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Dangerous A

OAO Raw Thread for 7/11/2005

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-Matt Hardy's return was perfectly done

-Roddy Piper was awesome on the stick tonight, Piper's Pit needs to return full-time to be the ONLY interview segment

-Matt Martel



-Diva Search (other than Coach and Ashley, who's pretty cool)

-Shawn Michaels' heel turn still has yet to be fully explained

-The rest of the program

-NO Flair or Kerwin!


Average show with two really good points.

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I flipped back and forth between this and the Derby, so I missed Matt returning. Will be interesting how they fuck THIS one up. The Cena/Jericho promo was good, but it seems like they're just reusing the JBL angle and putting Jericho in his place (with the whole "You're a thug and a bad champion" thing). The Michaels promo was a case of Michaels talking and not actually saying anything. So, is he jealous of Hogan? Tired of him? Wants to top him? Thinks he's better than him?

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Guest seth86

Pretty good RAW but i hate the fact that everything else is overshadowed by the Matt Hardy return. I liked it but the Jericho/Cena match announcement was pretty huge for me too.

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Not only will I actually plan to watch Raw next week...but Im even interested in SummerSlam now.


The booking of tonights worked shoot angle totally cancelled out the Hassan bullshit of late.

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?Fuck Hogan, fuck "HasBeenKid"(lol, that's great @ the guy who used that).


You're welcome. ;)


And I totally forgot about the Angle Invitational. By far, the best us e of the gimmick. So does the Angry Schoolteacher Matt Stryker get a developmental deal out of this? Or is he already in OVW? I don't usually follow the farm leagues.


So what was the final count? 20 minutes of actual ring time? And only one clean finish? Good thing I'm still on a Matt high, otherwise this would be considered a very sub-par RAW.

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Guest nokia

Sunday Night Heat taping:


- Viscera, Rosey & Hurricane defeated The Heart Throbs & Tyson Tomko. Viscera did a double hump on the Heart Throbs, leading to the Heart Throbs walking out. Viscera then pinned Tomko for the win.


- Victoria defeated Talia (who has worked for 3PW, JAPW, WXW, and other independents). Victoria cut a promo before the match saying that she was going to show the world why she deserves the spotlight, not Christy Hemme. Talia hit a flying bodypress for a two count before Victoria hit the Widow's Peak for the win.


- Rob Conway defeated Mo Sexay (who has worked for WXW). Conway wrestled while wearing sunglasses, and has adopted a Buff Bagwell-style gimmick and look. Conway won the match by draping Sexay on the ropes and then dropping him with a neckbreaker.


- Rene Dupree defeated Val Venis. Dupree received a "Where is Fifi?" chant as the match began. Not a good match. Val scored a two count after an atomic drop and a full nelson slam. Val missed the Money Shot (top rope splash), and Dupree used the Cobra Clutch for a submission win.


- After the Heat matches, there was another "ECW" chant from the crowd. T-Shirts were shot into the crowd, and a Wrestlemania 21 music video was shown on the Titantron

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Sunday Night Heat taping:


- Viscera, Rosey & Hurricane defeated The Heart Throbs & Tyson Tomko.  Viscera did a double hump on the Heart Throbs, leading to the Heart Throbs walking out.  Viscera then pinned Tomko for the win.


- Victoria defeated Talia (who has worked for 3PW, JAPW, WXW, and other independents).  Victoria cut a promo before the match saying that she was going to show the world why she deserves the spotlight, not Christy Hemme.  Talia hit a flying bodypress for a two count before Victoria hit the Widow's Peak for the win.


- Rob Conway defeated Mo Sexay (who has worked for WXW).  Conway wrestled while wearing sunglasses, and has adopted a Buff Bagwell-style gimmick and look.  Conway won the match by draping Sexay on the ropes and then dropping him with a neckbreaker.


- Rene Dupree defeated Val Venis. Dupree received a "Where is Fifi?" chant as the match began. Not a good match.  Val scored a two count after an atomic drop and a full nelson slam.  Val missed the Money Shot (top rope splash), and Dupree used the Cobra Clutch for a submission win.


- After the Heat matches, there was another "ECW" chant from the crowd.  T-Shirts were shot into the crowd, and a Wrestlemania 21 music video was shown on the Titantron



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Guest viewaskew142
I'll watch for Victoria.


I can't remember them bringing in female jobbers before.




