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Frankie Williams

Taboo Tuesday Poster

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Oh yeah, HHH's fat head just screams "buy me".


EDIT: Woops, that's last year's.


If you right click on your "user poster image" and put the url in that way you'll go to your pic. It's just Angle vs. Cena with Bischoff handcuffed. yay. :rolleyes:

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I think Angle will win at Unforgiven. Then WWE can be like "You have to vote for Cena to get another title shot!" and Cena will win the vote and win the title back at Taboo Tuesday.

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I think Angle will win at Unforgiven.  Then WWE can be like "You have to vote for Cena to get another title shot!" and Cena will win the vote and win the title back at Taboo Tuesday.


As much as I'd like to see Angle get the title, I'd hate to see him have it for such a short time. I could definitely see WWE doing it though, mainly to make the fans feel like they were really a part of getting Cena the title, again. Last year was a foregone conclusion... it was basically "vote for which wrestler you'd like to see HHH beat." The only problem with this scenario: who else could be in the vote to make sure it's not too much of a one-sided win for Cena? Maybe HBK, but he's the only one.

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Guest Fook

It doesn't have to be "Pick Cena's opponent". He could face Angle and have the fans pick the stipulations. As for getting there, I can't see them taking the title off Cena just for a month, so if Angle wins at Unforgiven, it'll be by DQ or countout (which of course will really cheese off the fans in attendance).

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I actually have thought that Kurt might be so intense he'd not let go of the ankle lock with Cena in the ropes, thus getting himself DQed. Frankly I wouldn't mind seeing titles change a bit more frequently...not like WCW 2000 mind you, but more than 2 times a year.

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I actually have thought that Kurt might be so intense he'd not let go of the ankle lock with Cena in the ropes, thus getting himself DQed.  Frankly I wouldn't mind seeing titles change a bit more frequently...not like WCW 2000 mind you, but more than 2 times a year.


Eh, I'm actually liking these slightly longer top level champion reigns.


Makes it seem like the titles are harder to get, making them seem more important.


...maybe that's just me though.

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Eh, I'm actually liking these slightly longer top level champion reigns.


Makes it seem like the titles are harder to get, making them seem more important.


...maybe that's just me though.

I agree. Title changes mean more when the person who loses the belt has held it for a while. A challenger who beats a long reigning and credible title holder usually gains crediblity himself by beating a dominate champ.

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Guest *KNK*
Eh, I'm actually liking these slightly longer top level champion reigns.


Makes it seem like the titles are harder to get, making them seem more important.


...maybe that's just me though.

I agree. Title changes mean more when the person who loses the belt has held it for a while.


Title changes mean more when the title is treated with importance.


Carlito winning the title after Shelton Benjamin's 8 month reign didn't make that title change mean something. It meant nothing.


The WWE Title is playing second fiddle to Shawn Michaels...


Shawn is being pushed as the "MAN" on Raw and not John Cena.


It was understandable for the month of August with the hot Hogan/HBK program being built for Slam and having a meaningless program with Jericho but Masters/Shawn has been getting the bulk of Raw's focus and not Cena/Angle.


Playing second fiddle to Chris Masters is hardly a sign of the importance that will come when John Cena drops the title.


The length of a reign is meaningless if the title isn't perceived as the most important part of the company.


As horrid as the JBL and Diesel reigns were, The title was still the "essential" part of the company/brand.



John Cena, Raw's most over mid-carder doesn't look like the champion when Chris Masters and Carlito are sharing the main event spotlight.


The importance of the title determines the impact of the title change, not the length.


CM Punk held the ROH title for only FIVE shows but James Gibson's victory at Redemption had more value and importance then most world title changes WWE ever had. Why? The title meant EVERYTHING. The promotion was built around the title and the need to save the belt.


When's the last time the WWE made the world title itself meaningful and not the ego of the superstars? John Cena's victory over JBL or Batista's victory over Triple H had very little to do with the title.


Benoit was a close example but let's be real here, they wanted to have a classic match for WMXX's main event and knew Benoit would deliver. The treatment of the title after that night showed that it wasn't about the title.



Most WWE title changes over the last half decade have been to serve as either transitions or desperate attempts at shaking things up or another return to the "saftey" barrier they are too afraid to leave.


John Cena can hold that belt for another year and unless they start giving reasons to care about the reign and the value of the title...The eventual title change isn't going to be important.

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:: wipes away tear after reading *KNK*'s take on the titles ::


Bra-fucking-vo, my friend.



[Vince Vaughn] ...and ya grown's up and ya grown's up and ya grown's up.[Vince Vaughn/]

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People might be more interested in Taboo Tuesday if it was Cena's big chance to regain the title. That's the only reason why I think Angle could take it. I'm well aware Cena as champion is the best thing for business. But having him lose the title for a month won't ruin his character. He's over for his gimmick. Losing won't hurt him. He got pinned by Carlito, for God's sake. But then again, WWE needs to be as strong as possible for the move to USA and having Cena as champ is probably better in the transitional period than Angle.

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Guest *KNK*
People might be more interested in Taboo Tuesday if it was Cena's big chance to regain the title.  That's the only reason why I think Angle could take it.  I'm well aware Cena as champion is the best thing for business.  But having him lose the title for a month won't ruin his character.  He's over for his gimmick.  Losing won't hurt him.  He got pinned by Carlito, for God's sake.  But then again, WWE needs to be as strong as possible for the move to USA and having Cena as champ is probably better in the transitional period than Angle.


You could get the fans more interested in Taboo Tuesday if you offer them something to care about. That's the most important aspect of "drawing". Getting people to care.


So far WWE isn't doing well at pulling that off or even attempting to.


"The Chase" only works if the title is important.

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Guest clockworkraven
Bischoff tied up and gagged..




Can we have Chris Jericho break his fingers too, like he did with Chyna back during their IC title feud days?


Let's have Jericho do a few run-ins on Bischoff, then have him lose to Eric in a submission-only match. Just to teach him for leaving.

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I think that's last year's...

angle and cena wrent on raw last year so that isnt it, it was probably the early one and now they ahve changed the logo?


He was talking about the Triple H TT poster.

ok I thought that must have been the case but I was unsure.

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