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Celtic Guardian

TNA has its TV deal

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Guest MikeSC

I also suspect that if Spike mentions it, WWE is free to hype their move to USA.

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I'm not big on Rhino (he's been pretty brutal since his neck injury). And I still wish TNA well, but I TNA would be well-advised to plan on virtually no support from Spike.



I'm not big on Rhino for the fact he has the "WWE Reject" stigma attached to him. That is one thing that will hinder TNA in the big picture. Who wants to watch guys that WWE doesn't want? Now if they were guys that could go, it'd be one thing. But we are talking about guys like Billy Gunn, BG James, and Jeff Jarrett. Not exactly setting my world on fire. While Raven is sort of in the same boat, he skates a little because he has a cult following and didn't do much in WWE whereas the 3 guys I mentioned all peaked in WWE.

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I'm sure Charlie Haas and the Dudleys will be labeled as "rejects" as well by some people, but oh well. Dudleys will still get pops just like Rhino will get a crowd reaction every time he comes out. I mean, at least TNA isn't going after some of the other releases that are pretty no name.


I think Spike will be behind TNA more than FSN. TNA is gonna be with that Saturday night block. Makes no sense to not advertise TNA but to just advertise the shows around it.

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Guest MikeSC

I didn't say it made a lot of sense --- but they actually get ad revenue from the other shows and, unless this deal is different than the deal with FSN, they won't with TNA --- but it is likely what they might do. I do say it would be wise for them to expect no advertising and be pleasantly surprised by any.

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Guest JMA

If TNA hires the right ex-WWE guys then this could be a very good year for them. Hiring the Dudleys would especially help them. Besides the X-Division, TNA has one thing WWE doesn't: a competent tag-team division.

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Guest MikeSC

The Duds?


They've been stale for, at least, 3 years now. They're one of the better cuts the WWE made.


I wonder where this fondess for them has come from, since most people here HATED them for months for doing the same blah match every time.

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Guest JMA

Is there anyone released by WWE who could possibly feud with Raven? Any ideas?

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Has it been confirmed that TNA is paying for this slot? I see a ton of speculation, but haven't read anything from an official source. And IF TNA is paying for it, that must also mean that they'd be recieving the advertising revenue directly, at least I hope it would, as they'd have to be REALLY desperate to pay for a timeslot AND let Spike collect all the direct revenue from it. With all that money going the other direction, unless they get a major bump in PPV and DVD sales they'll continue to lose money.

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According to the latest Observer, Spike is putting the show on largely because they are being paid for the time, and those with knowledge of the deal say it's going to be very difficult to make it work in building a profitable business model. It's a far worse deal than ECW, as ECW was not buying time, but did have to pay TV production costs. TNA has to do both, and has a worse time slot which WWE hasn't even been able to get ratings in since the Confidential days.


Better hope that Howard Stern-UFC bookends bit works or else this deal looks like the last straw for TNA business wise.

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I have a bit more hope for TNA though, because of the bookends. UFC is heavily promoted. And Stern goes with the whole Spiketv type attitude for men. Time will tell.

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Guest MikeSC

My concern is, the "Ultimate Fighter"'s ratings steadily declined over the season, if memory serves. I'm not convinced that there is a really big market for MMA. I could be wrong, but I have doubts.

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Is there anyone released by WWE who could possibly feud with Raven? Any ideas?


Charlie Haas.


Give Haas a nice push as a babyface for a few months. Turn Raven against him with the 'RH' wristbands or whatever down the line. That should make for a nice hot feud.

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According to the latest Observer, Spike is putting the show on largely because  they are being paid for the time, and those with knowledge  of the deal say it's going to be very difficult to make it work in building a profitable business model. It's a far worse deal than ECW, as ECW was not buying time, but did have to pay TV production costs. TNA has to do both, and has a worse time slot which WWE hasn't even been able to get ratings in since the Confidential days.


Better hope that Howard Stern-UFC bookends bit works or else this deal looks like the last straw for TNA business wise.


TNA does have one other advantage, it more easily fits the Spike target demographic. Young adult male viewers generally have this channel in mind as a potential viewing option. TNA has at least the potential to pick up new followers for its unexposed product with that slot.


ECW never made sense on the then country-themed TNN, the target demographics were just mismatched. Potential future ECW fans weren't inclined to ever watch TNN in the first place so that slot really was something of a waste.

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how exactly does this fit in with the weekly PPVs? I maen if there's a PPV every frikken week, well then the show simply cant be that good, if you make your free tv weekly show better than the weekly ppv show, then nobody will buy the ppv show and only watch the free. Maybe they should change the PPVs to monthly.

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how exactly does this fit in with the weekly PPVs? I maen if there's a PPV every frikken week, well then the show simply cant be that good, if you make your free tv weekly show better than the weekly ppv show, then nobody will buy the ppv show and only watch the free. Maybe they should change the PPVs to monthly.


Ummm....it's been almost a year since TNA stopped doing weekly PPvs. The last one was Sept. 8th i believe and they've been doing monthly PPVs since Nov.

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Alright...I'm just going to flat out say it.


Bear in mind my obvious affection for the product as I used to write the weekly previews for the Wednesday Night ppvs, and was THE ONE who got this TNA forum approved in the first place...


But if you don't know that they've moved to a new format...


Their ppvs have been BETTER than WWE's offerings most of these months. No Surrender, Turning Point, Against All Odds, even freaking LOCKDOWN blow anything the WWE has done outside of Mania and Vengeance away.


If you hate it because of Jeff Jarrett...then I at least understand.


