar-none the best one for graphics/animation/loading speed/default controls--import only and expensive, though), but it doesn't support Fast Loading on PS2.


There's a version of Alpha 3 in the works for PSP--but PSP is limited to four buttons just like the GBA version, and the GBA version had more characters than any other version (adding Maki, Eagle, and Yun to the lineup). So the PSP version is going to be really freakin' redundant and control like crap because of button limitations.


I picked up the N64 Resident Evil 2, since the earlier discussion made me want to try it again. Except for the FMVs (which aren't too bad at all really), this version is on par or better than the PS1 version for the feel of the gameplay. The music and voices seem to be all there, the backgrounds look excellent, the poly models seem sharper and clearer, you have tons of battery-backed save slots to use, and...look *grinds fingernail into cart* it'll still play!

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I think I saw you post a couple times on the Soul Calibur 3 boards over there, wasn't sure if that was you or not. Neat. Those boards are so worthless though, heh.


Omg new characters in T5.2! The angry guy looks kinda cool.

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It's good. Not as good as SF III though.


I never got that much into SF III. I think by the time it came out I was starting to go away from fighters in general, until Marvel vs. Capcom brought back to them for a hot minute.


And the Saturn was the best for both Alphas 2 and 3. Perfect in looks, game play and control. I think I need to invest in one just to play Survival mode again. Whoever thought of that concept at Capcom was a genius.


I think my loyalty for Alpha 3 is because of Chun-Li's fighting Juli and Juni. The first time I encountered that, I was so surprised that they kicked the crap out of me.

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It *must* be the PAL conversion, because I can swear hating RE2 on the 64 with a passion.


I'd say so. My expansion pak probably doesn't hurt it either. They should have speed up the door transitions though, because they were only really to hide loading in the first place.


And the Saturn was the best for both Alphas 2 and 3. Perfect in looks, game play and control. I think I need to invest in one just to play Survival mode again. Whoever thought of that concept at Capcom was a genius.


So it isn't just a flaky memory on my part that thinks the DC version looks lame in comparison?


I wish I'd never had Ebayed off my Alpha 3 Saturn for a mere 40, especially with then asking 80+ on Ebay now. :P

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I've seen many A3 players say that PSX is the most like the arcade. I guess Capcom toned down some Dhalsim and V ism stuff in Saturn and DC.

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Jak 3 (which I think sucks), Sly 2, and Ratchet and Clank Up Your Arsenal is Greatest Hits now. Gamestop's dropped the prices on their used versions to $17.99 each.


The recently-turned-GH Smackdown vs. Raw is $17.99 used at EB Games now.

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Ratchet and Clank: UYA is not officially "Greatest Hits" yet. It's on sale for $19.99 at Best Buy and $14.99 at Circuit City this week, but it's still $39.99 at most places and there's no GH label.

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I don't know if it's been mentioned yet, but it's been confirmed that Metroid Prim Hunters for the DS will be going online when it's released in the first part of 2006.

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Why isn't that out yet? Seems like it was one of the first DS games revealed.


Prime 2 was so weak.

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Ratchet and Clank: UYA is not officially "Greatest Hits" yet.  It's on sale for $19.99 at Best Buy and $14.99 at Circuit City this week, but it's still $39.99 at most places and there's no GH label.

One of the best PS2 games ever.

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Guest Askewniverse

Indiana Jones Trilogy for SNES is underrated. For a game based on a major movie trilogy, it's almost never mentioned.


Crusader of Centy isn't too bad. It plays more like a Zelda game than a traditional RPG.



Jak 3 (which I think sucks), Sly 2, and Ratchet and Clank Up Your Arsenal is Greatest Hits now.  Gamestop's dropped the prices on their used versions to $17.99 each.


The recently-turned-GH Smackdown vs. Raw is $17.99 used at EB Games now.

Wow, you save a whopping $2 if you buy a used copy. I don't see why anyone wouldn't just pay the extra $2 for a new copy.

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The Gamestop I work at recently got Ratchet and Clank: UYA, and Smackdown vs Raw in Greatest Hits packaging.


Has a Revolution controller been revealed yet?

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The Gamestop I work at recently got Ratchet and Clank: UYA, and Smackdown vs Raw in Greatest Hits packaging. 


Has a Revolution controller been revealed yet?


Last I heard, they were still at the "This hollow black box is what the Revloution WILL look like!" I haven't seen any prototypes outside the artists' renderings of the touchscreen controller.

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I was thinking about starting up with the RnC series.... any suggestions?


And I still say that Special Champion Edition for the Genesis was the best SF adaptation of all the consoles from a gameplay standpoint. The SNES versions looked better, but that was the point of debate between the consoles of the day.

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Maybe, but both Genesis and SNES SF II are now irrelevant since they've been surpassed by much better ports.

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I was thinking about starting up with the RnC series.... any suggestions?


I think Going Commando is the best in the series, although Renegade would say UYA (more action-based, less platforming). Every single one of them is excellent though, and even the first game smokes every Jak game, IMO. You can't lose with any of them, really.

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Maybe, but both Genesis and SNES SF II are now irrelevant since they've been surpassed by much better ports.


Oh I agree, and since emulation has taken off, it is truly irrelevant.


Speaking of that, there is another game that I remember playing back in the day, I want to say around 87 or 88, it was an action platformer, where you had to go down into a complex to complete a level, and you could choose going left to right and right to left.... I think you could collect powerups along the way and I think shoot enemies..... I used to score pretty high on that game and I cannot remember it for the life of me... I know it was made by one of the minor gaming companies back then....

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