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Guest *KNK*

CM Punk's gimmick

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actually I was thinking he'd have a manager (a Diesel like character) that wheeled him down, carried him into the ring, propped him up against the turnbuckle, retrieved the wheelchair and set him back in there...outside interference from the manager would help him win everytime...


yes I know it's a horrible idea....


Wasn't that Luther Reigns gimmick?

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Wasn't that Luther Reigns gimmick?


Oh yeah, that's right. I remember him pushing Angle in the wheelchair last year because the Big Show "ended his career" by throwing him off from a high platform backstage and the back of Angle's head was busted open (it was really a stuntman taking the fall).

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at this point, I'd believe the WWE would strap a man in a wheelchair and have him wrestle in it....


How would the wheelchair wrestler be able to get into the ring? Also, wouldn't his only moves be running into and over people with the wheelchair, or would he still be able to punch and kick, too?

I don't know about getting in the ring for the ropes, but they could do the old WCW ramp to the ring thing. The wrestler could claim "I sued Vince because the ring wasn't accessable to me as it should be under the Americans with Disabilities Act" I guess the Refs could unhook the ropes to let him in. The only thing I dont get is how he would get pinned.

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You know, guys, there's nothing wrong with a guy who has a NORMAL wrestling gimmick. Someone who, I don't know, thinks he's better than everyone, maybe because he's Straight Edge, and he does his best to prove he's right by putting on great matches where he prevails? Sorta like...I don't know...the gimmick CM Punk made his name on?

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Guest xSarahx
You know, guys, there's nothing wrong with a guy who has a NORMAL wrestling gimmick. Someone who, I don't know, thinks he's better than everyone, maybe because he's Straight Edge, and he does his best to prove he's right by putting on great matches where he prevails? Sorta like...I don't know...the gimmick CM Punk made his name on?


Although I love the straight edge gimmick, it'll never happen in the WWE. Atleast to the extent that Punk has done it. How can they have a "new" guy come in saying that he's better than all the other wrestlers because he's drug (and alcohol) free? Since 98% of their guys aren't clean because of roids and whatnot, I just don't thing that would fly. It would be awesome though, he could be a great heel to the crowd.

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That'd be WHY it would work. He'd be walking in and automatically saying that he's better than everyone else because he's clean. I'm not talking to Simon Dean extent of 'I'm thin and you all suck because you're fat', I'm talking 'I'm better than you. I wrestle better than everyone else. I'm faster, I'm fitter, I'm stronger. Why? Because I'm straight edge.'

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Im going to start reading this thread now and have finally caught up since I was away for an extended weekend, but it had better not be more crappy news (Im leaving the good news in Bret till the end though, just in case).


- A Disgruntled WWE Fan

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The WWE creative team has apparently decided on CM Punk's gimmick for his WWE debut. Punk will be 'the first ever deaf wrestler'. He is, of course, not deaf in reality, but will be in kayfabe. The creative team has already planned a number of 'humorous' backstage skits that center around Punk's 'handicap'. This appears to be yet another tasteless attempt at cheap heat by WWE creative.


credit PWInsider




I can't say I'm surprised at all by this, if it's true...Which I hope isnt.


WTF, WTF. Who has thought up of this FN shit. Pure crap. Whoever thought this made sense should be shot, hung and dropped to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. Are WWE competing for Wrestlecrap year of the century or what? This sucks and blows, on so many levels and in so many ways. They are pathetic. Earning money for doing jack shit.


- A Disgruntled WWE Fan

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1 OF 2




I just found out that it was a joke @ the ROHBOARDS.


I apoligize for spreading it here.


Thank god for that.


I actually wanted this gimmick to happen just to piss off the ROH Fanboys.


LOL. Now dats cool.


After reading this, I was about to stop watching WWE programing completely. It'll probably end up worse though.


I wasnt far off either.


yeah....the only punk topic at pwi is that Cm and Laree isn't going to be teamed up together...


Let's hope none of the "creative" folks at wwe reads this thread and thinks it's a good idea...


Lock it up. Burn it. Delete it. Just get rid of this thread before 'Creative' go on their yearly idea rip-off hunt.


The saddest part of all this is that even though it's a joke and the writers would have to be total morons to create this gimmick, we can all see it happening for real.


Very much so. I wasnt that shocked by it when I first read it. Especially after ughhhh Jillian Hall.


Most deaf people I know don't have good verbal ability.  And most deaf people I know get terribly offended by anything related to deafness ("hard of hearing" is an offensive term, btw).  So, if this is true, I'd really like to see how this turns out PR wise for the E.


"Hey Catherine, look at this, a deaf wrestler in the WWE."


"REALLY?  Is he really deaf?!"




*various obscenities*


However Rudo, there are many exceptions to that stereotype of deaf people having poor verbal talents.


besides my aforementioned nephew, I've seen others with hearing impairments have standard natural speaking ability.


The problem is, WWE and it's fanbase are too dumb to look past stereotypes.


Isnt that the problem with every WWE gimmick though?


On a side note . . . oh forget it.


Nope can't find it either THANK GOD.


I only see a rumor being squashed about CM Punk and Alexis Laree maybe coming in as a duo. If the WWE does this angle anyways all the smarks will go crazy.


Are they a couple in real life?


Actually, Steph's zero touch with reality would be voided some if her father weren't even more out of touch with reality. Remember, Vince gets final say of what goes on and what doesn't go on his TV, not Steph. Steph is a huge factor is the hiring of people with no product knowledge and whatnot, but just remember they ALL answer to Vince in the end and execute his vision.


I dont buy into this. She is daddy's little girl. I dont think he actually stops here from doing what she wants, thus breaking her heart. She is spoilt rotten. Shell pout and stamp her feet, and Vince will be all ok honey, it sucks, but why not.


