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The return of Matt Hardy!!!

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Few things to mention on what was undoubtably one of the best worked shoots in fucking ever. Part of me thinks this maybe, possibly, just didnt go as all was according to plan perhaps with Hardy getting unprofessional and not just going overboard on Edge physically, but broke the script near the end there? Its very true that Kevin Dunn would have and should have cut off the feed if it was turning straight shoot, but maybe they werent clued in on when it turned real shoot and the plan WAS to do an arrest angle but it just went overboard and overly physical regarding Hardy and Laurinitus?



Hear me out here. It may be a thought of possibility that Hardy "went into business for himself" with some of the comments once he got on the mic and management MIGHT HAVE noticed he was being very stiff with Edge in the ring and some of the ending was legitimate shoot offset from a worked shoot with Johnny Ace freaking tackling Hardy down and the Hardy exchange of words with him when he got lifted up in the cuffs (think how the reality of Hogan-Russo went down, Russo went overboard - well maybe so did Hardy). So yeah there was a plan for Hardy to get arrested by "cops" but when he got out of hand for real, the road agents and "security" really used some force against him. Of course questioning some of this says whatever happened there worked, period. I still have serious doubts WWE would allow outright promotion of ROH also, which may have provoken a breaking of script of sorts by Laurinatus and Co. Yeah I know, I'm probably wrong here too - but how wild would this be to find out Hardy just fulfilled his last night in the company under his old contract, teased to the company a long term contract signing after this, NEVER signed the new contract, and now will work ROH, TNA, and everything else but WWE from this point on - so moreless swerved the WWE, got some stiff shots on Edge in what was moreless a legitimate looking fight as some sort of sweet revenge, and in the process added his value in wrestling up that many more notches? I know I know - I'm really stretching here! Just something to make discussion out of..like I said, the best way I can explain it is thinking Hogan-Russo situation, where it was planned to build a storyline, but Russo (and in this case, Hardy) went into business for himself. I'm sure the details will be all over the place soon.


On a side note, did Spike ever miss censoring the f-bombs from Edge after the first Hardy attacks segment or what??!!



I thought of this as it happened. You know how quick security takes out fans when they jump the railing, but they didn't get Hardy until he started yelling "WWE can kiss my ass." Maybe he did pull out the old swerve. I doubt it, but it is fun to guess until we learn more.

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This is surreal. I don't know how much is fake, how much is real, at what point we got there, but I'm just sitting back and enjoying it. This has been perfect. Also, I might be nuts, but screw it I don't know what to believe anymore...I'm not missing this Sunday's TNA PPV.

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This is from 411 who got it from PWInsider.


Matt Hardy returned to WWE on RAW last night in a "shoot" style segment. WWE designed the segment to come off as a shoot but it was entirely planned. Hardy shouted at Johnny "Ace" Laurinatis and also mentioned Ring of Honor during his post-brawl shouts after being tackled by security.


According to Ring of Honor, Hardy will still work his scheduled match against Christopher Daniels at their show on Saturday in Woodbridge, Connecticut.


Credit: PWInsider.com


There ya go.

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This makes things interesting as by all means Daniels should go over Hardy to build to Daniels match down the line against Punk. But will WWE allow Hardy to job to Daniels?

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Guest Brian

Man, that was awesome. They did that perfect, though the tease at first might have been too much but they really did handle it well. Announcing, people diving in to stop things.


Matt's got some beautiful worked punches, maybe the best in the business.

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Guest *KNK*
This makes things interesting as by all means Daniels should go over Hardy to build to Daniels match down the line against Punk. But will WWE allow Hardy to job to Daniels?


The REAL question is; would TNA allow Daniels to job?


This saturday the wrestling world will be focus squarely on ROH.

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Guest *KNK*
Hello time limit draw or double pin!


or hello CM Punk screwing Daniels and helping out Matt Hardy...creating this double edged "meaning" to this.


Screws his arch rivial and potentially helps out his fellow company man...


I don't see Matt going an Hour...although when he very first signed with ROH, he put over the Joe/Punk series...


I have no idea. Its an exciting time to be an wrestling fan right now.

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Here I go again lol - just adding "what ifs" to the table......


I dont get what the point is for Hardy to moreless tease showing up Sunday at the TNA ppv still on that commentary he posted at his site tonight if this is all 100 percent work. Typical WWE fashion would make it clear that it all was a work and from this point on, not even allow Hardy certain indy dates and have him tease showing up on Sunday, conceivably helping TNA's buyrate? If it's just playing into the worked shoot, so be it, but I wouldnt think WWE, again, wouldnt want Hardy openly promoting other shows he will be at after the fact that the angle is/was shot for a storyline out of this. The argument against someone saying "well why didnt he talk about TNA on Raw" - well maybe he didnt get a chance before the "security" or "cops" as well as road agents tackled him down. I guess I'm just still not convinced Hardy didnt have plans to get a little revenge for himself out of baiting Vince and everyone else in the company by agreeing to work a storyline and then just go into business for himself tonight during that segment. This is the same company that just last week fired one of his close friends. Maybe part of this too is I'm giving Matt Hardy a little more credit here as a real person to not think he would go against what I thought was some real shit going down months ago and now just not play into the storyline with Edge/Lita, but also then agree to work canned heat against Laurintitus on screen, I dont think WWE is that smart to the internet to play us THAT much. But maybe this is a new day and age of the business that WWE has embraced. I'm certainly not doubting 99 percent of it was a work, its just that the ending there came off real weird and either they hit the angle perfect (which this is WWE here we are talking about, how often does that happens?!!) or else there was some real shit goin down at least with Johnny Ace and Hardy. Of course the argument with that is that the angle played upon that real heat, who knows.


