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Can you tell me why Meltzer being quiet on this means? Does it mean that he keeps spoilers under wraps?


He usually doesn't spoil stuff, i.e. people being backstage and the like.


He did update mentioning what TNA said on their website, but he used things like "apparently" to describe it.

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Guest bushwickray

Well I haven't ordered TNA in 2 years and tonight because of the Matt Hardy situation and because they've downplayed Jarret'ts role in the compant tonight I chose to order this event. Your looking at a guy that ordered the first 52 TNA PPV's and I stuck with the company that whole year no matter what. When I realized they didn't give a fuck about what I or any fan wanted I gave them up. If tonight Matt Hardy shows up or the matches kick ass or I sense the company is going in a new direction or any combination of the 3 occur I will renew my support of TNA. However if the matches suck, Jarrett gets a bigger role in the company or I sense that it's the same TNA I was watching 2 years ago just with 2 more sides to the ring I will give it up forever.


I think TNA could get alot of goodwill out of using Matt at this event. I know alot of people that are willing to watch this because of matt hardy, if they deliver a kick-ass event they could get many new fans but people won't support this dump if it's the same old crap we used to get from WCW. I really hope TNA makes the best out of tonight's show. I'm actully excited about it. I think this is their strongest PPV card in their history. I truly hope they deliver.

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I have to agree with above. I haven't bought a TNA show since before they went on Fox. If Jarrett is all over the place I'll puke. Too bad about Matt Hardy. TNA had a chance to be part of something cool. So they get tonight to win me back. If not they can fuck off.

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Guest *KNK*

I was almost tempted to purchase this ppv, but I cant pull the trigger.


If anything involving Matt Hardy happens, cool but it's not worth $30 bucks to see him in the crowd or a quick run in.


Nothing on the card screams "YOU CANT MISS THIS!".

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I think for a lot of people ordering it's not so much as a "YOU CAN'T MISS THIS", but more of a "It looks like a very good-great show because of the matches that are expected to be pretty darn good."

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Guest *KNK*
I think for a lot of people ordering it's not so much as a "YOU CAN'T MISS THIS", but more of a "It looks like a very good-great show because of the matches that are expected to be pretty darn good."


thats what im saying, none of the matches make me think "well this will be a classic". Its show that is set up for solidness all the way through and maybe even a **** match if they play it right".


None of the matches will mean anything after tonight. I have plently of great quality wrestling at my disposal, If I'm paying 30 bucks for a product im not entirely familar with, im going to want to see a match that just makes me go "yes. i must see it live"... or if it has some sense of appeal via story aspect. Or im just really bored and I have 30 bucks to throw away.

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New set looks decent. Less bush-league.


And damn, Tenay IS really the only one able to step up head to head against Jarrett.


More stuff from pre-show:


Jarrett running his mouth again...looks like maybe he's gonna do something with Rhino...told the fans they got suckered into the Matt Hardy "BS Storyline".


Jerelle Clark vs Shocker-Shocker wins with a roll-up. Very underwhelming. Clark needs somebody fast to show what he can do.

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Wonder what the backward voice in the opening package said.


AMW beat Shane/Shelly


Sonjay Dutt actually won the qualifier


Simon Diamond's on a recruiting mission and brings out David Young. Tag match with them against Apolo/Siaki.

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Everyone watching this in a chat room I'm in really marked out for the Joe/Sabin match, sounds like it was great.

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It's a perfect Joe match for TNA, though. Fast paced, high impact. He's not going to get 60 minutes to do stuff here, so this type of match will obviously get him over huge.


Props to Sabin too, everyone I've seen is praising this match a lot.


Putting Joe in the X-Division was the perfect decision.

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Yea, if that was just middle of the road, can't wait to see what he can really do.


Dont get me wrong, it was good, but this is just scratching the surface of what Joe can do. They're obviously gonna build to Joe/AJ, and when they get to go at it, I think you'll see Joe at the peak of his abilities.

