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Weekend Boxoffice Report Oct 7-9

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I know someone here is going to come in and flame me, but I honestly have no fucking clue what Serenity is. I haven't seen one preview or heard a single person talking about it. Why should I care? Honest question. Sell me on it.


I also don't know who Whedon is, but I've gleaned from this forum that he had something to do with Buffy. Why is he special? Once again, honest question.

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Joss Whedon is the creator of Buffy & Angel and wrote some of the best episodes. Serenity is based on his show Firefly which was cancled but built up a loyal following. He's special to fans because of his writing style, which has interesting characters, favors drama and emotion over action, his trademark sarcastic dialoge and a blend of genres.

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I saw Wallace and Gromit, and I loved it. It was a fun film, with some great laughs. It lived up to expectations, and I considered some of the original stuff gold. Fun movie, and I want to see it again, but I have to see Domino. Somebody kill me now, because that looks shit.

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Joss Whedon is the creator of Buffy & Angel and wrote some of the best episodes. Serenity is based on his show Firefly which was cancled but built up a loyal following. He's special to fans because of his writing style, which has interesting characters, favors drama and emotion over action, his trademark sarcastic dialoge and a blend of genres.


Ok that sort of helps. But I really hate Buffy and Angel... would you still recommend something like Serenity, or I am just not into his work?

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Maybe. It depends on why you hate Buffy. If you hate the way the characters talk then you probably won't like any of his work but if it's just the mystical stuff like vampires and demons that don't interest you then you might like Serenity, especially if you're into sci-fi.


But that doesn't mean you have to like sci-fi to enjoy Serenity. It's not really serious sci-fi, how everything works isn't really the point. It's more like Star Wars where the focus is on the characters and action and it just happens to take place in Space.

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Is it too late to gloat? Because I said months ago that you Whedon fanboys were full of shit when you thought Serenity would be anything but a fucking bomb.


Now I will sit back and eagerly await one of you sadsacks correct me in that Serenity has already made back its budget, or some such shit, and so it isn't a bomb, blah blah blah. Whatever, I don't care. The movie's a failure, and that touches me in a cold, cruel part deep inside.

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Who cares? I don't think anyone who doesn't dress up as characters to go see movies had vast expectations for it. If they did they were kidding themselves. We got our movie from a cancelled TV show that didn't even make a season, which never happens. If it blows up internationally and on DVD there may be a sequel, but probably not. I'm more than happy with the great movie that came out of it all.

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I love how Flightplan has a 36% rating at Rotten Tomatoes and Serenity has a 81% at Rotten Tomatoes but Flightplan is #2 right now.


Just shows HOW FUCKIN DUMB America is.

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Guest *KNK*

It also shows the importance of a credible movie star can do for your movie against a movie that doesn't have one (obviously, there's numerous exceptions)


The general public of American moviegoers look at the stars first before reviews/plots are taken into consideration.


Why is there an arguement about Serenity? It's a movie that wasn't a success.


There's hundreds of great movies (I can't speak for Serenity, because it's something I dont like, so I won't rush to see it) that "bomb", why such an outrage about this one?


If you liked it, good. See it as often as you wish. Buy the DVD and then buy the special edition dvd that'll come out two months later. Quite frankly, Serenity bombing isn't that significant enough to warrant such pointless and drawn out arguements.


Anyone who was going to see Serenity has already seen it, it hit it's niche market. If you were expecting this movie to make a gaggle of money @ the BO, then you should be left disapointed in it's low gross.


It'll make profit and if that warrants a sequel (honestly, we need to raise the standard requirements for sequels), then that's great for the Serenity crowd.

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Guest *KNK*

I'm behind in my movies, having only seen that shitty Jessica Alba movie in the last 6 weeks. I'm going to get a few friends together and do a quad effect this weekend.


Quad Effect

4 Movies in one day @ 4 different theatres all at least 20 minute distance. (The idea is to have fun trying to get the next movie on time, different types of theatres etc). Old stupid I used to do in my teen years, when driving a car used to be cool and cheap.

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Guest *KNK*
In terms of Flightplan, you have an Oscar-winning, fairly beloved movie star making a return from a long hiatus. That gives it some push.


Foster, is a great actress which is why I don't understand after a 3 year hiatus since Panic Room, she would select to do a shitty movie like Flightplan.


$-Yes but she could get $ making decent movies at least.


I'm really worried about the trend of great actors taking on any shitty movie script on the table. (That means you De Niro)

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Probably the only one she could fit into her schedule or it could be a case where when she signed the contract, she thought she was getting an entirely different movie than what ended up happening.


I doubt it was Jodie Foster needed money.

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In terms of Flightplan, you have an Oscar-winning, fairly beloved movie star making a return from a long hiatus. That gives it some push.


Foster, is a great actress which is why I don't understand after a 3 year hiatus since Panic Room, she would select to do a shitty movie like Flightplan.


$-Yes but she could get $ making decent movies at least.


I'm really worried about the trend of great actors taking on any shitty movie script on the table. (That means you De Niro)


Did anyone see "Two For the Money?" That has Al Pacino and that didn't do much business.

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Cinderella Man got an 84% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes. 


It.  Sucked.  Ass.


Cinderella Man was fantastic. Can't wait for the movie to come out on DVD.


Bob, since you're known around here for your exceptionally shitty/gay taste in everything, your liking the movie only proves my point for me. It sucked.


It was corny, cliched, and horribly predictable. The characters were one-dimensional drones reacting to the events of the film, until the eventual climactic Hollywood ending we saw a mile away. Everything in this movie had already been done in every other boxing movie ever made, except Raging Bull, which was 100x better than this crap. The positive reviews even acknowledge this, but somehow they claim they liked it anyways.



Damn, did I really post that?


SOMEONE was taking his asshole pills last week.


Sorry, Bob. I was being a dick.

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