Call me skeptical on the PWInsider report until I hear the same from Keller or Meltzer, etc. This is the same site that reported Raven and 3LK are off the TNA roster at the moment and may be off Sunday's ppv. That's already apparently been debinked as BS.


Yes, I know, I'm such a fucking mark right now.

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Guest *KNK*
In terms of the character Matt seems to be working right now it wouldn't make sense for Punk to want to help Matt out, him being all anti-WWE and such.


No but It would be making sense Punk taking any chances to fuck with Daniels( as he did last week using a Sports Entertainment type play that failed) THAT part makes sense, it would be the implied implication that he was also helping Matt Hardy who may or may not be a part of WWE as well.

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Maybe Edge will run in. (JOKE)



I know your joking but who's to say they wouldnt do it?

It would make sense because ROH and WWE have a working relationship. Would it surprise me? No it wouldn't and part of me actually meant it, so if it happens, I said it would.

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Guest *KNK*
Maybe Edge will run in. (JOKE)



I know your joking but who's to say they wouldnt do it?

It would make sense because ROH and WWE have a working relationship. Would it surprise me? No it wouldn't and part of me actually meant it, so if it happens, I said it would.


What reason would Edge(in kayfabe) would want to attack Matt? and in *shoot* terms, why would he do something that dangerous?

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Doesn't matter why he would want to, because in kayfabe, he has to get his revenge someway and in *shoot* terms he would want to fuck him up for embarrassing him on National TV.

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RedJed, I agree with you, why play up all of this TNA ppv thing. I mean, that's what he's hinting at, though he doesn't come out and say it. Oh well, I was gonna get this ppv anyway, and if for that 1% chance he shows up, well, I'll just have to get a new pair of pants.

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Well since we are throwing out "what if's," how about at least some of the wrestlers recently released are tied in to this loosely?


You already have Shannon Moore, who is Hardy's good friend. Add the fact that Matt Morgan was out of nowhere and needed to have a different gimmick, the Dudleyz are needed for the tag scene, and Spike cut the same kind of promo as Matt, etc. I'm not saying have them get involved in the Hardy/Edge/Lita program, but have them be inspired by Matt and do similar things leading to a new age in the WWE, or as heavily thought, part of an anti-WWE ECW.



Just some more fantasy to think about.

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Considering Matt Hardy was arrested and escorted out of the building by the police, I find it pretty amazing he was able to find a computer to post on a Web site. Shouldn't he be in jail right now? A friend of a friend of mine got thrown out for some ringside shenanigans at a WWE show and he spent a night in the slammer. If what Hardy did was legit, I'd say he wouldn't be sitting in his room at Motel 6 right now blogging.


Don't get me wrong, tho. This is crazy entertaining stuff.

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All of it.


You're giving them WAY too much credit.

No, I'm using common sense by stating that WWE wouldn't keep the cameras rolling on Hardy unless they had absolute full knowledge of what would take place in this "shoot" angle. When people run on the field during sporting events, there is a reason that the cameras don't focus on them.

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Considering Matt Hardy was arrested and escorted out of the building by the police, I find it pretty amazing he was able to find a computer to post on a Web site.  Shouldn't he be in jail right now?  A friend of a friend of mine got thrown out for some ringside shenanigans at a WWE show and he spent a night in the slammer.  If what Hardy did was legit, I'd say he wouldn't be sitting in his room at Motel 6 right now blogging.


Don't get me wrong, tho.  This is crazy entertaining stuff.



I'm not saying it was actually real, but what are the chances that Matt Hardy would have more than enough money to bail himself out, and had realized he would be going to jail and would need someone on hand to get him out quickly? I'm guessing he would be more prepared financially and from a predetermined standpoint than your friend of a friend.

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He'd have to be processed and I believe he'd be spending the night regardless. (Never been to jail)

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I rewatched it, it's at least 99% work, but something about the commentarry he posted, etc. just leaves something there. I don't know why he'd keep mentioning Orlando and this Sunday, etc.


Think of it this way, if TNA was being used, and it would be clear at this point if Matt has no intentions of working for them anymore, why wouldn't they stick it back at him and post something that says "Matt Hardy is not under TNA contract, and will not be appearing at the PPV despite what he says" or something to that effect? Instead just last week Jeff Jarrett is out doing media interviews talking about giving Matt Hardy something to show up for on Sunday. It's just been a very, very odd angle.


Either something's fishy or I have to give all the credit in the world to Matt, Edge, WWE, ROH, etc. for pulling off the perfect worked shoot.


You're right, Redjed, I'm such a mark right now too.

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He'd have to be processed and I believe he'd be spending the night regardless.  (Never been to jail)



I have been to jail. And celebrities or people with enough money can get out until their hearing. I know of several cases where the magistrates are summoned to come down in the middle of the night to set the bond and allow the person to leave.

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All of it.


You're giving them WAY too much credit.

No, I'm using common sense by stating that WWE wouldn't keep the cameras rolling on Hardy unless they had absolute full knowledge of what would take place in this "shoot" angle. When people run on the field during sporting events, there is a reason that the cameras don't focus on them.


When you said "All of it", I thought you meant the last 4 months worth of DRAMA~! we've been reading about.


Of course everything we saw tonight was worked. I've even been saying the stuff he's been posting on his own site lately was worked (see my sig).

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