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Gary Floyd

Campaign 2008

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But, then, so are the rest of the people who believe an invisible man lives in the sky and we should control American lives in accordance to his hypothetical whims.


Yes, because all religious people are raving lunatics.


Did I say all religious people, or did I say all religious people who think their country should be run strictly according to their churches' ideas? Reading- it's tough, I know.


Although, all the people that do believe in a divine invisible hate-filled man up in the clouds are pretty weird.

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In fairness to Obama in regards to the Pastor situation, Mccain became pretty close with Jerry Fawell towards his death, and he'd said things way worse. I get the feeling you have to understand the context of Wright soundbites. And if we're talking guilt by association, does that mean Hillary is somehow to blame for the hooker ring Spitzer got caught up in?


Anyway, first the smear campaign says he's a Muslim, now he's being brainwashed by a Christian Preacher. Which is it?


And now Mccain is endorsed by guys like John Hagee and Rod Parsley. Sure Obama's pastor said horrible things but at least they don't want to kill all people that administer abortions like Parsley would want to.


While Hagee and Parsley are every bit as ignorant, anti-Semitic, and hate-mongers as Dr. Wright is every bit a racist, anti-Semitic, and a hate-monger, the difference between Obama and McCain is McCain never sat in the pews at the churches of Parsley and Hagee for 20 years. You would figure for as long as Obama sat and listened to Wright's sermons, unless he fell asleep during them he had to have some ideas of what this guy was truly about.


I'll call it like I see it. Dr. Wright is a racist, hate-mongering nutjob and is every bit as ignorant and disgusting as a white man burning a cross wearing a white robe.


In my opinion, bad-mouthing Hillary Clinton for not suffering as much as black people, or saying 9/11 was America's own fault, really isn't as bad saying that God put you on a crusade to purge the land of inferior races (the reason the Klan burns crosses) and committing acts of terrorism in support of this view. I don't agree with Wright at all on those points and agree with you that it is hate-mongering, but given how completely and utterly bat-shit insane the Klan's point of view is, its a little like comparing a guy who shoplifts at Walmart to a guy who embezzles millions.

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And I don't think Dr. Wright has killed hundreds of people like that Klan.


You know with all these "scandals" for the democratic party, Mccain has to be feeling good. The longer Hillary stays in the race, the easier it will be for Mccain to win.

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But, then, so are the rest of the people who believe an invisible man lives in the sky and we should control American lives in accordance to his hypothetical whims.


Yes, because all religious people are raving lunatics.


Did I say all religious people, or did I say all religious people who think their country should be run strictly according to their churches' ideas? Reading- it's tough, I know.


Although, all the people that do believe in a divine invisible hate-filled man up in the clouds are pretty weird.


Who said anything about "hate filled?" Maybe some picture their god like that, but that one guy in the Bible didn't seem too hate filled.

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Endless genocide, misogyny, stonings, etc are loving/peaceful concepts? I seriously wonder what the percentage of 'Christians' have actually read about the horseshit they worship. I doubt it can be anything more than one percent.

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heres my take..anyone with the gall to say "god damn America" in public like that should be provided with a one way coach class plane ticket to the new country of their choice as that is, whether you are religious or not, one of the most unpatriotic things a person could say and should be insulting to every other American who is proud of living in the US no matter how bad they feel things are.

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heres my take..anyone with the gall to say "god damn America" in public like that should be provided with a one way coach class plane ticket to the new country of their choice as that is, whether you are religious or not, one of the most unpatriotic things a person could say and should be insulting to every other American who is proud of living in the US no matter how bad they feel things are.


Damn straight, son. American stars and bars: learn to love 'em or learn to leave 'em.


So in all of this stuff about Obama's pastor, is the insinuation that Obama himself subscribes to these ideas or am I just outraged because Obama hadn't previously distanced himself from the guy?

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There is no way to know whether or not Obama subscribes to these ideas. After all, he was sitting right there when the moron was going on one of his tirades. Obviously he should've distanced himself from the guy before. It's not like he didn't know the guy said this stuff.


Do you take him at his word when he distances himself from it now? After all, Wright was his "spiritual advisor."


I don't really care, though. The damage has been done and nothing can take it back. It'll hurt Obama for sure.

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He could have passed it off if Wright was only going on about the racism angle, but the minute he drug hating America into it was the minute that Obama was hurt by it, eventually. Keep in mind also that Michelle Obama made comments about this being the first time she was proud of the country and she attends the same church as he does, which to me is the key factor in telling how much Barrack could be influenced by Wright.


Honestly I dont know how much of an impact this will have on him. I think most people will probably be willing to give him the benefit of doubt on it since he did come out opposed to Wright, but it took 3 months and convenient political timing (why was Wrights anti american tirade brought up now? hmm?) to get him to do it.





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Endless genocide, misogyny, stonings, etc are loving/peaceful concepts? I seriously wonder what the percentage of 'Christians' have actually read about the horseshit they worship. I doubt it can be anything more than one percent.


Yep, that's all in there too, though mainly in the Old Testament (you know, before the part where the guy comes in and talks about loving your neighbor and stuff).


I'm not interested in having a big religious discussion on here again, especially since it's obvious the majority of the board subscribes to completely different beliefs than I do. I just don't get why you have to ridicule people who believe in god (which would be the majority of Americans).


Anyway, I'm not in favor of the government forcing religious thought or law on anyone. Most Christians, if honest, probably realize that would be completely unrealistic, and probably not for the best. After all, Christ said "Give to God what is God's, and give to Caesar what is Caesar's."


