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Paul Stanley

ESPN Radio Host makes comments on passing

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Anthony P. Landrosh sent in the following letter to me. He said that he was listening to ESPN radio earlier today, "The Herd With Colin Cowherd", and Colin Cowherd said some rude comments about Eddie Guerrero's passing. He accused Eddie and other wrestlers of steroid use. Cowherd said, "who cares that he died" and that Guerrero's death was not "newsworthy." He also started speculation on the "unknown causes" of his death.


Colin Cowherd has a subsite on ESPN.com, which you can visit by CLICKING HERE. He's the guy on the top banner of the page. His site also has an e-mail form where you can send an e-mail. CLICK HERE to visit the e-mail page if you have something to say to him.


Anyways, here is the letter paralegal Anthony P. Landrosh typed.....




I don't even know if anyone will even read this or care, but I want you to know that there are a lot of people that care about Eddie Guerrero (WWE star that passed away yesterday morning). Regardless of what you or your listeners think about professional wrestling, it does not change the fact

the Mr. Guerrero was a human being and to be so ignorant (Colin) by disrespecting him or his job a day after his death is borderline heartless.


I am a 32 year old male that (as most men in my demographic) spends a good portion of time watching Sportscenter, College Game Day, and NFL Sunday Night to mention a few shows on ESPN and its affiliates. I want you to know that the actions that your Radio hosts has just caused you a

viewer and listener. I also intend to post this on many other sites, so people can see how disrespectful you really are.


FYI- The disrespectful comments were made on the Colin Cowherd show this morning on ESPN Radio, accusing Eddie and other wrestlers of steroid use,making mention that "who cares that he died" this isn't even "newsworthy" and speculating as to the "unknown causes" of the death.


Thank you for your time.


Anthony Landrosh


Credit: Lordsofpain.net


Figuered i'd post this.

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I want you to know that the actions that your Radio hosts has just caused you a

viewer and listener.



he won't be taken seriously now :(

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Guest Leelee
that kind of shit by Colin Cowherd really gives people a bad name.


He's a sports radio host. His job is to stir up shit.


That being said, it's cold to say that about anyone who dies... let alone a wrestler that Cowherd probably knows nothing about.

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Colin Cowherd is a pretentious P.O.S. who thinks that the world revolves around football; I listened to his show for the first week after he replaced Kornheiser, and I wish to hell that TK never left.


I don't think that Cowherd is really relevant in the Sports Media consciousness, anyway; I'd pay him no mind.

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These radio hosts are obviously a fan of the Vince Russo "any publicity is good publicity" train of thought. You know, it's pointless to send them letters. They have to know saying something like that would be offensive and they're only saying it to get a reaction. To get hate mail and to get people posting about them on forums.


Maybe if the letters were sent directly to ESPN.

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My email:


Mr. Cowherd, regardless of your personal feelings towards professional wrestling, many of us are mourning the death of Eddie Guerrerro and do not appreciate your remarks.


Everyone is well aware that pro wrestling is not a legitimate sport. It's an atheletic soap opera. Eddie Guerrerro was an incredible athlete who displayed that athleticism to millions around the world with his high flying and amateur wrestling skills.


There is an art to what these men do that mindless sports geeks like yourself may never understand. The ability to carry the flow of a match, ring psychology (making what you do seem believable), selling (making your opponent look good) and the charisma to make an audience react. Eddie Guerrerro mastered all of these. He could control an audience of 15,000 people with one facial expression, one promo on the microphone or one impressive move on the mat or in the air.


Eddie had a serious problem with alcohol and prescription pain killers in 2001. He lost his job with WWE as the result. These men commonly fall victim to pain killer addictions due to the abuse they physically put their bodies through on a nighly basis. Eddie overcame his demons, was rehired by WWE and is said to have celebrated his fourth year of sobriety recently. The entertainment he provided in those four years to those of us silly enough to watch professional wrestling is unforgetable.


Being a smaller performer, there is always pressure to have the steroypical look of a pro wrestler and Eddie did put on some muscle mass in recent years. We all know that 38 year old men don't just die suddenly without suspicion and it's all too common in pro wrestling. If his death is steroid related then perhaps it will be a warning to those athletes in all sports that choose to go that route. If it's the result of an anneurysm, due to taking one too many steel chair shots to the head, then perhaps pro wrestling will alter their product due to the seriousness of this situation. We don't know yet and it's completely ignorant for you to preach your assumption like it's the holy word.


Eddie Guerrerro's death did matter however! And people do care! Watch RAW tonight on USA to see how these men, who travel together 300 days a year, cared about this man. Those of us who loved and respected this man for the entertainment he provides us will. Mark my words. More people care about Eddie Guerrerro's death than you can ever hope to care ahout your own.

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On a related note, I have ESPN radio on right now and the host here in Pittsburgh is Mark Madden and he just said something like "How many of my friends have to die before congress stops worrying about the sanctity of Babe Ruth's home run record and start looking at the business where steroids are actually killing people?"

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... Mark my words.  More people care about Eddie Guerrerro's death than you can ever hope to care ahout your own.

