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If you're after an alternate opinion, I thought it was boring as hell.


I agree.


No saving on the overworld map, lots of level-grinding, the battle system is nothing special, and random battles (which irritate me after being spoiled on so many great battles where you can see/avoid/sneak attack enemies in the field), and the plot crawls. You can't even save and heal in the same place when you're in town. If you die in a dungeon, you have to start back AT TOWN, with the option to keep your acquired experience if you pay a buttload of gold for the privilege.


Although it's not as horribly slow and needlessly drawn-out as many of the other DQ games. So, if you like the series already, go for it.


However, if you started RPGs with the 32-bit gen, I wouldn't really recommend it.


On the + side, the script is rather well done and the voice acting, while goofy, is alright. The translation was done by a Brit, just to let you know what you're in for.

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And for something we all sorta knew already. Over at Gamespot.com there's a article saying that Nintendo today annouced that the Wii will sale for 250 or less, there's no diffenate price just 250 or less.........yes I was to lazy to link the article.

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This should probably go in the movies folder, but it's also video game related.


Coming August 29th




Oh man, the movie that's a commercial that's a movie...


I loved that flick as a kid.

I have to wonder how much haggling they had to do with Nintendo to get that movie on.

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Somebody has to explain to me what Reggie Fils-Am does aside from being the Shill Monkey for NoA. I'm still not sold on him.

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takes names, kicks ass

invents pizzas

tears phone books in half

put together the Concert for New York

is a pretty gifted public speaker

is turning Nintendo around after they had their heads up their asses (or gardens) from 1996 to 2003ish.


I only made one of those things up. I don't know that much about him other than skimming his Wikipedia entry. He's new to me.

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It looks like some US arcades are starting to get Soul Calibur 3 arcade edition in. Anyone seen it?

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Not yet. Probably get it sometime next week.


A Namco manager told me it was a cheap upgrade that almost all Namco locations should get. Sounds like they're not going to be shipped in the nice T5 cabinets though.

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Yeah, I saw it at a mall yesterday. It was 75 cents for 2/3 rounds, though, and in the same shitty old cabinet with broken sticks that SC2 had been in. Totally not worth it when you've got DR across the aisle in a cabinet with controller ports for 50 cents for 3/5 rounds. I hope they change their pricing policy soon.


Tried out Mitsu and Sophie quickly, Mitsu seems the same as SC3 basically, Sophie is toned down, as expected. No one played me so I got to remember just how awful the SC3 AI is, heh. There's a conquest-style mode, but it doesn't seem as in depth as SC2 conquest and it's no fun because the AI is so bad.


Overall I have to say I was kind of underwhelmed. If the Namco arcades are just going to put the upgrade in their old broken SC2 cabinets, it's not going to do me a whole lot of good. Not worth paying for when the home version is free. :( I really wish they would make their T5 cabinets with controller ports the standard; going back to American sticks now that I've experienced that is painful.

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That's stupid. The test version was in the T5 cabinet. I was really looking forward to that, I want to play with a pad. One arcade I go to has a SC II cabinet so crappy you can barely even see the monitor. Nobody is going to play that.


So is it true the new conquest doesn't let you actually save your character? You just start over every time and they become the subboss until someone beats them? That sounds pointless. The fun part about that mode was having your own name and win record, something to check on every time you where there.

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Yeah, you definitely don't get to save your character. You choose a character, challenge whichever 'player of legend' you want, fight eight battles and then that's it. There's one 'player of legend' for each character, and I think you take over as the POL if your level ends up higher than the old POL. You get like 15 levels every time you win, and then you get to build up your stats. Of course none of that matters since you have to start over every time. So yeah, total waste. Too bad, since the whole leveling system is pretty neat; if you kept your character it could have been cool. I have no idea why they decided not to let you.

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That makes no sense. It sounds like this mode was something Namco came up with because we couldn't have that mobile conquest cell phone game.


Do you even get to enter your name so people know who they are challenging and you can fight other regulars? Is the one player of legend boss the only ghost saved or does your character just become one of the regular 8 fights if they don't get a higher level?


It sounds like the only way this would be interesting is if there's a bunch of people playing the same character as you so you could compete to be the single ghost saved. That's lame though. I am probably going to be the only one playing Cassie. So basically I'll do this once and I'll have no reason to play again.



How different is the game? A 5.1 update or a true upgrade with new moves and all that? Only thing I recall seeing about Cass is her old juggle no longer works.

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You get to enter your name only if you become the new player of legend. When I played through and didn't beat the old player of legend, the game just ended. As far as I could tell, the fights other than the one against the player of legend were just against computer names.


It really seems pointless, because all you can do is just go 8-0 and hope that's enough to make you the player of legend. You get all kinds of points for combos and stuff too, but that all just seemed really random. Score in fighting games is pretty much always worthless.


It seems closer to 5.1 style changes than to something big like DR. Balance is better, but it's more through nerfs than buffs. Sophie just got worse; nothing really new, just worse properties on the old moves. Mitsu got a couple new moves, but neither seem very good. I hear some of the really bad chars like Raph and Talim gained a lot, but for most of the characters it just seems like balance tweaks, not a whole lot really new.

