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Smackdown Title situation updated

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A match with Batista vs. Randy Orton, billed as a street fight for the title, was announced as the main event for Tuesday's Smackdown tapings in Sheffield, England. With Batista being injured, most likely Orton will win the title here. The street fight is likely a cover to allow them to avoid traditional wrestling and not risk as much injury to Batista.


Kurt Angle vs. Shelton Benjamin in a rematch from this past Monday will headline Raw on Monday night.


From Meltzer.

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Why does Vince hate the fans so much? I can understand taking the belt off of Batista, but I have absolutely no interest in an Orton led SD especially with Eddie no longer being there to cancel out his ineptitude at the top of the card. I just hope it takes 10 cheapshots and run-ins from Cowboy Bob and someone else otherwise they'll kill off Batista's character in the process. I'm going out on a limb and predicting that an Orton/Undertaker led Armageddon a week before Christmas will do the worst buyrate in WWE history which is the only thing that would make me smile about an Orton reign.

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I dislike Orton being Smackdown champion, but he needs to have a reign of decent length. For one thing, he needs all the help he can get to be seen as a serious heel. Also, a major title changing hands in the UK might prevent business their from dropping off, which it has started to do.

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Guest beau99



Geez. I'd much rather have Mr. Kennedy... Kennedy (sorry, I couldn't resist) as the champ. Orton bores me to tears every time I see his face. At least Kennedy would be entertaining to watch (for me, at least).

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With Gurrero's untimely death as well as Batista's Injury leaving 2 huge void's on an already thin roster, I wouldn't be surprised If "by special order of Vince McMahon/Board of Directors" one or two upper/ top tier babyfaces from Raw get "drafted" over to Smackdown. I.E. Shelton Benjamin, Michaels, or Rob Van Dam.

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With Gurrero's untimely death as well as Batista's Injury leaving 2 huge void's on an already thin roster, I wouldn't be surprised If "by special order of Vince McMahon/Board of Directors" one or two upper/ top tier babyfaces from Raw get "drafted" over to Smackdown.  I.E. Shelton Benjamin, Michaels, or Rob Van Dam.

Or Randy Orton gets a super push. He's still owed a WM main event.

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Outside of Orton and the Undertaker, there aren't any Main Eventers on Smackdown are there? Benoit could be doing the Main Event, but he's busy with Booker T and JBL is...wait, what is JBL doing again? I don't remember despite watching last week.


[Rey Mysterio Mark Mode]Give Rey teh title!!![/Rey Mysterio Mark Mode]

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This also means that we wont get a World Title match at Survivor Series, since Orton is on the SD team.


Since when is Orton on the SD team at SS?

A combination of needing a new man, and it being too soon for the Buried Alive match.



Okay so what is the SD team officially? Orton, Lashley, Rey, JBL, and Hardy?

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Personally, I'd book Taker to beat Orton somehow at Armageddon, setting up Batista vs. Taker at Rumble or No Way Out. I can say with all sincerity that that is the biggest 'dream match' the WWE has in the tank right now (aside from Austin-Hogan). I'd do the match at WM22 but the Deadman's unbeaten streak has to be considered.

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In other words....you may wanna put Randy Orton on your WWE Fantasy team for next week.

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This also means that we wont get a World Title match at Survivor Series, since Orton is on the SD team.


Since when is Orton on the SD team at SS?

A combination of needing a new man, and it being too soon for the Buried Alive match.



Okay so what is the SD team officially? Orton, Lashley, Rey, JBL, and Hardy?


WWE.com pushed the idea that Batista would do the match regardless of injury.

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Guest New Jake

Looks like I'm not going to be missing much. Another Orton title run? LAME! The man is 2nd worst heel on smackdown next to JBL. Another crappy Orton title run is just the fuck up the WWE need after losing amajor star. And whoever said that Orton should main event Mania, think again. Orton should never see the light of day in a main event and Batista should just NOT get the gold back. Fuck him even appearing at Mania. Both these losers should just be forgtotten.

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The man is 2nd worst heel on smackdown next to JBL.


JBL is by no means a bad heel. He was a bad draw undeserving of a near year long title run, but a bad heel? Far from it.


Batista... Fuck him even appearing at Mania.


Despite being one of the most over men in the company. Smart.


I can't fathom how bad the Old Jake must have been.

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Guest Ransome

This might not be so bad if Orton had actually been put over convincingly by Undertaker in their interminable 6 month feud. Instead of playing the heel character that got him over in 2004 (the arrogant heel that can back it up), we got to see him cowering from UT's special effects. I know that Batista's injury lead to this hasty reshuffling of world title programs, so WWE isn't completely at fault, but giving Orton the title is hardly the kind of decision that is going to slow the freefall of the ailing SD brand.


Why not give Benoit the title? I know he's saddled up in a US title feud, but after his emotional outpouring on Raw I think the fans would accept a Benoit challenge to the title dedicated to Eddie. Or is it that WWE wants to return to 'business as usual' next week, and thus won't mention Eddie on TV again ?

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Ken Kennedy or Bobby Lashley will be the ones that break UT's WM streak, depending on how over they get between now and then and if UT is "feeling it"...


Rey/Orton for the title at WM....yeah right....I'm sure Batista will be back in there somewhere...

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Why not give Benoit the title? I know he's saddled up in a US title feud, but after his emotional outpouring on Raw I think the fans would accept a Benoit challenge to the title dedicated to Eddie. Or is it that WWE wants to return to 'business as usual' next week, and thus won't mention Eddie on TV again ?


I'm sure he'll be mentioned, but I doubt they want to make the World Title all about Eddie. And it might be difficult to have heels cut promos on Benoit as champ without bringing Eddie's memory into it.

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