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People were raving about the "Lego Star Wars" game from last year, but I've never played it. I've heard good things about the SW Battlefront series as well (though I can't recall if that's just an Xbox game or multiplatform).


While not "Colony Wars", the gummi ship levels in Kingdom Hearts II are pretty cool, much better than the first. I recommend that game.

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The independent game store near me is having a Buy One Get One Free used game sale, so I was able to pick up Chain of Memories and Mario vs. Donkey Kong for $20 total. I haven't tried CoM yet, but Mario vs. Donkey Kong is really fun. It kinda reminds me of a well-constructed flash game with Mario characters. That might not sound particularly flattering, but believe me, the ridiculously fun gameplay and impressive replay value definitely make it worth a purchase.

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As for essential PS2 games(that you haven't mentioned), I'd say

Metal Gear Solid 2

Jak and Daxter(this is a great Mario style platformer, 2 is more GTA-ish but better than GTA in my opinion. and 3 I've only demoed)

Grand Turismo 3(for some reason I like it better than 4, and you can use your progress with 3 toward 4 as well)

all 3 of those are available at EB for under $10.

I would also reccomend WWE Smackdown Here Comes the Pain if you don't mind an outdated roster, the game is much more fun than the recent version, and you'll get a sense of whether or not you'll enjoy the PS2(and into the future, it seems) style of WWE game.

That's about all I can think of as far as essential games go. I do enjoy things like Fifa and such. Lego Star Wars is a lot of fun, kinda old school platformer-ey. There are race and space battle sequences as well, though

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Guest Askewniverse

PS2 games that I recommend:


Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

Devil May Cry 3

Resident Evil 4

Gran Turismo 4


Twisted Metal: Black

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Ratchet and Clank makes Jak and Daxter their bitches.


Incredibly true.


Insomniac is like..."thanks for the engine, Naughty Dog. Now let's show you how it's done."


Jak 1 is generico 3D platformer with baubles to collect.


Jak 2 and 3 is just about everything but platforming. Assloads of racing and driving crap, and the platforming usually has lots of repetitive collecting.


Yeah, in R&C you need bolts...but that's pretty much from blowing away enemies.

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As for essential PS2 games(that you haven't mentioned), I'd say

Metal Gear Solid 2




Seriously? I didn't hate Raiden, but the game wasn't exactly a must-play beyond the first level. It's probably a good rental, to see if it's the kind of game someone wants to play through.


I recommend Dynasty Warriors; the gameplay can be summed up by "x-x-x-triangle", but it's still mindless fun. Burnout 3 is great fun for almost anyone. Shadow Hearts 2 is a must if you like RPGs, probably Disgaea as well. I don't have Guitar Hero, but Amplitude is excellent and Guitar Hero is supposed to be better.

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Saw a shelf full of copies of Monster Hunter for $20 at Fry's. I got tempted to pick one up as an impulse buy, but eventually resisted.


I also realized that I have about 4 or 5 games that I've bought and yet to open. Once school goes into summer recess, it looks like I'll have some stuff to tide me over until Disgaea 2 hits the U.S.

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I don't think there are any doubts about the gameplay in MGS2 (when you actually get to play the game). The problem is the plotline, which goes miles beyond your typical poor video game plotline into incomprehensible and, frankly, offensive territory. MGS2 is a full length codec feature that is fortunately broke up by ten-to-fifteen minutes of riveting gameplay (a ratio that gets worse, unfortunately, as you progress through the game); it's not Xenosaga, but the fact that an action game even warrants such a comparison should trip off a few alarms in your head.


If I had to recommend an MGS PS2 game, then I think MGS3: Subsistence warrants major consideration. MGS3, by itself, already trumps its successor with an comprehensible (and remarkably well-done) plotline and, most importantly, more gameplay. With Subsistence, you get that along with all sorts of additional goodies, most notably an online multiplayer experience that was reviewed very positively by most of the gaming media.

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I don't think there are any doubts about the gameplay in MGS2 (when you actually get to play the game). The problem is the plotline, which goes miles beyond your typical poor video game plotline into incomprehensible and, frankly, offensive territory. MGS2 is a full length codec feature that is fortunately broke up by ten-to-fifteen minutes of riveting gameplay (a ratio that gets worse, unfortunately, as you progress through the game); it's not Xenosaga, but the fact that an action game even warrants such a comparison should trip off a few alarms in your head.


If I had to recommend an MGS PS2 game, then I think MGS3: Subsistence warrants major consideration. MGS3, by itself, already trumps its successor with an comprehensible (and remarkably well-done) plotline and, most importantly, more gameplay. With Subsistence, you get that along with all sorts of additional goodies, most notably an online multiplayer experience that was reviewed very positively by most of the gaming media.

What is offensive about the plot line? The terrorism and assault on Manhatten?

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No, not that - they took out the scenes that were connected to that, IIRC.


The main thing I was referring to was the

plot twist where Otacon reveals that he had an affair with his stepmother.

It still blows my mind to this day - what the hell is that doing in an action/stealth video game? It had absolutely nothing to do with the plot, unless the plot was to basically destroy his character for the rest of the game.


There are about half a dozen other things that are really insulting to the intelligence. I know it's a video game and the first game wasn't exactly the pinnacle of realism, but

Naked Raiden? Ocelet being somehow compelled to graft Liquid's dead hand to his body? Raiden's whole subplot with Rose?

Kojima hit some very intriguing ideas through the plotline, but it's hard to discern the signal from all of the noise of constant swerves, double-crosses, and other various absurdities.


To use a wrestling analogue, it's like somebody spiked Vince Russo with a near-lethal dose of psychotropics and asked him to book the next Metal Gear game.

