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Family Guy Switched

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There were some funny moments on Family Guy and I missed American Dad, but I did see the Simpsons. Just kill the show now, it's just bad. Can someone tell me what happened on American Dad? If I remember correctly, the animation/drawing on Ren and Stimpy wasn't exactly cutting edge either.

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That is all.


Criticism from peers

Many shows and writers have been openly critical of Family Guy. Most famously, three blatant potshots have been featured in The Simpsons: in one episode Family Guy was referred to as "crude, low-brow programming", another featured Peter Griffin included in a group of Homer Simpson clones, and in yet another episode, Bart Simpson was insulted when somebody called him a "family guy". Numerous writers associated with The Simpsons, such as Al Jean, David X. Cohen, Matt Selman, Tim Long and Joel Cohen have insulted the show during public appearances and in interviews. Executive producer Mike Reiss, however, has said that he enjoys Family Guy and that other Simpsons creators dislike the show because they believe it's inappropriate for their children.


Clerks. director Kevin Smith and David Mandel, co-producer on Smith's short-lived Clerks animated series, have gone on record as Family Guy haters: in the final episode of their cartoon they included a scene in which a bad comedy writer consults a book entitled "How To Write Cartoons by Seth MacFarlane".


South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone cited a comparison to Family Guy as the most insulting thing a fan could ever say to them, comparing it to being kicked in the testicles[5].


The show's animation has also come under fire by Ren & Stimpy creator John Kricfalusi, who expressed concern over the fact that the current generation of aspiring animators will be negatively influenced by the animation present in Family Guy [6]: "If you're a kid wanting to be a cartoonist today, and you're looking at Family Guy, you don't have to aim very high. You can draw Family Guy when you're ten years old."


While the show has an undeniably large and vocal fanbase, it is practically standard to hear the show used as a negative example by other comedy writers and animators. In addition, Family Guy was voted one of the top 10 worst shows in 2001 by Entertainment Weekly, ranking at number 2. In response Seth MacFarlane included a gag in "Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story" in which Stewie Griffin breaks the neck of an EW reporter. Furthermore, in the episode "There's Something About Paulie", Peter Griffin uses a page of Entertainment Weekly as toilet paper when he sees that the roll is finished.


Well, as much as I enjoy "Family Guy", I will say that it's not perfect. It's biggest flaws are 1.) It rellies to heavily on pop-culture gags and "Hey remeber that time when" jokes. I get it guys, you were raised on 70's and 80's pop culture, now give it a rest! The other problem is 2.) Other than Brian, none of the characters are the least bit likeable. Some would disagree with me, or argue that it's the point of the show, but that's just my opinion, and I'm sticking to it.


That put of the way, I wouldn't be a bit suprised that the people in the animation biz who have criticized it are more than a little jealous. "South Park", while still funny, is no near as popular as it used to be. John K had "Ren and Stimpy" and some awesome music videos he did for Bjork and Tenacious D, but that's it. His other ventures have been complete disasters, and "Ren and Stimpy's Adult Cartoon Party" had a total of one good episode. "Clerks: The Animated Series", while amusing, was pretty hit and miss. Oh, and as for "The Simpsons", what hasn't been said about it's decline? Plus, while it's not doing terrible in the ratings, compared to "Family Guy", it's not doing to great right now, and it's popularity has plummeted considerably.

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Guest JMA
There were some funny moments on Family Guy and I missed American Dad, but I did see the Simpsons. Just kill the show now, it's just bad.

I have to agree. The Simpsons needs to end after this season.


Family Guy and American Dad, on the other hand, were both great.

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Guest JMA
Oh, and as for "The Simpsons", what hasn't been said about it's decline? Plus, while it's not doing terrible in the ratings, compared to "Family Guy", it's not doing to great right now, and it's popularity has plummeted considerably.

Where exactly can you find the ratings of shows?

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Because Clerks The Animated Series lasted what, two weeks on ABC? There were only 6 episodes.




Though I love Family Guy,IMO all six of the Clerks cartoons were better than any episode of Family Guy. Reusing the gags is what made it funny.

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"South Park", while still funny, is no near as popular as it used to be.


Because it's become more involved in current events and has a different spin on things. Personally, I like South Park now more than I ever did before, and for the most part Trey and Matt annoy the crap out of me.

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Who else did the Indiana Jones reference?  Was it South Park? Simpsons?  Someone else did it...