If you hate it because you think it looks bush league...then you can never accept anything but the E.


And...this will get me the most responses...IF YOU HATE IT BECAUSE YOU HEART ROH...get over it.


Free internet, soon to be free (well...everyone has cable) TV. Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles. Sacrifice. Order it for that...or don't bitch about no alternative.


Fuck em all.

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Guest MikeSC

I'm actually happy for TNA. But, people also need to realize that TNA still faces problems:


1) They're still not close to being profitable. They are, in fact, a money pit.


2) The WWE has no raided them yet. If they show up on Spike, the WWE might start doing so.


3) Their TV shows tend to be bad. I'm not commenting on the PPV's (though, contrary to bps' opinion, Lockdown sucked a dick), but the TV shows have been exceptionally missable for almost their entire existence. TNA needs to have the discipline to do 3 matches in one hour and cut out the backstage stuff as they are unbelievably bad at it. The WWE is not good at it, either, but they are better than TNA presently.


4) Paying for TV is not a way to make money. Their revenue streams might be improving (getting DVD's into Wal-Mart will be huge for them), but their expenses are not getting under control. In fact, with bigger TV exposure, labor costs alone will skyrocket (again, WWE will likely raid them).


I wish they'd announce some plans to deal with these 4 issues.

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As far as the Impact show goes, I expect an overhaul of that by October, but as of right now, it's actually not too bad. About a month before they went dark, it started to pick up once they got Rhodes out of there. Probably better than it's ever been, there is actually 10-15 minutes matches here and there.

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Guest MikeSC

Thing is, 10-15 minutes should be the rule. Let the ME'ers cut a promo here and there and have the occasional match --- but the only thing they have that has a good chance of drawing people in is the X Division. They need to realize that they will have to go against conventional wisdom and not expect the ME'ers to draw the money as I don't think they have one, outside of Styles, who likely can do it now.


X Division should be THE central focus of TNA. Not the World Title.

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The X Division will draw whom? Internet smarks, sure. But will it draw mainstream, casual wrestling fans? Do you think the average person who's channel surfing on a Saturday night is going to stop to watch when they see some guy they've never heard of like Christopher Daniels wrestling, or someone they recognize like Billy Gunn or Kevin Nash?

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Guest MikeSC
The X Division will draw whom? Internet smarks, sure. But will it draw mainstream, casual wrestling fans? Do you think the average person who's channel surfing on a Saturday night is going to stop to watch when they see some guy they've never heard of like Christopher Daniels wrestling, or someone they recognize like Billy Gunn or Kevin Nash?

Invader, until they get hardcore fans, they won't be able to get mainstream ones. You have to build up the foundation before you stick a roof on top.


Right now, honestly, their ME division is a liability. Outside of Styles, nobody is terribly good (Raven ceased being good a few years ago). The tag division has good matches, but not enough teams to keep it compelling for most people.


The X Division is key. I still think the cruiser division did A LOT to help WCW, as it provided the one thing WWE could not do better than WCW did at that time. I still firmly believe that guys like Rey helped WCW far more than they'll ever be given any credit for.


And, I imagine you'd have a better shot at getting somebody to watch, say, an impressive spotfest (which a lot of X Division matches degenerate to --- not that it is a negative thing) than a plodding ME, which is something TNA has a lot of when AJ is not directly involved.


You have to play to your strengths. And, for TNA, the X Division is much stronger than the ME.

You were right until you said that.


Let the X Divison attract fans, let them care about the World Title once they watch for a few weeks.

I recognize that my suggestion is a radical departure from normal wrestling theory.


But, in this case, I think it's their best alternative.


Focus on what you do best. Let THAT be the reason fans watch, with the rest being icing on the cake.

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The X Division will draw whom? Internet smarks, sure. But will it draw mainstream, casual wrestling fans? Do you think the average person who's channel surfing on a Saturday night is going to stop to watch when they see some guy they've never heard of like Christopher Daniels wrestling, or someone they recognize like Billy Gunn or Kevin Nash?

Invader, until they get hardcore fans, they won't be able to get mainstream ones. You have to build up the foundation before you stick a roof on top.


Right now, honestly, their ME division is a liability. Outside of Styles, nobody is terribly good (Raven ceased being good a few years ago). The tag division has good matches, but not enough teams to keep it compelling for most people.


The X Division is key. I still think the cruiser division did A LOT to help WCW, as it provided the one thing WWE could not do better than WCW did at that time. I still firmly believe that guys like Rey helped WCW far more than they'll ever be given any credit for.


And, I imagine you'd have a better shot at getting somebody to watch, say, an impressive spotfest (which a lot of X Division matches degenerate to --- not that it is a negative thing) than a plodding ME, which is something TNA has a lot of when AJ is not directly involved.


You have to play to your strengths. And, for TNA, the X Division is much stronger than the ME.

You were right until you said that.


Let the X Divison attract fans, let them care about the World Title once they watch for a few weeks.

I recognize that my suggestion is a radical departure from normal wrestling theory.


But, in this case, I think it's their best alternative.


Focus on what you do best. Let THAT be the reason fans watch, with the rest being icing on the cake.



While your case is solid, it ultimately won't hold up, IMO. I just can't imagine fans ultimately preferring lightweights to the ME scene.


The World Title should be what every promotion builds around.

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Guest MikeSC

But until you have a ME scene worth building around, you should attempt to build up your strength.


Their ME scene might end up being strong (though I still think WWE will raid them big-time), but until that happens, make the X Division equal with the World Title.

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