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quick results


AMW beat Shane & Shelley in 11:47


Sonjay beat Skipper, Shark Boy, and Batts in 8:42


Apolo & Siaki beat Simon Diamond & David Young in 5:32


Joe beat Sabin in 14:02


Team Canada beat the Nats & Hoyt in 14:44


Brown and Outlaw beat 3LK in 5:20


Styles beat Waltman in 14:37


Daniels beat Petey in 16:24


Raven beat Abyss in 19:17


Jeff Jarrett walked out and offered Raven a "reality wake-up call." He said there is no one who can stop him from going to the ring and taking back what is rightfully his. Jarrett then walked to the ring. Rhino, though, entered the other side of the ring. Jarrett told Raven to turn around. Rhino then gave Raven a Gore. Tenay screamed, "Jarrett swerved us the whole night! Jarrett is with Rhino!"


from PWTorch

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Looks like everyone stopped following the show :-D


Just in case people haven't checked yet AJ beat Waltman with the Clash in a good match, Daniels beat Petey with the BME after some great revesals in a well worked match and Raven beat Abyss with the DDT into thumbtacks in a satisfying bloody brawl. After the match Jarrett came out and taunted Raven, Rhino ran in to the ring and gored Raven.


Overall a good show. I got to give it to TNA for sticking to their guns about Matt Hardy and not putting him over at the expense of their other talent, their announcement on the website played like a reverse psycology angle, but it was legit and just another example of TNA being honest with their fans. I would have loved to have seen him run in though because I'm a fan of the angle and it would have helped drive replays and DVD sales, but he wasn't missed.

They did an a great job building up Rhino as a top star. All through the night the running storyline was around him. The fans popped huge for his name in the preshow, and could have gotten over as a face, but like Monty Brown before him, I guess Jarrett wants to be alligned with the hot act. Raven/Rhino should be a good program for next month.

Joe/Sabin stole the show. Fantastic match. I've seen tons of ROH so I know it's only scratching the surface but as is, they tore it up and I would give it ****. The crowd was way into it too. Joe just became a star in TNA.

Styles/Waltman and Petey/Daniels were both good matches. Not spectacular but smartly worked and good action.

Kip James!?!?!?!?

The Naturals/Hoyt vs. Team Canada gets my "underrated match of the night" award. Great, smartly booked match. I loved the ironic ending of Hart getting thrown out after getting framed with the flag pole, but then Team Canada using the megaphone to win. The crowd was into Hoyt as usual who continues to improve, and the Naturals are starting to come in to their own as a face team. Good job all around.

Sonjay winning was a good move and that Hindu Press was sick, looked like he cracked Mikey right in the face with his knees. X cup should make for some fun iMPACTS! and it's obvious they're building up Joe/Daniels next month...ohhhhh boy!

I'm bored with AMW, I would like to see the heel turn they were teasing and another feud with the Naturals with the roles reversed.

"Shane"? Didn't we establish that the Shane twins didn't own the trademark to "Michael Shane"? At least they're not calling him "Michael" again.

Thumbs up show all around. Already we have Rhino/Raven and Joe/Daniels set up as top matches for next month.

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Guest Fishyswa

Poor Rhino, would of been nice to see someone with hot face potential come in as a hot face....

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Very good show. The Abyss and Raven match was sick, especially the dollar bill stapled on Abyss's forehead.


Like I said, very good show over all, and without the help of Matt Hardy.

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I think we'll be seeing Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles as the X Cup finals next month.


The winner of the X Cup gets an X title shot at next month's Sacrifice. It's pretty obvious they're building up Joe for Daniels. I doubt they give away Joe/Styles on iMPACT! when hardly anyone's watching. I say Joe wins the thing, beats Daniels at Sacrifice and they build up Styles for him at this Bound For Glory show they're already hyping for October.

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Bound For Glory is FINALLY gonna happen. Bout damn time..it's only been what...two years?


The way impact has been as of late and the results of the last two shows, I'm definately going to start ordering these shows on dvd, and watch impact once it begins to show on tv once again.

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I think we'll be seeing Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles as the X Cup finals next month.


The winner of the X Cup gets an X title shot at next month's Sacrifice. It's pretty obvious they're building up Joe for Daniels. I doubt they give away Joe/Styles on iMPACT! when hardly anyone's watching. I say Joe wins the thing, beats Daniels at Sacrifice and they build up Styles for him at this Bound For Glory show they're already hyping for October.



The TNA site says the finals of the X Cup will take place at the next ppv. The winner would get a title shot the month after that.

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so wait, now we get jarrett as the leader of the anti tna movement, with all the old wwe wrestlers that wwe fired coming in and siding with him, except for the 1 or 2 that swerve him and help tna?

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