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TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

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Nobody has anything to say about iMPACT beating ECW on Sci-fi in the ratings?


It's not that big of a deal since ECW is basically Velocity. WWE didn't stack the card or anything to try and compete. Had Vince decided he wanted to prove a point, he could have just put Rey/Undertaker/Batista/Edge on the show and won out on the ratings.


As far as the announcing, Tenay was good in WCW strictly as a knowledgable analyst. No jokes, no awful play-by-play or shilling. Bring in Scott Hudson and make him the PBP guy, give Raven or Simon Diamond heel commentary duties and Tenay as the analyst and that would be a VAST improvement.

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Nobody has anything to say about iMPACT beating ECW on Sci-fi in the ratings?


Because we're goths and therefore don't want to admit that TNA have done something well.


But this is good news for TNA, granted it's hardly beating RAW, but it's a step in the right direction.

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TNA did the exact same 1.1 rating it's been doing for weeks, with no change despite being up against ECW. That suggests that TNA's audience is entirely made up of people who simply don't watch the WWE's C-show product. Compare that to when they tried to run on Monday night, and got stomped on with an embarassingly low rating going up against Raw.


TNA is a failure plain and simple because it's never drawn a profit. They don't charge admission for the fans, their PPV buyrates started low and stayed there, the run infrequent house shows with meager crowds, and iirc under their deal with Spike they don't get any advertising revenue from their TV show. They sure as hell don't make decent money off their merchandise, comparing the WWE dvd sales to TNA's on places like Amazon. They've practically set themselves up to lose money, guaranteed.

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TNA did the exact same 1.1 rating it's been doing for weeks, with no change despite being up against ECW. That suggests that TNA's audience is entirely made up of people who simply don't watch the WWE's C-show product. Compare that to when they tried to run on Monday night, and got stomped on with an embarassingly low rating going up against Raw.


Oh... they still did a 1.1? Thats not so good.


So how the hell did ECW loose 0.7 of it's audience?

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People would have been lining up to criticise TNA if it had lost to ECW in the ratings ('TNA can't even beat the c show, they suck...etc) and now that they held steady people are still having a go at them.


It's not a huge accomplishment, but it proved that their regular audience will choose impact over another wrestling show. And for all the talk of ECW not being adverstised it was mentioned last week on ecw, raw, smackdown and wwe.com this week.


TNA is a failure plain and simple because it's never drawn a profit. They don't charge admission for the fans, their PPV buyrates started low and stayed there, the run infrequent house shows with meager crowds, and iirc under their deal with Spike they don't get any advertising revenue from their TV show. They sure as hell don't make decent money off their merchandise, comparing the WWE dvd sales to TNA's on places like Amazon. They've practically set themselves up to lose money, guaranteed


Dixie Carter has been claiming they've been making a small profit for a while. Granted, that doesn't mean it's true but it's what she's saying. I'm not that sure if the spike deal has changed now that it's two hous and they do get ad money.


They're ppv buy rates suck though, I won't deny that.

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Does this mean that wrestling isn't really creating alot of new fans at the moment? That 0.7 of ECW's audience are also TNA fans? Or simply 0.7 decided to watch some other show on Thursday rather then ECW?

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The majority of TV viewing is done out of habit. Change a time or date, and the ratings will always go down.


Viewers will either forget about it, or have something else in that slot that they already watch.

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It was moved to Thursdays. I generally watch ECW on Tuesdays but on Thursdays I watch NBC's comedy lineup. Not to mention I read the spoilers ahead of time also so I passed it up just this once for NBC. Like it was already stated, most shows lose ratings when they switch nights.

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I don't think 1.1 is a bad rating. You hae to look at it this way, Spike isn't in every market as it is. When RAW was on Spike the ratings weren't very high compared to what they were before and have been since. I think that if Impact was on a different station, let's say FOX for example, I think they might do better then that. If you look at UFC, the ratings were always better then Impact, but they were also always steady, in fact Impact as a lead in to UFC did much better as well. Impact did 1.1 and UFC did 0.5, albeit it was a repeat, but still.