Agreed. I loved that.

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I want you to know that the actions that your Radio hosts has just caused you a

viewer and listener.



he won't be taken seriously now :(

This is ESPN, not Oprah's Book of the Month club. Screw-ups like the one above are minor enough to still qualify for ESPN's MENSA division.


Not when you are faced with one of the high and mighty assholes. You have to be perfect otherwise he'll point out the mistake as more "ignorant wrestling fan gibberish".

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On a related note, I have ESPN radio on right now and the host here in Pittsburgh is Mark Madden and he just said something like "How many of my friends have to die before congress stops worrying about the sanctity of Babe Ruth's home run record and start looking at the business where steroids are actually killing people?"


At the very least, lets hope this tragedy pushes Vince to take action over steroids. Even if Eddie's death isn't steroid related, this is really the final straw in terms of wrestler's dying young.

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On a related note, I have ESPN radio on right now and the host here in Pittsburgh is Mark Madden and he just said something like "How many of my friends have to die before congress stops worrying about the sanctity of Babe Ruth's home run record and start looking at the business where steroids are actually killing people?"


At the very least, lets hope this tragedy pushes Vince to take action over steroids. Even if Eddie's death isn't steroid related, this is really the final straw in terms of wrestler's dying young.


I don't like commenting on these things until the cause of death is clear but if this is indeed steroid related then I hope it's some sort of wake up call to Vince McMahon that the days of huge muscle men are passe, there is no need to make smaller guys unnessarily bulk up with steroids, growth hormone, etc. The business right now is geared towards smaller competitors. These are the guys that grew up watching HBK, Bret, Mysterio, Benoit, young Eddie, etc. TNA has picked up on that and Vince and company are still not pushing guys because of size or flat out suggesting that they won't hire you unless you are built like Chris Masters (see Samoa Joe). With the feds having their attention on steroids and major league sports something like the death of a 38 year old wrestler, getting massive amounts of media attention, isn't going to go ignored. He would be best served to implement necessary changes right now before the feds target another WWE investigation. He won't get away twice. Jerry Jarrett is available now though.

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What an idiot, Even if the cause of his death was that, I will always respect him for the man that he was and for the passion he had for the business and his fans.... The fact that he did those things before never tarnished him in my eyes....

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On a related note, I have ESPN radio on right now and the host here in Pittsburgh is Mark Madden and he just said something like "How many of my friends have to die before congress stops worrying about the sanctity of Babe Ruth's home run record and start looking at the business where steroids are actually killing people?"


To quote my own blog entry from yesterday, "The current anti-steroid crusade on Capitol Hill against baseball is not about saving lives. It is about preserving the sanctity of statistics and scorecards. It is politics at its most craven, pandering and pathetic."

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I got kind of pissed earlier talking to my 12 y/o cousin. She's a huge Rey Mysterio fan.


Me: Make sure you watch Raw tonight.


Her: Why?


Me: Big tribute for Eddie tonight.


Her: Why? He was on SD.


Me: Both shows are dedicated to him this week.


Her: I'm not watching this week then.


Me: What?


Her: I don't like Eddie Guerrerro.


Me: What?


Her: I could careless about him after what he did to Rey Mysterio.


Me: That was acting, idiot. Eddie really died yesterday morning.


Her: I don't care. I'm glad he died. I don't like him.


(I turn to her mother)


Me: Send your fuckin' kid to church.



I shouldn't get mad because she's a kid, but I couldn't help getting annoyed.


Also, she's a big HBK fan so I didn't bother telling her Rey was wrestling him tonight. Heh.

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This is from Lords of Pain. It has a phone number that can be used to complain directly to ESPN about this incident.


Mr. Pena,


Your report of ESPN Radio and Colin Cowherd was shocking and horrible. I've contacted ESPN to complain. Please make another post informing the viewers of LordsOfPain.net that you can call ESPN at 860-766-2000. They can call, they will have to ask to speak to a customer service person, that way the voice of fans can be heard. Hopefully Colin the Coward Coherd will be fired. Thanks.


Nate Dickey


Also, Nate said that he talked to customer service and they said that they will tell the producers of Colin's Cowherd's radio show for a possible reprimand and punishment for Colin Cowherd. If you guys call by the droves, it'll definately make it all the more likely that Mr. Cowherd gets in trouble for what he said. Every phone call made to ESPN's customer service really helps.

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On a related note, I have ESPN radio on right now and the host here in Pittsburgh is Mark Madden and he just said something like "How many of my friends have to die before congress stops worrying about the sanctity of Babe Ruth's home run record and start looking at the business where steroids are actually killing people?"



I personally don't like Mark Madden, but I will give the man his credit when he is right. In this instance, he is right.

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Who the hell is Colin Cowherd? I've never heard of this pile of garbage before. I wonder if he realizes that more people give a damn about Eddie than they ever will for a muckraker on AM Radio host. Cowherd, when you die it certainly won't be newsworthy.


Does anyone have this shithead's email address? I want to tell him that.

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