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Yeah the scoring in SC II was really random. You would get a ton of points for doing an unblockable. Sometimes you could kill the CPU in 2 seconds and go way down. The whole leveling up system was silly, it was just fun to have a character saved and be able to challenge other regulars. The casual crowd is going to be bored. SC II allowed them to mash with Kilik and feel as if they were doing something productive.



No controller ports is horrible. I hate playing Cass on the crappy sticks. That kills a lot of my interest in playing. I like her, I don't want to play handicapped or switch characters.

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From Joystiq:


"..Legend of Zelda protagonist Link was named "Hottest Video Game Character" by Out magazine, purported to have the "highest circulation of any gay monthy publication" in the US."


Thats a little wierd to me..

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From Joystiq:


"..Legend of Zelda protagonist Link was named "Hottest Video Game Character" by Out magazine, purported to have the "highest circulation of any gay monthy publication" in the US."


Thats a little wierd to me..

They like a young man in tights, I guess.

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I dunno if this has been posted...


Apparently, in World of Warcraft, a guild leader passed away from cancer. His/her guild decided to have a funeral in game for the person, and asked on the message boards that everyone stay away while it was taking place. WoW is Player v.s. Player...so...




I'm actually rather bothered by this. Sure, thinking it wouldn't happen was a bit silly, but still. Apparently, the fallout from this is that the guild who did this crime, is probably the most hated and hunted guild in all of the game.

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From Joystiq:


"..Legend of Zelda protagonist Link was named "Hottest Video Game Character" by Out magazine, purported to have the "highest circulation of any gay monthy publication" in the US."


Thats a little wierd to me..


Cue angry fangirl deluge of letters: "HE'S NO WAY HOTTR THAN MY SEFFIE!"

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I dunno if this has been posted...


Apparently, in World of Warcraft, a guild leader passed away from cancer. His/her guild decided to have a funeral in game for the person, and asked on the message boards that everyone stay away while it was taking place. WoW is Player v.s. Player...so...




I'm actually rather bothered by this. Sure, thinking it wouldn't happen was a bit silly, but still. Apparently, the fallout from this is that the guild who did this crime, is probably the most hated and hunted guild in all of the game.


I thought it was hilarious. I don't think you've played the game, PVP servers are based around ganking (killing people weaker than you) and griefing (fucking up others to the point where they can't play anymore). So this kinda thing will happen.

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The PS3 is going to be bigger than X-Doorstop..er..the Original X Box by about 1 cm in depth.


PlayStation 3 8726.9 cm^3

Xbox 7727.4 cm^3




and no surprise, the W!! is even smaller than the re-released PS2. And although its slightly taller than the gamecube, its over a 1/4 of the width of a gamecube (3.5 cm to 15cm).

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I picked up Destroy All Humans last night. The idea is good, but the execution isn't. The whole "disguise yourself as a human" part of the game is a pain in the ass to maintain, but you have to keep it up if you don't want to get blown away by the "Majestics". Plus, the ability to just blow crap up around you was utilized much better in Pandemic's other game, Mercenaries.


It's fine for $20, but I wouldn't have paid full price for it.

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I picked up Destroy All Humans last night. The idea is good, but the execution isn't. The whole "disguise yourself as a human" part of the game is a pain in the ass to maintain, but you have to keep it up if you don't want to get blown away by the "Majestics". Plus, the ability to just blow crap up around you was utilized much better in Pandemic's other game, Mercenaries.


It's fine for $20, but I wouldn't have paid full price for it.


Yeah, but I'll take a game that references Ed Wood and Hitchhiker's over generic mercs blowing crap up (not that the commercial for that one wasn't fun). Most of DAH's faults are the typical ones you run into with the sandbox genre--repetitive missions, discovery is often as good as mission-ending (but there's no simple way to just abort the mission and retry if you're still alive), occasionally clunky controls. Did Mercs give you a flying saucer equipped with a death ray? I don't think so.


Plus, near the end the difficulty really ramps up to annoying levels, as the military has things set up to launch missiles at your saucer, and you're fighting guys in friggin' exosuits. WTF Pandemic, it's the damn 50's!


It was actually a different development team that did Mercanaries than DAH, though. However, hopefully they improve on some of the problems in the sequel.

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On youtube I found this video of old NES sports bloopers. the very last one involving some boxing game was the best.


NES sports bloopers


The las one was "King Of The Ring" I believe, and was a pretty fun game once you got used to it. I remember owning it.


EDIT: The name could have been "Ring King", I just know those two words were somewhere in the title.

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Guest Smues

That video reminded me of how much I loved the NES version of California Games.

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Yeah, but I'll take a game that references Ed Wood and Hitchhiker's over generic mercs blowing crap up (not that the commercial for that one wasn't fun). Did Mercs give you a flying saucer equipped with a death ray? I don't think so.


No, but it did give me the ablility to drop bunker buster bombs on apartment buildings just because I didn't like the color of the paintjob. That counts for something in my book.


I'm trading in DAH this weekend; the gameplay has already gotten old, the side missions are incredibly generic and it's pointless to use the stealth option in a Majestic base because it lasts all of 10 seconds. I DO like those robot guards having a voice like the Lost in Space robot. I also am hoping the sequel is a lot better because the concept is a good one.

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If I play a PS1 game on my PS2, will it let me use my PS2 memory card to save progress, or do I need a PS1 card?


(and if I need a ps1 card, uh why, isnt it the same architecture? makes no sense)

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