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I don't think 1.1 is a bad rating. You hae to look at it this way, Spike isn't in every market as it is. When RAW was on Spike the ratings weren't very high compared to what they were before and have been since. I think that if Impact was on a different station, let's say FOX for example, I think they might do better then that. If you look at UFC, the ratings were always better then Impact, but they were also always steady, in fact Impact as a lead in to UFC did much better as well. Impact did 1.1 and UFC did 0.5, albeit it was a repeat, but still.



For cable, a 1.1 is pretty good. Adult swim and the daily show get similar numbers from what I understand. The fact that they can keep up that rating for two hours has to have increased spike's faith in them. True, the havn't increased their audience but they have lost any either (as opposed to ecw, who have lost more than half since they started).


The funny thing is, even though everyone knows this isn't much of a victory for TNA, I think Vince is still going to be unhappy about this. WWE have been treating TNA like a threat for years even though they're nowhere close to being one. They're still not a real threat to WWE by any means, but this is their first win over wwe, even if it is tainted one.


I think he'll react one of two ways a) improve ECW and treat it less like the red headed step child of wwe or b) blame the ECW name for putting people off, and scrap it.


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WWE have been treating TNA like a threat for years even though they're nowhere close to being one.

No they haven't. WWF treated WCW like a threat. WWE treats TNA like they don't even exist.


I think he'll react one of two ways a) improve ECW and treat it less like the red headed step child of wwe or b) blame the ECW name for putting people off, and scrap it.

They're not scrapping anything, they just signed a new contract a few weeks ago. As for improving it, hell, it gets better ratings than Velocity or most of Heat ever did, and it's essentially that kind of C-show. It costs them practically nothing to produce since they tape it with Smackdown, so most of the advertising revenue and such that they get off the show basically amounts to free money.

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No they haven't. WWF treated WCW like a threat. WWE treats TNA like they don't even exist.


Jeff Jarret claims tna get one legal letter a week about calling Christian 'Captain Charisma' or not to call their rosters 'superstars' and challanging other TNA trademarks. That's not treating them like they don't exist. Vince also flipped out when he found out spike where running impact adverts on raw prior to them showing tna. And there has been cases where they've signed or kept on useless talent simply because they don't want them to leave and go to TNA(Haas,Carlito).


They're not scrapping anything, they just signed a new contract a few weeks ago. As for improving it, hell, it gets better ratings than Velocity or most of Heat ever did, and it's essentially that kind of C-show. It costs them practically nothing to produce since they tape it with Smackdown, so most of the advertising revenue and such that they get off the show basically amounts to free money


If Vince is annoyed as I think he'll be, he'll have to choices: blame the writers, or blame the ECW name which he resents anyway. Which do you think it'll be?


As for ECW not needing improvement, in 18 months they've went from 2.7 to 1.1s,...you don't think that's a problem? Where did all those viewers go?

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They're not scrapping anything, they just signed a new contract a few weeks ago. As for improving it, hell, it gets better ratings than Velocity or most of Heat ever did, and it's essentially that kind of C-show. It costs them practically nothing to produce since they tape it with Smackdown, so most of the advertising revenue and such that they get off the show basically amounts to free money


If Vince is annoyed as I think he'll be, he'll have to choices: blame the writers, or blame the ECW name which he resents anyway. Which do you think it'll be?


He'll go for option three; write it up to ECW not being on its regular night.

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go for option three; write it up to ECW not being on its regular night


If you do want to dismiss the tna factor entirely, the fact that more than half your audience don't care enough to find out if it was pre-empted is a pretty bad sign. I think they would have expected it to be lower, but even a lot of people on here where thinking 0.9 or 1.0. A 0.6 is horrible.



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Firstly, every single time a wrestling show is pre-empted and airs on a different night, the ratings go down significantly. It sure as hell happened to TNA when they did that Monday night special. Hell, even in circumstances like the time Raw aired on Sci-Fi because of something else running in that timeslot on USA, and they ran a replay of Raw on USA later that night, the ratings till took a pretty big hit.