Link to a new New York Times article about the Democratic struggle regarding the super delegates: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/16/us/polit...p;partner=MYWAY

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Oh, I don't know. There's a whole lot of white preachers I know of who are anti-American, though the number that are openly anti-black has diminshed considerable in the last 50 years. But I see your point. Those damn black people are constantly getting away with stuff white people can't. Like, for example, black people can get away with being racially profiled by the police, discriminated against in employment for having non-European sounding names, given harsher sentences for the same crimes, and followed around in public shopping centers by over-eager security people. As a white person, I'm tired of them always getting special treatment! Just once I'd like to have my ancestors oppressed for 400 years, then be expected to not hold a grudge. What's a white guy gotta do to get some equality 'round here????


Sorry, are you even an American? Most "blacks" in this country actually have European/Mostly British first names and surnames. :huh:


Holding a grude for 400 years of oppression also worries me. Is it not understandable for a whiteman born into a generation where discrimination and racism is openly frowned upon to be a bit confused by this outlook? Race reltations in this country may not be perfect but when we see how far things have come with just one generation and see a man of the overwhelming minority in the run for President, maybe we should start trying to move past this damaging way of thought and just condemn Wright's rant for what it is.


At any rate, I agree that it is doubtful this is the first time Obama heard these type of rants from Wright. He said and did the right things in response to this discovery but there are going to be some serious doubts now.


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Guest Beastalentier

No, but thanks for insinuating that I would!


His ethnicity allows him to stand-out from the rest of the field as someone different, and his campaign can dismiss any claim that he's not "electable" as racist.

This was about Bill Richardson, but the general sentiment has been recycled for another candidate.

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Obama's new strategy seems to be to play down pennsylvania and not campaign there as much, so when Clinton wins, his campaign can write it off easily because he didn't even try to win there (unlike Ohio).



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heres my take..anyone with the gall to say "god damn America" in public like that should be provided with a one way coach class plane ticket to the new country of their choice as that is, whether you are religious or not, one of the most unpatriotic things a person could say and should be insulting to every other American who is proud of living in the US no matter how bad they feel things are.


Damn straight, son. American stars and bars: learn to love 'em or learn to leave 'em.


What an attitude. We've gone from the country that questioned anything and was started in a goddamn rebellion for gods sakes to a country where if you don't like the status quo, rather than trying to change things you should leave.


So in all of this stuff about Obama's pastor, is the insinuation that Obama himself subscribes to these ideas or am I just outraged because Obama hadn't previously distanced himself from the guy?

Obama did a blah job on distancing himself from the comments, but probably won't the guy because they're personally pretty good friends even if they don't share a lot of opinions.


The other thing is that Trinity is being treated like some sort of extremist congregation in the press, but it's considered fairly middle of the road by black church standards. The fact of the matter is that a lot of black churches promote a vision that American society hasn't been good to them. This isn't totally incorrect but at the same time it makes a lot of white people (particularly those in the Stephen Colbert "I don't see colour, everyone looks the same to me" vein) really uncomfortable.


Oprah has also been a long-time attendee at this church but the pastor's sermons haven't caused America to turn their backs on her en masse, either.

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Endless genocide, misogyny, stonings, etc are loving/peaceful concepts? I seriously wonder what the percentage of 'Christians' have actually read about the horseshit they worship. I doubt it can be anything more than one percent.

Yep, that's all in there too, though mainly in the Old Testament (you know, before the part where the guy comes in and talks about loving your neighbor and stuff).

Not trying to derail this into religion talk, but the old "the New Testament has no intolerence or violent shit" talking point is just false. Jesus talked a lot about how we should fear God, and all the wrathful smiting that He would visit upon us, and how almost everyone is going to hell, and so forth.


I thought that was an Al Franken reference.

D'oh, you're right.

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What an attitude. We've gone from the country that questioned anything and was started in a goddamn rebellion for gods sakes to a country where if you don't like the status quo, rather than trying to change things you should leave.


Way I see it, there's two kinds of Americans: Those who walk around all day thinking of how proud they are to be from America, and those who will stop at nothing to destroy this land I love. I don't think we've ever interacted, JotW, but I'm assured by my colleagues that you're a reasonable person. Surely you can see how it would be in the best interest of yourself and America that you be deported.



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Maybe Obama condemns his preacher now, but for 20 years Obama attended the man's church and even lifted his saying "audacity of hope" for the title of his book


Not entirely true, Marvin. A quick search at Amazon for books with similar titles will reveal multiple writings pre-dating that of Obama's, such as The Audacity of Soap: How to Get Stubborn Toddlers Interested in Hygiene; The Audacity of Rope: How a Bundle of Fibers Changed Our Lives...And the World!; The Audacity of Pope: 1900 Fabulous Years of the Catholic Church!; and The Audacity of Grope: The Clarence Thomas Story.


And so on.

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Maybe Obama condemns his preacher now, but for 20 years Obama attended the man's church and even lifted his saying "audacity of hope" for the title of his book


Not entirely true, Marvin. A quick search at Amazon for books with similar titles will reveal multiple writings pre-dating that of Obama's, such as The Audacity of Soap: How to Get Stubborn Toddlers Interested in Hygiene; The Audacity of Rope: How a Bundle of Fibers Changed Our Lives...And the World!; The Audacity of Pope: 1900 Fabulous Years of the Catholic Church!; and The Audacity of Grope: The Clarence Thomas Story.


And so on.


Stay golden, Ponyboy.

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Guest Beastalentier

I thought The Audacity of Grope was the one about the Catholic Church.

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