I'm sorry, but this is really bugging me- I'm almost certain now that it's South Park, but does anyone know for sure?

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Yes, I suppose "Family Guy" isn't up to the wonderful animation standards of "South Park",


I think Parker and Stone are just pissed as fuck that MacFarlane gets away with the shit he gets away with and on prime time network TV no less while they are stuck on late night cable and Comedy Central still has their hands wrapped around Parker and Stone's throats when it comes to Parker pushing shit that crosses the line between funny and just plain vile and undefendable (IE Butters and his abusive parents, which led to CC permenantly banning one episode of South Park from ever being aired on TV again).

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I'm kind of pissed off at myself for not watching the show when it was originally on.  I took too many people's word for it that it was an unfunny Simpson's clone.  The kicker was when Kevin Smith knocked it in an episode of the "Clerks" cartoon.


Later, I caught a few episodes while channel surfing and was mildly amused.  Then one of my friends showed me "When You Wish Upon a Weinstein", which had more laughs than Kevin Smith's last three movies combined.


What the hell's up Kevin Smith's ass anyways?  Why bad-mouth the show like that, especially when it uses the exact same style of humor his own cartoon used?


Smith has always been a huge ass hypocritic who talks shit about everyone in earshot, especially though who criticize his work, so that his fanboys will hate his critics and not bother to realize how shitty Kevin Smith is creatively.....


I wouldn't be suprised if Kevin Smith included that bit in the Clerks cartoon just to pick a fight with Seth and sit back while Smith's horde of idiot fanboys tear Seth to shreds the moment Seth fires a volley back at Kevin and how Kevin's shit stinks no matter how many fanboys he has telling him it smells like roses. Which is probably why Seth hasn't retaliated against Smith, since he knows that ignoring the little shit is the best way to fuck him over.

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Yes, I suppose "Family Guy" isn't up to the wonderful animation standards of "South Park",


I think Parker and Stone are just pissed as fuck that MacFarlane gets away with the shit he gets away with and on prime time network TV no less while they are stuck on late night cable and Comedy Central still has their hands wrapped around Parker and Stone's throats when it comes to Parker pushing shit that crosses the line between funny and just plain vile and undefendable (IE Butters and his abusive parents, which led to CC permenantly banning one episode of South Park from ever being aired on TV again).


Would that happen to be the "Jared Has Aides" episodes?


If so, I think that the Butters stuff isn't the ONLY reason that one can't be re-aired...

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(IE Butters and his abusive parents, which led to CC permenantly banning one episode of South Park from ever being aired on TV again).

Which one?

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Gay, I wonder if all the people complaining about them "fucking with Family Guy" were also those who complained when UPN aired the Hassan/Undertaker segment back on the day of the London transit attacks....




Also, like anyone gives a shit about what other animated show people think about Family Guy. I certainly don't. The Simpsons stopped being funny about five fucking years ago. ..and, well, Kevin Smith is just the Michael Moore of Romantic Comedies, so that guy has no room to drop any criticisms for other people's work when his is some of the shoddiest of all time, IMO.

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I am thinking of hosting a bad movie fest and if I do I will invite most of the people from this forum.


I have noticed the "of all time" tag thrown around alot. Like Kevin Smith or not, nothing he has ever done is close to being shodiest of all time. People are constantly saying X is one of the worst movies of all time, when people....I can show you bad. ANd not MST so bad they are funny. Just fucking bad...bad.

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FG was ok last night and AD was awesome (THIS WAS ALL A TEST, ALL THESE PEOPLE ARE ACTORS). I didnt see the full simpsons episode but it was just "there" for me, nothign too inspired. Sad to see, cuz I love the simpsons.


and no one mentioned Peter dissapearing into thin air? shocked, that made me LMAO for some reason.



"Hey wait a minute, that guy wasn't blind, he saw my gun!"

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Ripper, will you have free snacks at your Bad Movie Fest? Maybe some delicous grape Kool-Aid? I'll go if it includes snacks and/or beverages. If it's just watching movies with message boarders, I'll RSVP with a 'thanks but no thanks'.


Can we at least say that Kevin Smith is one of the most overrated directors of all time?

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Ripper, will you have free snacks at your Bad Movie Fest? Maybe some delicous grape Kool-Aid?  I'll go if it includes snacks and/or beverages.  If it's just watching movies with message boarders, I'll RSVP with a 'thanks but no thanks'.