As to why ECW started at a 2.7 and then dropped? Simple: for a long time, ECW sucked. From its first episode until around the end of the Lashley era, ECW was pretty consistently the worst wrestling show on television. Nonsensical or nonexistant angles, short repetitive matches, lack of big stars, big pushes given to untalented people, and a creative staff which either had no idea how to book the original ECW guys or was actively trying to bury them. A year of pure crap like that will drive anyone away.

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Firstly, every single time a wrestling show is pre-empted and airs on a different night, the ratings go down significantly. It sure as hell happened to TNA when they did that Monday night special. Hell, even in circumstances like the time Raw aired on Sci-Fi because of something else running in that timeslot on USA, and they ran a replay of Raw on USA later that night, the ratings till took a pretty big hit.


Losing half your viewers when you have the backing of the WWE machine behind you is bad. And they have the smackdown roster as well. I know the ratings for raw on sci fi weren't great but they still managed to stay above 3.0 didn't they?



As to why ECW started at a 2.7 and then dropped? Simple: for a long time, ECW sucked. From its first episode until around the end of the Lashley era, ECW was pretty consistently the worst wrestling show on television. Nonsensical or nonexistant angles, short repetitive matches, lack of big stars, big pushes given to untalented people, and a creative staff which either had no idea how to book the original ECW guys or was actively trying to bury them. A year of pure crap like that will drive anyone away.



You make it sound like things have drastically changed. Now we have Kelly botching every second move, Big Daddy V, Mark Henry...etc. I liked the Morrison/Punk matches but even I was sick of that by their 345th match. ECW still has a lot of problems. Maybe more so than before, because even though it sucked it was still doing good ratings. Now its sucks and isn't doing the terrific ratings they once where. And, despite the smackdown additions, I can only see those ratings going down further or possibly holding steady. The idea of them getting over 2.0s again seems unthinkable at this point.

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ECW is not on the same level as RAW or even SmackDown! People are not going to go out of their way to watch ECW if they move timeslots and nights. I bet ECW would take a big hit if they moved ECW to 9pm or 11pm on a Tuesday night.

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Gogo is quickly making up for the loss of Jearen by defending TNA at every possible measure. ECW did a better one hour show then TNA did because the people running it were smart enough to know that a 42 minute show can't have 10 different storylines and eight different 4 minute matches. ECW established a feature star (Punk) with his main storyline and two other central storylines and 3 matches to put over talent.


TNA has been on air for over 2 years now and despite claims that a two hour spot and mega stars like Sting and Angle would increase viewership, they haven't broke away from 1.1 levels (That's what the original ECW was getting when their product was at it's worst and had no stars and it was on the same network in an even worse slot). TNA, with a national network behind them in a pretty solid timeslot compared to ECW's can't make a single substantial movement forward. Meanwhile, WWE's C Brand show manages to have higher ratings in its usual spot and use the show as a vehicle to promote a new star and provide a simplistic hour of wrestling.

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Gogo is quickly making up for the loss of Jearen by defending TNA at every possible measure.


You must have missed my comments where I said it wasn't much of a victory at all... Or when I said in the other thread they were dumb not to follow up on Samoa Joe's promo... Or when I said TNA were nowhere near a threat to WWE...or when I said they should stop taking all these cheap shots at WWE...or when I said the ppv buys sucked...



ECW did a better one hour show then TNA did because the people running it were smart enough to know that a 42 minute show can't have 10 different storylines and eight different 4 minute matches. ECW established a feature star (Punk) with his main storyline and two other central storylines and 3 matches to put over talent.



TNA has been on air for over 2 years now and despite claims that a two hour spot and mega stars like Sting and Angle would increase viewership, they haven't broke away from 1.1 levels (That's what the original ECW was getting when their product was at it's worst and had no stars and it was on the same network in an even worse slot). TNA, with a national network behind them in a pretty solid timeslot compared to ECW's can't make a single substantial movement forward. Meanwhile, WWE's C Brand show manages to have higher ratings in its usual spot and use the show as a vehicle to promote a new star and provide a simplistic hour of wrestling.