Well, Molly's not around anymore, remember? I wonder how the writers can sleep at night, not having a woman on the roster to call a fatass anymore....or have her head shaved bald...I would say I miss Molly, but with the way they treated her, she's better off not being there. :(

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Guest AfricanAmerican
Stopped carrying the briefcase around, they dropped the angle then.

He's stopped carrying it before.


Sometimes he brings it, sometimes he just doesn't.



He was carrying it with him in the segment where he's walking backstage. Hardy attacked, then the briefcase went sliding along the ground. He ended up coming out to the ring sans briefcase, or sunglasses (he'd also worn them before Hardy attacked), for his match with Kane.

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The Angle Invitational was tremendous. MOTN by far. I don't care how short these things are, they are so exciting to watch with Angle in charge. He'll make the biggest smark believe that a no-name indy wrestling teacher could get the best of him.

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^ Yeah. Tommy Dreamer also showed up a year or two back. They might have signed Eddie back while he was working ROH and let him work another show, but I'm not sure on that one.


Also, Foley went there for a while and basically, it had something to do with them scouting CM Punk. And Samoa Joe. Not sure if Foley was specifically sent there to do the scouting, but he ended up telling Vince how great the Punk/Joe matches were and recommended he signed them up. I think.



Also, to the question earlier, yes there are two Strikers. One is Matt Stryker, with a 'Y', who works for ROH mainly. The other is Matt Striker, with an 'I', who worked 3PW.

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The important thing to do with this Matt Hardy thing is to not just have him come back and wrestle. He has to keep coming back, get arrested multiple times, attack Edge with a baseball bat outside the arena. Him just coming back as if nothing happened and wrestling again would be really stupid.

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Agreed. As I stated a bunch of pages before, have Matt be such a nuisance with his guerrilla attacks that Eric Bischoff "punishes" Edge with a match with Matt at SummerSlam for letting his personal indiscretions jeopardize his show. At some point, JR should give Matt one of his patented work/shoot interviews to spell it out for the unknowing masses.


The one danger will be making Matt look like an annoyance rather than someone looking for justifiable vengeance. Don't make him as crazed as Pillman's "Loose Cannon". Matt should be completely focused on his mission. Maybe have him go through Snitsky as a sign that a) he's willing to go through anybody to get to Edge, and b) he's actually capable of kicking ass.

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After last night segment, I have changed my mind from "Cena is ok" to "Cena is awful". Cheap? Ugh. Not funny. Not creative. The crowd's non-reaction was sad, and the more they don't react, the more Cena yells and screams to desperatly try to get a reaction, and when he fails he looks like a fool. I think somebody better take the belt away from him quick before he wrecks RAW, because he's not ready as champ.


When is Triple H coming back?


The Matt Hardy thing was great, but where do they go from here? In two weeks, the "this is real" factor will be gone and we'll be stuck in a feud between the three worse actors in WWE. The real hate Matt has for them will turn into a generic worked hate that will be horrible, and WWE will run the feud for WAY too long and kill any entertainment value it could have had.


Shawn's promo was ok, and I like his character saying he did it for the fans, then revealing his jealousy of Hogan with his run-down of nicknames. He's more of a tweener at the moment but that's ok. The match should be interesting since both Hogan and HBK's roles in matches are to get in offense, get beat down, then come back at the end.

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I was kinda expecting a bit more emphasis on the "Star of the 80's" vs. the "Star of the 90's," who's better type of thing. It could still happen, considering Vince's nostalgia kick lately. Considering Shawn's lack of heel heat (even face pops) last night, I wouldn't be surprised to see this evolve into a contest between two icons, similar to what Hogan and Rock did, only with Shawn as the "heel" that people still love.

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Speaking of that...


I'm not sure I comprehend the kayfabe logic that dictates that Piper should be upset with someone for attacking Hulk Hogan.


The pair have been feuding for...what? 21 years?

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Speaking of that...


I'm not sure I comprehend the kayfabe logic that dictates that Piper should be upset with someone for attacking Hulk Hogan.


The pair have been feuding for...what?  21 years?



Again, I'll point out a lack of quality control on the part of WWE Creative.

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WW_ Creative doesn't care about that kind of character continuity when they have the opportunity for a cheap pop by trotting out one of their beloved dinosaurs (Piper). It's not like he did anything of note except for give HBK a mic. Any of their trained monkeys could have done that.

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