- A Disgruntled WWE Fan

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2 OF 2


Sure, this is a joke now...but if someone from the WWE creative team gets ahold of this...it could happen.


Lock it up. Burn it. Delete it. Just get rid of this thread before 'Creative' go on their yearly idea rip-off hunt.


"One...Two...Three...Four...GET OUT OF THE ROPES!"


*signs* "What?"


*signs* "You can't DQ me just cause of my handicap!"


LOL. Maybe it would be funny after all.


I believe in Edge's book he talks about how when he first came to the WWF, they wanted him to be the first deaf-mute character. Or maybe it was Christian, I can't remember.....


IIRC, that was Edge.


I'm hard of hearing. Don't speak for us, ok thanks.


Well SOMEBODY has to, no one else can understand yall.


I have no problems with you personally, but I can speak very well, in fact to the point that my "handicap" is undetectable. So I can speak for myself. Personally I prefer the term, "Hard of hearing" than "hearing impaired" or "deaf". Though I have to be honest and say I'm a rare exception to the rule, and what you said about the majority of them is largely true...


My respect for Porter grows every day after reading this thread.


Rare exception my ass. My mother, younger brother, and myself all have a hearing disability.  The bullshit about not being able to speak is just that. People who have a speech impediment usually do not have that because they can't hear. Whomever told you that is full of shit.  For the record, what I have is called tinnitus. William fucking Shatner has it too. Actually forget that, he's a terrible example for speaking clearly. Here's a little sample of celebrities with tinnitus:


James Hetfield

Lars Ulrich


I know for a fact that these 2 people developed deafness due to playing and istening to loud music very often. You can add Jason Newstead to that list also. Thats the main reason for his release from Metallica.


You know if WWE ever did a deaf wrestler you just know he's going to be in an interview with Steve Austin.


Steve Austin: WHAT?

Deaf wrestler: WHAT?

Crowd: WHAT?

Steve Austin: WHAT?

Deaf wrestler: WHAT?

Crowd: WHAT?


Smarks watching: Someone just shoot me now.


On second though, it blows.


Lock it up. Burn it. Delete it. Just get rid of this thread before 'Creative' go on their yearly idea rip-off hunt.


You know, guys, there's nothing wrong with a guy who has a NORMAL wrestling gimmick. Someone who, I don't know, thinks he's better than everyone, maybe because he's Straight Edge, and he does his best to prove he's right by putting on great matches where he prevails? Sorta like...I don't know...the gimmick CM Punk made his name on?


But that wouldnt be a WWE Original suck ass creation would it?


- A Disgruntled WWE Fan

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Guest *KNK*
Are they a couple in real life?




CM Punk is still with Tracy Brooks the last I heard but Punk isnt known for commitment with other wrestling personalities so they may be over by now.

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Are they a couple in real life?




CM Punk is still with Tracy Brooks the last I heard but Punk isnt known for commitment with other wrestling personalities so they may be over by now.


Damn, lucky bastard. I didnt think they were together. But Laree's is dating somebody in the business too, isnt she? :huh:

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THANK GOODNESS this was just a joke. If Punk went through with this, I'd probably be compelled to go to my new thread on the General folder and list this as a time "You sold out" chants would be justifiable.


That said, mods, feel free to blank out any reference to this rumor so, yeah, no one will get any ideas. Replace the details with the text "The rumor that shall not be named" or something.


EDIT: Looking back at the one comment about "WWE never uses people's original gimmicks," I wonder...can we name many instances when they did mostly leave wrestlers intact AND decently pushed them?

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THANK GOODNESS this was just a joke.  If Punk went through with this, I'd probably be compelled to go to my new thread on the General folder and list this as a time "You sold out" chants would be justifiable. 


That said, mods, feel free to blank out any reference to this rumor so, yeah, no one will get any ideas.  Replace the details with the text "The rumor that shall not be named" or something.


EDIT: Looking back at the one comment about "WWE never uses people's original gimmicks," I wonder...can we name many instances when they did mostly leave wrestlers intact AND decently pushed them?


Another question brought about by comments regarding the Joke Rumor That Will Never Be Named Again...am I nuts, or in World Class, wasn't there someone they promoted as the First Blind Wrestler? I vaguely recall this when ESPN was showing old WCCW shows ("Legends of World Class"), is there anyone here who knows who this was?


As far as blind wrestlers, Stan Hansen is legally so, right? And how about Carl Styles out of Portland, who had one glass eye (mentioned several times in the Apter mags, including an alleged angle where the heels used a foreign object to pull the artificial optic out, with bloody results)

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I just found out that it was a joke @ the ROHBOARDS.


I apoligize for spreading it here.


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*KNK* has lost overness from this thread.




PS: They're not going to make fun of straight edgers when half the ads on Raw are "DON'T DO POT AND PEOPLE WHO MAKE CIGS ARE TRYING TO KILL YOU TRUTH DOT COM!"

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EDIT: Looking back at the one comment about "WWE never uses people's original gimmicks," I wonder...can we name many instances when they did mostly leave wrestlers intact AND decently pushed them?


Does Ric Flair count?


Same goes for Anderson/Blanchard. Other than being given a different manager and a nickname, their wrestling personas stayed the same.


Vader was decently pushed for about a year or two.

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That said, mods, feel free to blank out any reference to this rumor so, yeah, no one will get any ideas.  Replace the details with the text "The rumor that shall not be named" or something.


Yes, cause people wont say, ooooo, wonder what that is? :bonk:


Vader was decently pushed for about a year or two.


You cant be serious. ;)

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Sorry to bump this up but it's kind of Ironic that in Punks first OVW match he gets his eardrum busted and is now half deaf.

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