Should TNA have improved in the ratings by now? Almost certainly. However, they have managed to hold onto to their audience and even retained it for a second hour. And, for a cable show on prime time Thursday night, get more than respectable ratings. Which is something they don't get enough credit for.


I consider TNA superior to ECW because TNA didn't have the wwe marketing machine behind them, nor did they have over 3 million viewers to start with and quickly drove them away, eventually having to resort to bringing in smackdown stars to get the ratings up.


TNA could be doing better, but they're not doing nearly as badly as some people are making out.

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The main reason people even watched ECW was because they thought it was going to be like the old ECW. I don't think anybody can deny that, because I've heard hundreds of those complaints about how the new ECW isn't like the old ECW. This ECW was never supposed to be like the old ECW. That's why ratings slid after a while, because people realized it wasn't what they thought it would be.

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TNA could be doing better, but they're not doing nearly as badly as some people are making out.

There's a positive way to spin the fact that even with around a million viewers a week for Impact, they only over get around 20,000 of them to buy their PPV's every month?

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There's a positive way to spin the fact that even with around a million viewers a week for Impact, they only over get around 20,000 of them to buy their PPV's every month?


As a ppv seller, it sucks. There's no positive way to spin that and I didn't say there was. However, just because their ppv sales are low, should we dismiss everything else they've accomplished?

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There's a positive way to spin the fact that even with around a million viewers a week for Impact, they only over get around 20,000 of them to buy their PPV's every month?


As a ppv seller, it sucks. There's no positive way to spin that and I didn't say there was. However, just because they're ppv sales are low, should we dismiss everything else they've accomplished?

What have they accomplished?


Sure, they've survived when nobody thought they would, and are on Spike in prime time, but they're also doing 20,000 PPV buys a month which is around the same number of buys they were totaling a month with the weekly PPV's. That was five years ago. Way to go, TNA.



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Well there can be no doubt that their growth in television of those 5 years has been nothing short of incredible.


From no TV, to syndicated XPlosion in some areas, to bad midday Fox Sports show, to the internet, to late night weekend Spike, to late Thursday Spike, to Primetime Spike, to 2 hour Primetime Spike...


That's a lot of growth in that department.



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What have they accomplished?


Sure, they've survived when nobody thought they would, and are on Spike in prime time, but they're also doing 20,000 PPV buys a month which is around the same number of buys they were totaling a month with the weekly PPV's. That was five years ago. Way to go, TNA


Getting a deal on Spike TV

Getting Spike to expand their timeslot to two hours

Doing well in the ratings

DVD's in national chains

International tv deals.

Going into new markets for PPV and drawing well

Toy deal

Video game on the way

Making women's wrestling in America actually mean something for the first time in a long time.

Introducing us to the comic genius that is Kevin Nash


Yeah, you're right. They've done nothing at all.

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What have they accomplished?


Sure, they've survived when nobody thought they would, and are on Spike in prime time, but they're also doing 20,000 PPV buys a month which is around the same number of buys they were totaling a month with the weekly PPV's. That was five years ago. Way to go, TNA


Getting a deal on Spike TV

Getting Spike to expand their timeslot to two hours

Doing well in the ratings

DVD's in national chains

International tv deals.

Going into new markets for PPV and drawing well

Toy deal

Video game on the way

Making women's wrestling in America actually mean something for the first time in a long time.

Introducing us to the comic genius that is Kevin Nash


Yeah, your right. They've done nothing at all.


Sure, on the surface, they've done a lot, and I never said otherwise. But if you actually look a little closer, while they've done a lot, they've done nothing with it. They've never made a dime in profit, and with their primary revenue source, PPV buys, showing no sign of increasing a lot above their baseline of 20,000-25,000 buys, they don't look like they'll be making money any time soon. Surviving is nice, but making money is nicer.


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Woman's wrestling meant something already for those interested in it, so that's not a TNA claim. Nash has always done comedic shit and of course like it has in TNA, it didn't draw a dime. Video game? ECW had a video game. That's not a big deal. New markets for PPV? 4 a year and a ton of poorly drawn house shows.

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