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Just the thought of that makes my brain hurt.


I have to say that Burnout 3 is the most fun driving game I have ever played, and yes that includes Forza Motorsport, which I pimped excessively.


Lego Star Wars is an excellent game from the standpoint that you go through all of the movies, IIRC, from Episodes I to VI.

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Anyone looking for a coherant plot in Metal Gear Solid 2 is looking in the wrong place.


The game was designed to be a post-modern satire of games in general. A boss on rollerblades? A vamplire, a witch? A docOc boss in the middle of New York?


Come On.

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If that's the case, the whole series is a post-modern satire - there are bosses that control bees, torment you with images of the dead, wield gatling guns the size of a compact car, and use psychic powers to read the contents of your memory card and blank out the television screen.


That doesn't excuse MGS2 from being incapable of achieving the same balance between plot and gameplay that the other two games bring to the table. The plot is beyond incoherent and, while that might be forgivable in other titles where you catch a brief mention of the plotline before quickly moving onto the gameplay ("The President has been kidnapped by ninjas!"), it's an absolute drag in a game where you have to sift through multiple codecs/cutscenes that last up to 30 minutes at a time.

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Chain of Memories is pretty good, even if it's basically a handheld version of the first Kingdom Hearts. Don't know why they felt the need to handcuff the combat with the whole card system, though.


Also, I enjoy how Sora and Donald explained away the lazy programming in Atlantica.


"It looks like we're on the bottom of the sea!"


"How come we can breathe?"


"Maybe someone cast a spell on us!"

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No, not that - they took out the scenes that were connected to that, IIRC.


The main thing I was referring to was the

plot twist where Otacon reveals that he had an affair with his stepmother.

It still blows my mind to this day - what the hell is that doing in an action/stealth video game? It had absolutely nothing to do with the plot, unless the plot was to basically destroy his character for the rest of the game.


There are about half a dozen other things that are really insulting to the intelligence. I know it's a video game and the first game wasn't exactly the pinnacle of realism, but

Naked Raiden? Ocelet being somehow compelled to graft Liquid's dead hand to his body? Raiden's whole subplot with Rose?

Kojima hit some very intriguing ideas through the plotline, but it's hard to discern the signal from all of the noise of constant swerves, double-crosses, and other various absurdities.


To use a wrestling analogue, it's like somebody spiked Vince Russo with a near-lethal dose of psychotropics and asked him to book the next Metal Gear game.

They use the twist to explain why Otacon and Emma split, and why Emma doesn't want to swim. It's dumb, yes, but this is a series full of sick people and it isn't totally out of place. I just love the gameplay and Snake's character is likle a modern day Man with No Name, I dunno, I can put up with a lot of the oddness, I suppose. I think also the game didn't have the best translation from what I recall reading. Like I said, it's so cheap now that renting it will cost more than owning, and I think at least everyone should play it. I like it quite a bit. And as for Jak and Daxter, I can tell you after several years of playing stealth games(I also recently got Splinter Cell, which is more realistc but not as well programmed as far as hit detection and plain less fun), wrestling games, and sports games, how nice it was to pick up the first Jak and play an honest to God platformer that didn't suck. Mario Sunshine disappointed me to no end with the constant "secret" areas that are plain out frustrating

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If that's the case, the whole series is a post-modern satire - there are bosses that control bees, torment you with images of the dead, wield gatling guns the size of a compact car, and use psychic powers to read the contents of your memory card and blank out the television screen.




It's supposed to be videogame nonsense.


Yes the cutscenes were too long.


You're right on both counts.

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The Da Vinci Code is going to be a game.


...no, there's no punchline.


It's going to be a game.


Somebody posted on Gamefaqs that played the demo:


"The control feels pretty tight while running around. One thing I think was missing from the E3 demo was being able to grapple without having to be attacked first. There was simply a punch button but if an enemy grabbed you and you successfully dodged (which consists of timed button presses) then you initiated your Throw, Attack, or Escape sequence. The level up for demo was some airplane hangar and it basically had the main characters finding out how to get out, which entailed getting bolt cutters, flipping a switch, and then fighting a few guards. If you have any questions I can try to answer. I was mainly there to check out the movement controls."


So, it isn't just a game, it's a beat 'em up.


You know, Van Helsing may have been a lousy movie, but making a DMC clone out of it made some sense.

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Bad news for people in the UK, they have to pay $100 US dollars more for the "best" package of the PS3. I think its 425 in pounds....in US dollars its 700 and according to Gamespot.com, the UK are only getting the "best" package for the PS3. I feel sorry for them.

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1up typically for game reviews, because they have a lot of great special features, and typically Jeremy Parish's opinions are very much in sync with my own.


However, the site's news reporting is pretty horrid. They basically post whatever rumor is going around, with little or no fact checking. In that regard, they're basically like every other game site, though.


Eurogamer is also fairly good for reviews, if not necessarily timely (which can be blamed on how they tend to get a lot of releases late). They're a bit harsher on games than most of the gaming press folks, but the reviews tend to be fairly witty and detailed. Plus, their site design is fairly clean and simple, making it easy to navigate (1up, gamespot--those are a nightmare trying to find something old you wanted to pull up).

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PALGN.com.au is a great site that I frequent, but is geared towards Australian PAL gamers.


Also, as Andrew mentioned, Eurogamer is another awesome PAL site that are almost always brutally honest with reviews.

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PALGN.com.au is a great site that I frequent, but is geared towards Australian PAL gamers.


Also, as Andrew mentioned, Eurogamer is another awesome PAL site that are almost always brutally honest with reviews.

What in the heck is up with Raiden's eyes? Ewwwwww

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