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TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

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It's a WWE spoiler...










So skip I guess....








I think that this is the first time that Edge and Christian have been World Champions at the same time.




Talk about a comment that doesn't warrant a thread.




5 second poses for everyone!!!

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The following makes me want to watch the TNA PPV more than anything TNA has done. From PWInsider:


New Japan Pro Wrestling star Tiger Mask will be appearing at this Sunday's TNA Sacrifice PPV, wrestling Senshi,Jerry Lynn and Alex Shelley in a Four Corners bout.

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This show reminds me of the period where they lost tv for a few months. Since the tv show was on the internet at the time and no one watched it...it didn't really matter when the ppv came around.


Point is...those shows were actually really good. Because no matter if the storyline is bad or nonexistent the wrestlers are good and the matches are interesting.


I can't tell you why most of these matches are taking place...but like that era of no TV...I don't really care.


Joe/Styles, Daniels/Rhino, Sabin/Lethal/Dutt, Senshi/Lynn/Shelley/Tiger Mask make me look forward to the show.


And I'm interested enough in JJ/Roode, Harris/Storm (if they finally make it the bloodbath it should be) and Sting/Christian/Angle as well.

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Shelley is clearly taking the fall in the 4 way match. He's got to be one of, if not the most over person in the X Division but he constantly gets jobbed out.

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Shelley is clearly taking the fall in the 4 way match. He's got to be one of, if not the most over person in the X Division but he constantly gets jobbed out.



I don't know.


Lynn never wins.


Not true, hes won loads of "number 1 contenders matches"~

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This card really is stacked and looks amazing. It's a shame it's on Mother's Day. That might cost them a few buyrates. I know I'll be watching the PPV.

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A show piled with three way matches can't help but feel like filler and this show does.


(If I could, I'd send both promotions flowers for having fans that aren't nearly as annoying as the Orlando TNA fans who think the Border City Stretch is a Crippler Crossface and that the Skull**** is "gay". Tards.)


From Shelley's post.

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A show piled with three way matches can't help but feel like filler and this show does.


This is a throw-away PPV. But seeing that it is there are still some good matches on the card, or atleast they have the potential to be great matches.

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I guess this is a question best answered by HTQ, but does anyone know if there are plans for Raven to release an autobiography?

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I guess this is a question best answered by HTQ, but does anyone know if there are plans for Raven to release an autobiography?

Don't quote me on this, but I seem to remember Raven making mention of this in one of his various shoots recently. He might have been joking.


And in a news item that personifies the title of this thread, The Naturals have been released.

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I would love to read an autobiography by Raven. Imgine the stories he would tell.

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Id imagine it would be just like his shoot interviews, but with out the rambling.

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I guess this is a question best answered by HTQ, but does anyone know if there are plans for Raven to release an autobiography?

Don't quote me on this, but I seem to remember Raven making mention of this in one of his various shoots recently. He might have been joking.


And in a news item that personifies the title of this thread, The Naturals have been released.


I'm shocked Raven hasn't but I'm more shocked that it took this long to release the Naturals. I remember one of them wasn't making many fans with his work ethic or his attitude. I think it was Andy Douglas but I'm not 100% sure on that one.

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I just watched the 5/3 episode of Impact the other day, and I haven't checked out tonight's ep.


But it seems to me that the solution as to who AJ tapped out is simply to review the footage and see who last made the legal tag, Angle or Sting. One of the guys making AJ tap was not the legal man, so he has no claim to the title shot.




I mean c'mon, TNA, at least try to pretend that the rules aren't flexible according to the storyline, or have made it a tornado tag match so that tags weren't necessary.

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I think it was Andy, he wouldnt cut his hair short for the angle they were doing with Shane Douglas.


Which was a shame, because i was quite enjoying that storyline.

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I don't think it matters who made him tap. TNA wanted it to be a 3-Way with 3 of their biggest names in the main event. If it was just Sting vs Chriatian Angle wouldn't have anything to do with the PPV, and god forbid Angle isn't on the PPV.

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I really wish TNA would just pull the trigger on giving Samoa Joe the belt. They need to get a "homegrown" guy a shot, not A former WWE star vs. A former WWE star vs. A former NWA/WCW star on a TNA show. Is it a big match? Yes. Will it be decent? Probably. I'd just rather see something new as the centerpiece of a televised wrestling federation.

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Guest jlvideo

From the Oberver.

--The documents ending the business relationship between the NWA and TNA were scheduled to be signed like any minute now. The NWA made the decision months ago to end the relationship based on claiming TNA badly breached their multi-year contract that gave them control of the NWA world heavyweight and NWA world tag team titles. They gave TNA until this coming Monday night's TV tapings to do whatever storylines are necessary to strip Christian Cage and Team 3-D of the titles and return them, so one can presume things will take place at the PPV leading to television. TNA will likely not miss a beat and simply call their champs the TNA champions. The NWA is now making plans for tournaments to crown new champions.




Do you think that getting away and being their own will be good fro TNA? I hope they can make as i like to see more than just wwe. I see also wwe released rob conway,2 cold scorpio. i would like to see conway used properly in tna. If cornette still likes him. I would think tna should bring in newer guys in. I hope they use doug basham,damaja right. I liked them on smackdown. I would mind the gimmick of the revolution they used in ovw. bring back in jackie gayda with them. Have doug,damaja,jackie,maybe matt morgan(if they bring him in). Would fine with me.

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From the Oberver.

--The documents ending the business relationship between the NWA and TNA were scheduled to be signed like any minute now. The NWA made the decision months ago to end the relationship based on claiming TNA badly breached their multi-year contract that gave them control of the NWA world heavyweight and NWA world tag team titles. They gave TNA until this coming Monday night's TV tapings to do whatever storylines are necessary to strip Christian Cage and Team 3-D of the titles and return them, so one can presume things will take place at the PPV leading to television. TNA will likely not miss a beat and simply call their champs the TNA champions. The NWA is now making plans for tournaments to crown new champions.



The official NWA announcement

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What had TNA done that had breached the agreement?


I think the champion from TNA was supposed to tour and defend against regional workers. I know back in '03 AJ was defending the NWA Title against everyone and their brother, but since at least the Spike TV deal that hasn't happened.

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This is pretty stupid for the NWA. Yeah, I'm sure having your title defended in local high school gymnasiums is much more prestigious than on a national weekly TV show.


Are they going to hold yet another title tournament, or will they just hand the belt to someone?

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This is pretty stupid for the NWA. Yeah, I'm sure having your title defended in local high school gymnasiums is much more prestigious than on a national weekly TV show.


Are they going to hold yet another title tournament, or will they just hand the belt to someone?


No one who watches TNA see the belt as the NWA World Title. For the better part of the last year and beyond, it's completely been seen as the TNA World Title. Now they can use the control to get it over more as the NWA title. They could attach themselves to promotions like ROH which tours 3 different countries with various connections to other promotions.

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I think the tournament will span all of the NWA's current territories.


Extreme Canadian Championship Wrestling has a show June 16 which will feature a first-round match between Bryan Danielson and Nelson Creed. Regardless of who else is involved, Danielson has to be considered an early favorite. It would be a good move by the NWA to have him win it as well.

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