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Guest *KNK*

Into The Blue

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Guest *KNK*

Last night after a late dinner with a friend of mine, we decided to catch a late movie but there were only two movies showing at the theatre (it's an old theatre that was near the resturant) Into the Blue and Corpse Bride. We decided to see Into the Blue since Bride wasn't starting for another 45 minutes.



5 Minutes into the movie, you could already tell it was going to be horrible. We didn't know Paul Walker was in the movie and if we had, we wouldn't have wasted 5.50 to watch that movie. We told ourselves "At least Jessica Alba will be hot"....


Once you see her in her first scene, there goes the ENTIRE appeal of the movie. It was 110 minutes of the worst cardboard performences with the most convoluted plot maybe ever.


In fact, it wasn't until about 35 minutes into the movie, they even bothered to set up the story. It was basically 35 minutes of "look at Jessica Alba in shorts and Walker shirtless. They swim alot"


There wasn't anything offensively bad about the movie except for the fact it was so phoned in and uninspired that, literally half the theatre left about 50 minutes into because you could see the rest of the movie, frame for frame as soon as they finally established what happens.


Basically this was a production studios excuse to get Walker and Alba(whom had zero chemistry) half naked for 110 minutes and they slapped together the stupid plot that followed.


It wasn't even so bad that it's good. It was just bad, boring and overextended when the movie was over 50 minutes into it but they managed to stretch it out...


I was extremely bored watching this movie and it was movie that was basically a swimsuit calender for Jessica Alba. That's how boring it was.


The only positives I will grant this movie is the appealing visuals of the ocean scenery and a couple chuckles that Scott Caan gives playing his usual sleazy yet well meaning good guy character.


Just avoid this movie.

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Guest *KNK*
You know, you basically repeated the same thought over 6 sentences/paragraphs.


It was so bad I had to repeat the same thought.


Even if Alba went topless which she didn't (the closest we got was a side shot of the other female lead's breasts), it wouldn't have saved the movie. However she dons a Bikini and tight shorts for virtually the entire movie.

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Guest *KNK*
Once you see her in her first scene, there goes the ENTIRE appeal of the movie.




Yeah. The appeal of the movie is how hot Jessica Alba is...


Meaning the only good thing the movie offered came very early in the movie and since she never increased her hotness (i.e nudity)...there's no where else to go with it.


If you want to gawk at her, you can do that on the cpu with the billions of sites devoted to her.

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Once you see her in her first scene, there goes the ENTIRE appeal of the movie.




Yeah. The appeal of the movie is how hot Jessica Alba is...


My confusion was over why that appeal would end after her first scene.


Once you see her in a bikini once, it doesn't have the same appeal when Paul Walker and her are allowed to talk. Unless you are a 13 yr old boy, which I'm pretty sure this film was made for. So maybe it does appeal to the core audience: guys obsessed with Alba and boys who've never been to the beach

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I reached the conclusion of this thread's title halfway into my first viewing of the trailer prior to Wedding Crashers. The inclusion of Paul Walker was an early tip-off, too.

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Guest *KNK*
I'm amazed anyone would think Alba would be nude in this considering she was a stripper in Sin City and didn't get naked there.


The PG-13 rating also should have tipped people off.


If she was nude, it would have been announced already and there would be a line around every theatre in America.

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I read up that this movie got nothing, but HORRIBLE reviews so I'm not surprised to hear this. I'd say its today's version of Speed 2.

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Well, should've read this earlier. My theater which only had six screen (Wedding Crashers, 40 Year Old Virgin, Into The Blue, Corpes Bride, Serenity, and Flightplan) and everything was sold out. My original choice (Serenity) was so packed that they were showing it in the lobby so I was screwed. I ended up seeing this and it was just bad. I mean Jessica Alba is hot and all, but this one was trash. Today I'm seeing Serenity at 3:00 so I'm happy.

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Once you see her in her first scene, there goes the ENTIRE appeal of the movie.




Yeah. The appeal of the movie is how hot Jessica Alba is...


My confusion was over why that appeal would end after her first scene.


Once you see her in a bikini once, it doesn't have the same appeal when Paul Walker and her are allowed to talk. Unless you are a 13 yr old boy, which I'm pretty sure this film was made for. So maybe it does appeal to the core audience: guys obsessed with Alba and boys who've never been to the beach



I see your point, however, I must admit I sat through the entire first season of "Dark Angel" for this woman. My tolerance of her bad acting is a little higher than yours.

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Guest *KNK*
Once you see her in her first scene, there goes the ENTIRE appeal of the movie.




Yeah. The appeal of the movie is how hot Jessica Alba is...


My confusion was over why that appeal would end after her first scene.


Once you see her in a bikini once, it doesn't have the same appeal when Paul Walker and her are allowed to talk. Unless you are a 13 yr old boy, which I'm pretty sure this film was made for. So maybe it does appeal to the core audience: guys obsessed with Alba and boys who've never been to the beach



I see your point, however, I must admit I sat through the entire first season of "Dark Angel" for this woman. My tolerance of her bad acting is a little higher than yours.


Dark Angel had something close to a plot and a somewhat decent acting here and there. ITB had none of it. Even the Sharks put up uninspired efforts.

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The point was that I tuned in specifically to see her, despite the fact that she's what was mostly pulling the show down.


Actually, except the guy in the wheelchair, I pretty much hated all the characters.

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The point was that I tuned in specifically to see her, despite the fact that she's what was mostly pulling the show down.


Actually, except the guy in the wheelchair, I pretty much hated all the characters.


Dark Angel didn't have Paul Walker.

Alba's bad acting you can make it through, but Alba AND Walker's bad acting is too painful to survive. Not to mention they stole the plot from a Nick Nolte movie called "The Deep" and that movie was kind enough to give us constant shots of Jacqueline Bisset in a wet t-shirt so we could enjoy her goods.


This movie didn't even give us a good wet t-shirt shot.

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Closer to "The Deep"

Only with more drug smugglers.


And yes, Scott was a non-factor. Which is a shame. She should have basically been like, "well, I'm the blonde...here is a side shot of my breasts. Enjoy it, cause it's as close as you'll ever come."


If you want to see "Into the Blue", stab yourself in the hand with a knife while looking at a picture of Jessica Alba in a bikini. It'll be about the same effect.

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Thumbs up for ITB? Not surprised at all. Ebert is seriously a horny old man.


Paul Walker and Jessica Alba star, as Jared and Sam, lovers who live on a leaky boat in the Bahamas and search for buried treasure. They haven't found much, but they have their love to keep them warm.




Plus he gave Blue Velvet thumbs down, so we all know he's a crazy person.

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