Can we at least say that Kevin Smith is one of the most overrated directors of all time?

Its hard to be overrated when half of the movie going population calls you overrated.

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^ Not when the other half treats you like a walks-on-water deity.


Most of the Smith haters only hate him so passionately is because how passionately his fanboys circle jerk over his movie. I think most people would be apathetic about him if it wasn't for those that say his movies are the be-all/end-all.

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I liked Dogma, Mallrats, Clerks and Chasing Amy (depends on mind-set) but Jersey Girl was bad. Jay and Silent Bob Strike back had some funny moments, it was pitiful, to see him sell out. With South Park, McFarlane denied to a guess spot, because of Family Guy. I really only watch the UPN/syndicated episodes of Simpsons, and isn't South Park gonna be syndicated now w/old episodes edited?

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I liked Dogma, Mallrats, Clerks and Chasing Amy (depends on mind-set) but Jersey Girl was bad. Jay and Silent Bob Strike back had some funny moments, it was pitiful, to see him sell out. With South Park, McFarlane denied to a guess spot, because of Family Guy. I really only watch the UPN/syndicated episodes of Simpsons, and isn't South Park gonna be syndicated now w/old episodes edited?

South park is indeed going into syndciation, I have seen commercials for it on my local channel 9 (KCAL LA), infact it may have started already.

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I thought it was funny when John K. complained that Family Guy sets a low standard for animators, because it can be drawn when you're ten.


Who the fuck DRAWS cartoons anymore? So many of them are done with computers these days, it's sad.

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Didn't love Family Guy tonight. Liked it, but the Helen Keller joke, an one or two other long ones, fell flat.


If you can't get a few laughs from the current Simpsons episodes, your standards are too high. While the episode did suck, there was still ten to fifteen bits that I enjoyed.


Alec Baldwin's part was awful. That joke about harming mammals should've come off half-funny, but he sucked the life out of it.


The outhouse joke, jet skiers, cousins, and Billionaire vs. Bear jokes are all pretty bad.


"Marge, does the pizza guy take a check? Marge, where do we keep the checks? Marge, how do you write a check?"


"She was killed by a falling air conditions... It's not all bad. As part of the settlement her funeral was air conditioned."


"If it were up to me, I'd be with you harrassing the manitees. If anything I'd be the guy who took it too far."


That end joke with Burns, Smithers, and the manitee was so out there.

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Criticism from peers

Many shows and writers have been openly critical of Family Guy. Most famously, three blatant potshots have been featured in The Simpsons: in one episode Family Guy was referred to as "crude, low-brow programming", another featured Peter Griffin included in a group of Homer Simpson clones, and in yet another episode, Bart Simpson was insulted when somebody called him a "family guy". Numerous writers associated with The Simpsons, such as Al Jean, David X. Cohen, Matt Selman, Tim Long and Joel Cohen have insulted the show during public appearances and in interviews. Executive producer Mike Reiss, however, has said that he enjoys Family Guy and that other Simpsons creators dislike the show because they believe it's inappropriate for their children.


Clerks. director Kevin Smith and David Mandel, co-producer on Smith's short-lived Clerks animated series, have gone on record as Family Guy haters: in the final episode of their cartoon they included a scene in which a bad comedy writer consults a book entitled "How To Write Cartoons by Seth MacFarlane".


South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone cited a comparison to Family Guy as the most insulting thing a fan could ever say to them, comparing it to being kicked in the testicles[5].


The show's animation has also come under fire by Ren & Stimpy creator John Kricfalusi, who expressed concern over the fact that the current generation of aspiring animators will be negatively influenced by the animation present in Family Guy [6]: "If you're a kid wanting to be a cartoonist today, and you're looking at Family Guy, you don't have to aim very high. You can draw Family Guy when you're ten years old."


While the show has an undeniably large and vocal fanbase, it is practically standard to hear the show used as a negative example by other comedy writers and animators. In addition, Family Guy was voted one of the top 10 worst shows in 2001 by Entertainment Weekly, ranking at number 2. In response Seth MacFarlane included a gag in "Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story" in which Stewie Griffin breaks the neck of an EW reporter. Furthermore, in the episode "There's Something About Paulie", Peter Griffin uses a page of Entertainment Weekly as toilet paper when he sees that the roll is finished.



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